Abandoned Property Legal Guidelines


In Alabama, property unclaimed for three years is considered abandoned under the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. The holder must report and deliver it to the state, and the previous owner can claim it from the state. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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I am asking in reference to abandoned property in the state of Alabama can you help with this?
Hello ****,
In Alabama, laws surrounding abandoned property are:
- Property is considered abandoned after a period of one year.
- Landlords must send a notice to the tenant's last known address.
- If no claim is made, the property may be disposed of.
Can you specify if this involves a rental situation?
No it does not. I was in business with a man and bought him out and now I am sole owner. He left two * foot trailers at the business and has failed to get them it has been over two years now. Can I take possession of the property
Hello ****,
In Alabama, the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act might apply here:
- Property unclaimed for 3 years is considered abandoned.
- The holder of the property should report and deliver it to the state.
- The previous owner may claim the property from the state.
Consult with a local attorney for specific advice.