Property Deed Transfer Concerns


If you signed over your property deed while under the influence of drugs in Indiana, you may challenge the transfer by proving you were not of sound mind. For contract disputes, send a demand letter, file a lawsuit, or seek mediation. If you lost contract paperwork, contact the other party or check bank statements for clues. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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What if i signed my deed over to my mom when i was using drugs
To provide you with the most accurate information, could you please tell me in which country or state this situation occurred? Different jurisdictions have different rules regarding property transfer under the influence of drugs.
In Indiana, you may potentially challenge the deed transfer if you were not of sound mind due to the influence of drugs. However, these cases can be complex and you'd need to prove your claim in court. It's advisable to consult with a local attorney.
Ok what if i have a contract but the other person isnt paying
If the other party is not fulfilling their obligations under a contract in Indiana, you may:
- Send a demand letter outlining the issue
- File a lawsuit if necessary
- Seek mediation or arbitration
Please consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.
What if i lost all my paper work for a contract
In Indiana, have you tried contacting the other party or the notary who might have a copy of the contract? Answer: In case you lose a contract, it's advisable to:
- Contact the other party for a copy
- Check with the notary if they have a copy
- Consult with an attorney for further advice.
What if i dont know the law firm or notary that was used
In such a case, you may:
- Check your bank statements for transactions related to the contract
- Contact other parties involved if any
- Consult an attorney for guidance
Remember these are general steps and may vary based on the exact circumstances.