Storing Daughters Belongings Legally


You can move your daughters belongings to a storage unit in Michigan after providing proper written notice. Michigan law allows for the disposal of abandoned property after 30 days notice. If your daughter is in the military, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act may offer her additional protections. Consult a legal professional to ensure compliance.

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My daughter left home almost a year ago and left her belongings, she's been asked to retrieve them, she was supposed to pick them up at Christmas but didn't, can I legally put her stuff in a storage unit for her to pick up
Hello Rachael! Generally, you can move your daughter's belongings to a storage unit, but it's recommended to:
*. Notify her in writing of your intentions.
*. Give her a reasonable deadline to retrieve her belongings.
*. Provide her with details of the storage company.
However, laws differ by location. May I ask where you are located?
In Michigan, you can move her belongings to a storage unit after providing her with proper notice.
- Michigan law generally allows for the disposal of abandoned property only after 30 days notice.
- You should send a written notice detailing the location and retrieval process of the storage unit.
- If she does not retrieve her belongings in the given time, you may dispose of them.
Do I have to go through the eviction process
No, if she's already vacated the property, an eviction process is not necessary. However, you still need to provide a written notice before moving her belongings to a storage unit.
Ok when she left, she joined the military, does this change the law
In Michigan, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act provides some protections to military members. It may affect your situation. It's advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure you're not violating her rights under this act.