Eviction Conflict Of Interest


The user, located in Michigan, is facing eviction and suspects a conflict of interest as their business lawyer is also their landlords lawyer. In Michigan, a lawyer cannot represent two parties in the same matter without informed consent. If a conflict of interest arises, the lawyer may have to withdraw from one or both cases. The user is advised to inform their lawyer about this situation to avoid potential violation of conflict of interest rules.

Full Conversation

I am being evicted but my landlords lawyer is also my business’ lawyer. Is there a conflict of interest here?
Are you located in the United States? If so, which state? This will help me provide accurate information.

General Information:
- Conflict of interest rules vary by state.
- Contact details of local court can be provided once location is known.
What is the nature of your business with your landlord's lawyer? In Michigan, a conflict of interest may arise if the lawyer represents both parties in the same matter.
he is the lawyer for my business
What kind of services does he provide for your business? In Michigan, a lawyer cannot represent two parties in the same matter without informed consent.
filing papers, drawing contacts, etc
Does your lawyer know about this eviction and have you given consent for him to represent both parties?

In Michigan:
- A lawyer cannot represent two parties in the same matter without informed consent.
- If a conflict of interest arises, the lawyer may have to withdraw from one or both cases.
he doesn’t seem to realize he’s my business’ lawyer
In Michigan, it's crucial to inform your lawyer about this situation. If he's unaware, he might unknowingly violate the conflict of interest rules.