Fraudulent Transfer Legal Analysis
The legal analysis involves fraudulent transfer claims, usury violations, and securities fraud. The case highlights the misuse of foreclosure deeds to commit usury, with interest rates exceeding legal limits. Fraud in execution is evident as documents were disguised as permission papers, misleading the signer. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) may apply if debt was purchased in default. Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) violations concern unauthorized title transfers. Procedural errors in court jurisdiction necessitate reconsideration, with potential bankruptcy fraud falling under federal jurisdiction. The case underscores the need for proper legal handling of property rights and creditor claims.Full Conversation
primarily focusing on housing and landlord-tenant issues.In Ryan v. Kehoe, the court's decision was based on the following arguments:*. Jurisdictional Boundaries: The Housing Court's jurisdiction is limited to housing-related matters, and fraudulent transfer claims fall outside this scope. *. Complexity of Claims: Fraudulent transfer cases involve complex legal and financial issues best addressed by the Superior Court. *. Precedent and Legal Consistency: Ensuring consistent application of law by assigning cases to the appropriate court with established jurisdiction over such matters. Should we say thgey remanded the case?
The use of "should" in your context is correct. It indicates the court's recommendation. To determine if the case was remanded, you need to review the court's decision. Typically, "remand" means sending the case back to a lower court for further action.
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Do you have any other questions about your legal writing?
in that case they remanded the case. So the word must be must. can I then say The court determined that such matters must be handled by the Superior Court? They remanded the case back to housing court
Yes, you can say, "The court determined that such matters must be handled by the Superior Court," since the case was remanded. This wording indicates a clear directive rather than a recommendation.
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Do you have any other questions about your legal writing?
can you polish and revise my writings -*. Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction:
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*,* Mass. * (*). In Ryan v. Kehoe, * Mass. * (*), the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. The court determined that such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
- General Laws c. 185C, § *: This section outlines the specific types of cases the Housing Court has jurisdiction over, primarily focusing on housing and landlord-tenant issues.
In Ryan v. Kehoe, the court's decision was based on the following arguments:
Here's a polished version of your writing:
Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction:
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*, * Mass. * (*). In this case, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. The court determined that such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
- General Laws c. 185C, § *: This section outlines the specific types of cases the Housing Court has jurisdiction over, primarily focusing on housing and landlord-tenant issues.
In *Ryan v. Kehoe*, the court's decision was based on the following arguments:
*. Jurisdictional Boundaries: The Housing Court's jurisdiction is limited to housing-related matters, and fraudulent transfer claims fall outside this scope.
*. Complexity of Claims: Fraudulent transfer cases involve complex legal and financial issues best addressed by the Superior Court.
*. Precedent and Legal Consistency: Ensuring consistent application of law by assigning cases to the appropriate court with established jurisdiction over such matters.
Do you have any other questions about your legal writingHere's a polished version of your writing:
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*, * Mass. * (*). In this case, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. The court determined that such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
- General Laws c. 185C, § *: This section outlines the specific types of cases the Housing Court has jurisdiction over, primarily focusing on housing and landlord-tenant issues.
In *Ryan v. Kehoe*, the court's decision was based on the following arguments:
*. Jurisdictional Boundaries: The Housing Court's jurisdiction is limited to housing-related matters, and fraudulent transfer claims fall outside this scope.
*. Complexity of Claims: Fraudulent transfer cases involve complex legal and financial issues best addressed by the Superior Court.
*. Precedent and Legal Consistency: Ensuring consistent application of law by assigning cases to the appropriate court with established jurisdiction over such matters.
Do you have any other questions about your legal writingHere's a polished version of your writing:
Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction:
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*, * Mass. * (*). In this case, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. The court determined that such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
- General Laws c. 185C, § *: This section outlines the specific types of cases the Housing Court has jurisdiction over, primarily focusing on housing and landlord-tenant issues.
In *Ryan v. Kehoe*, the court's decision was based on the following arguments:
*. Jurisdictional Boundaries: The Housing Court's jurisdiction is limited to housing-related matters, and fraudulent transfer claims fall outside this scope.
*. Complexity of Claims: Fraudulent transfer cases involve complex legal and financial issues best addressed by the Superior Court.
*. Precedent and Legal Consistency: Ensuring consistent application of law by assigning cases to the appropriate court with established jurisdiction over such matters.
Do you have any other questions about your legal writing
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*, * Mass. * (*). In this case, the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. The court determined that such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
- General Laws c. 185C, § *: This section outlines the specific types of cases the Housing Court has jurisdiction over, primarily focusing on housing and landlord-tenant issues.
In *Ryan v. Kehoe*, the court's decision was based on the following arguments:
*. Jurisdictional Boundaries: The Housing Court's jurisdiction is limited to housing-related matters, and fraudulent transfer claims fall outside this scope.
*. Complexity of Claims: Fraudulent transfer cases involve complex legal and financial issues best addressed by the Superior Court.
*. Precedent and Legal Consistency: Ensuring consistent application of law by assigning cases to the appropriate court with established jurisdiction over such matters.
Do you have any other questions about your legal writing
*. Jurisdictional Boundaries: The Housing Court's jurisdiction is limited to housing-related matters, and fraudulent transfer claims fall outside this scope.
*. Complexity of Claims: Fraudulent transfer cases involve complex legal and financial issues best addressed by the Superior Court.
*. Precedent and Legal Consistency: Ensuring consistent application of law by assigning cases to the appropriate court with established jurisdiction over such matters.
Your revised writing looks good, but here's a polished version for clarity and conciseness:
*. Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction:
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*, * Mass. * (*). The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. Such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
- General Laws c. 185C, § *: This section outlines the specific types of cases the Housing Court has jurisdiction over, primarily focusing on housing and landlord-tenant issues.
The court's decision in *Ryan v. Kehoe* was based on the following arguments:
- Jurisdictional Boundaries: The Housing Court's jurisdiction is limited to housing-related matters, and fraudulent transfer claims fall outside this scope.
- Complexity of Claims: Fraudulent transfer cases involve complex legal and financial issues best addressed by the Superior Court.
- Precedent and Legal Consistency: Ensuring consistent application of law by assigning cases to the appropriate court with established jurisdiction over such matters.
Do you have anyother questions about your legal writing?
*. Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction:
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*, * Mass. * (*). The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. Such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
- General Laws c. 185C, § *: This section outlines the specific types of cases the Housing Court has jurisdiction over, primarily focusing on housing and landlord-tenant issues.
The court's decision in *Ryan v. Kehoe* was based on the following arguments:
- Jurisdictional Boundaries: The Housing Court's jurisdiction is limited to housing-related matters, and fraudulent transfer claims fall outside this scope.
- Complexity of Claims: Fraudulent transfer cases involve complex legal and financial issues best addressed by the Superior Court.
- Precedent and Legal Consistency: Ensuring consistent application of law by assigning cases to the appropriate court with established jurisdiction over such matters.
Do you have anyother questions about your legal writing?
my new evidence is a fruadulent transfer but I want to cite these already known issues :*. Violation of Usury Laws:
- Cite Chapter *, Section * of Massachusetts usury law.
- Additionally, under Chapter *, Section *, the notes and the mortgages signed by Karen Merritt, which were executed in * via fraud in the execution. Although the loan amount on its face is at an *% interest rate, opposing counsel fails to inform the court that his client, the broker, added a *% commission that was financed into the loan. This resulted in a
It sounds like you have a strong case with multiple legal issues to address. Here's how you can structure your arguments:
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of Massachusetts Usury Law: This law caps the interest rate at *% for loans. Any interest rate above this threshold is considered usurious and illegal.
- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in *, with an *% interest rate, also included a *% broker commission, effectively making the interest rate *%. This exceeds the legal limit and constitutes a violation.
Would you like more details on how to present your new evidence of fraudulent transfer?
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of Massachusetts Usury Law: This law caps the interest rate at *% for loans. Any interest rate above this threshold is considered usurious and illegal.
- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in *, with an *% interest rate, also included a *% broker commission, effectively making the interest rate *%. This exceeds the legal limit and constitutes a violation.
Would you like more details on how to present your new evidence of fraudulent transfer?
combined interest rate of *% (*% + *%), . Then from * to October *, * they secretly compounded the simple interest stated in the terms of the purported mortgaes with interest rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum
The fabricated foreclosure deed was used to aid and abet the lender in committing the crime of usury in violation of Chapter *, Section *,Massachusetts usury law steps in to impose limitations on parties' freedom of contract to prevent excessive interest rates and protect individuals like Karen Merritt from unscrupulous lending practices. In addition the Notes and mortgages are prohibited by the Truth and lending Respa and the Dodd Frank Act making it against public policy and , are void ab initio
You have a compelling case with multiple legal violations. Here's how you can structure your arguments:
- Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of Massachusetts Usury Law: Caps interest rates at *% per annum. Your loan's effective interest rate of *% (*% + *% commission) exceeds this limit.
- Compounded Interest Rates: From * to *, interest rates ranged from *.*% to *.*%, violating the legal limit.
- Fraudulent Foreclosure Deed:
- Used to aid and abet in committing usury, violating Massachusetts usury laws.
- Truth in Lending and Dodd-Frank Act:
- Notes and mortgages are prohibited under these acts, making them void ab initio.
Would you like more details on presenting this evidence in court?
- Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of Massachusetts Usury Law: Caps interest rates at *% per annum. Your loan's effective interest rate of *% (*% + *% commission) exceeds this limit.
- Compounded Interest Rates: From * to *, interest rates ranged from *.*% to *.*%, violating the legal limit.
- Fraudulent Foreclosure Deed:
- Used to aid and abet in committing usury, violating Massachusetts usury laws.
- Truth in Lending and Dodd-Frank Act:
- Notes and mortgages are prohibited under these acts, making them void ab initio.
Would you like more details on presenting this evidence in court?
see above
It seems you have a comprehensive legal argument. Here's a polished version incorporating your points:
Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction:
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*, * Mass. * (*). The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. Such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
- The court lacks jurisdiction over the fraudulent transfer claim per *Ryan v. Kehoe*, * Mass. * (*). The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts held that the Housing Court does not have jurisdiction over fraudulent transfer claims. Such matters must be handled by the Superior Court, which has the appropriate jurisdiction to address these complex legal issues.
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of Massachusetts Usury Law: This law caps the interest rate at *% for loans. Any interest rate above this threshold is considered usurious and illegal.
- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in *, with an *% interest rate, also included a *% broker commission, effectively making the interest rate *%. This exceeds the legal limit and constitutes a violation.
- From * to October *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, resulting in rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum.
- Chapter *, Section * of Massachusetts Usury Law: This law caps the interest rate at *% for loans. Any interest rate above this threshold is considered usurious and illegal.
- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in *, with an *% interest rate, also included a *% broker commission, effectively making the interest rate *%. This exceeds the legal limit and constitutes a violation.
- From * to October *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, resulting in rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum.
Fabricated Foreclosure Deed:
- The fabricated foreclosure deed was used to aid and abet the lender in committing usury in violation of Chapter *, Section *. Massachusetts usury law imposes limitations to prevent excessive interest rates and protect individuals like Karen Merritt from unscrupulous lending practices.
- The fabricated foreclosure deed was used to aid and abet the lender in committing usury in violation of Chapter *, Section *. Massachusetts usury law imposes limitations to prevent excessive interest rates and protect individuals like Karen Merritt from unscrupulous lending practices.
Violations of Federal Laws:
- Truth in Lending Act (TILA): The notes and mortgages are prohibited by TILA, which aims to protect consumers from unfair credit practices.
- Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA): The actions also violate RESPA, which ensures transparency in real estate transactions.
- Dodd-Frank Act: The violations against public policy and the Dodd-Frank Act render the notes and mortgages void ab initio.
Would you like assistance with anything else on this matter?
- Truth in Lending Act (TILA): The notes and mortgages are prohibited by TILA, which aims to protect consumers from unfair credit practices.
- Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA): The actions also violate RESPA, which ensures transparency in real estate transactions.
- Dodd-Frank Act: The violations against public policy and the Dodd-Frank Act render the notes and mortgages void ab initio.
Would you like assistance with anything else on this matter?
Onlsy send me Violation of Usury Laws including these case Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office, Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLCKaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC,Dominga N. Tavares,Blunsden v. Marks. Please just place the case like this as I have already talked about them before.
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Would you like further details on these cases?
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Would you like further details on these cases?
Securites and Mortgae fraud. Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in * were orginited James Tiernan and richard fagan self dealing commiting secuirties fraud leading to mortgae fraud because they borrowed $*,* from the IRA, Pensco trust company as custodain then had karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and a mortge claiming that she borrowed those funds though it was untrue as she never recieved them. In afct she had over $*,* in equity and did not need to recieve them.
It sounds like you have a strong case with multiple legal issues. Here's some relevant information regarding securities and mortgage fraud in Massachusetts:
- Securities Fraud: Under Massachusetts law, securities fraud involves deceitful practices in the sale or purchase of securities. This can include making false statements or omitting important information.
- Mortgage Fraud: This typically involves misrepresentations, omissions, or other deceptive practices in the mortgage process. Fraud in execution, where a person is tricked into signing documents they don't understand, is a serious offense.
- Securities Fraud: Under Massachusetts law, securities fraud involves deceitful practices in the sale or purchase of securities. This can include making false statements or omitting important information.
- Mortgage Fraud: This typically involves misrepresentations, omissions, or other deceptive practices in the mortgage process. Fraud in execution, where a person is tricked into signing documents they don't understand, is a serious offense.
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: This law caps the interest rate at *%. Interest rates above this threshold are considered usurious unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Would you like more detailed information on any of the aspects mentioned above?
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: This law caps the interest rate at *%. Interest rates above this threshold are considered usurious unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Would you like more detailed information on any of the aspects mentioned above?
see above
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in * were originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, who committed securities fraud leading to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and falsely claimed Karen Merritt borrowed these funds, though she never received them. She had over $*,* in equity and did not need these funds.
Would you like further assistance with any other aspect of your case?
- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in * were originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, who committed securities fraud leading to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and falsely claimed Karen Merritt borrowed these funds, though she never received them. She had over $*,* in equity and did not need these funds.
Would you like further assistance with any other aspect of your case?
can you polish this?
Sure, here's a polished version of your text:
- Tiernan and Fagan committed securities fraud leading to mortgage fraud by borrowing $*,* from the IRA, Pensco Trust Company as custodians, and falsely claiming Merritt borrowed these funds.
- Merritt, who had over $*,* in equity, never received these funds and did not need them.
Would you like more detailed information on any of these points?
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
- The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in * had an *% interest rate, plus a *% broker commission, effectively making the interest rate *% without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to the wrongful foreclosure on December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, resulting in rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum.
Deceptive Origination:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan.
- They disguised the documents as mere 'permission slips,' tricking her into signing without understanding the true terms.
Self-Dealing:- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in * were originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, involving self-dealing and committing securities fraud leading to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she borrowed those funds, which was untrue as she never received them. In fact, she had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive those funds.
Would you like further assistance with any other legal writing or details on these cases?
- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in * were originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, involving self-dealing and committing securities fraud leading to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she borrowed those funds, which was untrue as she never received them. In fact, she had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive those funds.
Would you like further assistance with any other legal writing or details on these cases?
can you polih this -- Fraud in Execution: The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in *, with an *% interest rate, also included a *% broker commission, effectively making the interest rate *%, without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to the wrongful foreclosure, December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, resulting in rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum without notice to the Attorney General.Securities and Mortgage Fraud: Fraud in Execution
In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages that were originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. She was tricked becuase they were disguised as mere 'permission
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
Fraud in Execution:- The notes and mortgages signed by Karen Merritt in * had an *% interest rate, plus a *% broker commission, effectively making the interest rate *% without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to the wrongful foreclosure on December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, resulting in rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum.
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan.
- They disguised the documents as mere 'permission slips,' tricking her into signing without understanding the true terms.
- Tiernan and Fagan committed securities fraud leading to mortgage fraud by borrowing $*,* from the IRA, Pensco Trust Company as custodians, and falsely claiming Merritt borrowed these funds.
- Merritt, who had over $*,* in equity, never received these funds and did not need them.
Would you like more detailed information on any of these points?
papers" giving her financial adviosr and James Tiernan "permission" to keep in line with her dicorce decree which awarded her the subject property and james Cronan her former husband the responsabiltiy to pay the mortgae payments. So she was just giving "permission" to have the new company that they were foreming together to opay the paymenst. Instead she had signed note and mortgaes givimg her security interest. These individuals engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud which led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. However, this was untrue as she never received the funds. In fact, Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, which included an *% interest rate and a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud leading to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, which included an *% interest rate and a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud leading to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
Please revise as I have to show that I was tricked . I meet the elements of friad in the exection. Plus the violation of ususay plus the securites violation. I want to show all three. Please revise send it me to without the borderline
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents included an *% interest rate and a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen MerrMerritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents included an *% interest rate and a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen MerrMerritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
Please revise showing how the notes were disguised as "permission papers' as that meets the element of fraud in the exection. Right?
Sure, here's a revised version that shows how the notes were disguised as "permission papers" and addresses the elements of fraud in execution, usury violations, and securities fraud:
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents included an *% interest rate and a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan disguised the notes as "permission papers," tricking Karen Merritt into signingthem under the belief that she was simply giving permission for financial management in line with her divorce decree. This misrepresentation meets the elements of fraud in execution.
- They engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents included an *% interest rate and a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan disguised the notes as "permission papers," tricking Karen Merritt into signingthem under the belief that she was simply giving permission for financial management in line with her divorce decree. This misrepresentation meets the elements of fraud in execution.
- They engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
Please revise showing how the notes were disguised as "permission papers' as that meets the element of fraud in the exection. Right?
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents included an *% interest rate and a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- Disguised as Permission Papers: The notes and mortgages were disguised as "permission papers" to keep in line with her divorce decree, which awarded her the property and made her ex-husband responsible for mortgage payments. This deception meets the elements of fraud in execution, as Karen Merritt was misled into signing documents she believed were for a different purpose.
Would you like further assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents included an *% interest rate and a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- Disguised as Permission Papers: The notes and mortgages were disguised as "permission papers" to keep in line with her divorce decree, which awarded her the property and made her ex-husband responsible for mortgage payments. This deception meets the elements of fraud in execution, as Karen Merritt was misled into signing documents she believed were for a different purpose.
Would you like further assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
- Securities Fraud: The handling of funds involved securities fraud.
- FDCPA Violations: Debt collection practices violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
- U.C.C. Violations: U.C.C. Section *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securitiesfraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securitiesfraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
please revise to include FDCPA Violations: Debt collection practices violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. - U.C.C. Violations: U.C.C. Section *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securitiesfraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securitiesfraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practices violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
- Debt collection practices violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
U.C.C. Violations:
- U.C.C. Section *-* and *-*: Concerns title transfer without consent and fraud.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
- U.C.C. Section *-* and *-*: Concerns title transfer without consent and fraud.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
if the tiernan and fagan purchased James cronan's debt and he was in default and they had notice of it does it make them debt collectors under the FDCPA?
Yes, if Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they might be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. The FDCPA defines a debt collector as any person who regularly collects debts owed to others. However, there may be specific nuances based on their actions and intentions.
Would you like more information on how the FDCPA applies in this context?
Would you like more information on how the FDCPA applies in this context?
If they hire an attorney to collect on the debt is the attorney considered a debt collector?
Yes, an attorney hired to collect a debt is often considered a debt collector under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The FDCPA applies to any person who regularly collects or attempts to collect, directly or indirectly, debts owed or due to another.
Would you like more information on the implications of this or any other legal guidance?
Would you like more information on the implications of this or any other legal guidance?
Could you revise only the section Securites fraud and mortgae fraud to include FDCPA violations and U.C.C. and only send me thos section without the borderline
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practicesviolated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) since Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt, knowing he was in default, and attempted to collect on it.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of U.C.C. Section *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practicesviolated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) since Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt, knowing he was in default, and attempted to collect on it.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of U.C.C. Section *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
see above
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practicesviolated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they may be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. Additionally, any attorney they hired to collect the debt would also be considered a debt collector under the FDCPA.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Sections *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practicesviolated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they may be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. Additionally, any attorney they hired to collect the debt would also be considered a debt collector under the FDCPA.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Sections *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or revisions?
is this outline right to for amotion for reconsideration that allowed plaintiffs motion to strike defendants appeal. I feel that from section * to * it gets the reader away from the new evidence. Here's what i have. Intro., Background. Legal argument, Lack of subject matter, fraudulent transfer act, newest evidence of fradulent conveyance, fraud in the execution, violation of usury, FDCPA violation, u.C.C. violation, violation of federal laws, Constructive fraud Prima fascia evidence defrauding creditors, aiding and abetting, violation of constutional rights, insolvency
Your outline covers a broad range of legal issues, but it might be more effective if the sections are streamlined and focused. Here’s a revised version:
*. Introduction
*. Background
*. Legal Argument
- Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction
- Fraudulent Transfer Act
- Newest Evidence of Fraudulent Conveyance
- Fraud in Execution
- Violation of Usury Laws
- FDCPA Violations
- U.C.C. Violations
- Violation of Federal Laws (TILA, RESPA, Dodd-Frank Act)
- Constructive Fraud
- Prima Facie Evidence of Defrauding Creditors
- Aiding and Abetting
- Violation of Constitutional Rights
- Insolvency
Would you like more details on structuring or simplifying any specific section?
*. Introduction
*. Background
*. Legal Argument
- Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction
- Fraudulent Transfer Act
- Newest Evidence of Fraudulent Conveyance
- Fraud in Execution
- Violation of Usury Laws
- FDCPA Violations
- U.C.C. Violations
- Violation of Federal Laws (TILA, RESPA, Dodd-Frank Act)
- Constructive Fraud
- Prima Facie Evidence of Defrauding Creditors
- Aiding and Abetting
- Violation of Constitutional Rights
- Insolvency
Would you like more details on structuring or simplifying any specific section?
do you think I should NOT include this-*. Direct Involvement in Usurious Lending Practice:
- Judge Michaud, by continuing to preside over the case and dismissing counterclaims that highlighted the usurious nature of the loan, is directly involved in the usurious lending practice
You may want to reconsider including the point about Judge Michaud's involvement in the usurious lending practice. It could be seen as a direct accusation against the judge, which may not be well-received and could detract from your other arguments. Focus on the evidence and legal arguments to strengthen your case.
Do you have any other questions or need further revisions on your motion?
Do you have any other questions or need further revisions on your motion?
see above
It may be best to omit the section about Judge Michaud's involvement in the usurious lending practice. Including it could potentially complicate the focus of your motion and might distract from the primary legal arguments and new evidence you are presenting. Concentrating on the clear legal violations and evidence should strengthen your case.
Would you like assistance with any specific section or further revisions?
Would you like assistance with any specific section or further revisions?
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit, indicating the creditors' intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent and without consideration. The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. He is not a "good faith" buyer. The town of Rehoboth assessed the property at roughly $*,*, and the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Would you like assistance with anything else?
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit, indicating the creditors' intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent and without consideration. The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. He is not a "good faith" buyer. The town of Rehoboth assessed the property at roughly $*,*, and the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Would you like assistance with anything else?
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit , which is pending which was a clear indication of the creditors' knowledge of the claim demonstrating their intent to prevent, hinder or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent and without * consideration.
The property was transfrred to Peter fallon and L & S Realty with full lnowedge of the pending lawsuit . He is niot a "good faith" buyer. The town of rehobth assessed the property for roughly $*,*. the transfer was cnducted via $*,*.
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practicesviolated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they may be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. Additionally, any attorney they hired to collect the debt would also be considered a debt collector under the FDCPA.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Sections *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or further revisions?
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practicesviolated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they may be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. Additionally, any attorney they hired to collect the debt would also be considered a debt collector under the FDCPA.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Sections *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
Would you like assistance with any other legal issues or further revisions?
please only send me the revised Prima Facie Evidence section
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit, which demonstrated the creditors' knowledge of the claim and their intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed. This rendered Karen Merritt insolvent and without any consideration.
- Lack of Good Faith Buyer: The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. He is not considered a "good faith" buyer. The Town of Rehoboth assessed the property at roughly $*,*, but the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Would you like further assistance with anything else?
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit, which demonstrated the creditors' knowledge of the claim and their intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed. This rendered Karen Merritt insolvent and without any consideration.
- Lack of Good Faith Buyer: The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. He is not considered a "good faith" buyer. The Town of Rehoboth assessed the property at roughly $*,*, but the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Would you like further assistance with anything else?
please only send me the revised Prima Facie Evidence section
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit, demonstrating the creditors' intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent without any consideration.
- Details of the Transfer: The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. He is not a "good faith" buyer. The town of Rehoboth assessed the property at approximately $*,*, but the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit, demonstrating the creditors' intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent without any consideration.
- Details of the Transfer: The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. He is not a "good faith" buyer. The town of Rehoboth assessed the property at approximately $*,*, but the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Can you polish only this -Aiding and Abetting Usury and fraudulent transferG.L.c. 109A..
- The fabricated foreclosure deed was used to aid and abet Allthe defrauders in committing the crime of usury in violation of Chapter *, Section *, with interest rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum leading and a fraudulent transfer under G.l.c. 109A.
Aiding and Abetting Usury and Fraudulent Transfer
- The fabricated foreclosure deed was used to aid and abet the defrauders in committing the crime of usury in violation of Chapter *, Section *, with interest rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum, leading to a fraudulent transfer under G.L.c. 109A.
Is there anything else you need help with?
- The fabricated foreclosure deed was used to aid and abet the defrauders in committing the crime of usury in violation of Chapter *, Section *, with interest rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *% per annum, leading to a fraudulent transfer under G.L.c. 109A.
Is there anything else you need help with?
for uour understanding -Additional Section: I would like to stae some how that if the Hon. Judge had known at the time that Blake godbout Law filed his complaint that there was a pending 93Aclaim and lawsuit against all of his clients wherby Karen Merritt was seeking damages he would have ruled differently. He would have dismissed thwe case as person should not be transferring assets utill the issues with the creditor is resolved. For this reason Karen mnerritt prays that you reconsider in light ofthis new evidence.
You could state your argument as follows:
Additional Section
If the Honorable Judge had known at the time that Blake Godbout Law filed its complaint that there was a pending 93A claim and lawsuit against all of his clients, whereby Karen Merritt was seeking damages, he would have ruled differently. Specifically, he would have dismissed the case because a person should not be transferring assets until the issues with the creditor are resolved. For this reason, Karen Merritt prays that you reconsider in light of this new evidence.
Would you like to make any further revisions or need assistance with another section?
If the Honorable Judge had known at the time that Blake Godbout Law filed its complaint that there was a pending 93A claim and lawsuit against all of his clients, whereby Karen Merritt was seeking damages, he would have ruled differently. Specifically, he would have dismissed the case because a person should not be transferring assets until the issues with the creditor are resolved. For this reason, Karen Merritt prays that you reconsider in light of this new evidence.
Would you like to make any further revisions or need assistance with another section?
*. Procedural Errors:
Karen Merritt filed an emergency Chapter * petition on August *, * (Karen Merritt vs. L & S Realty LLC, Case No. *-*) to stop the execution of possession and money judgment by the lower court.Judge Panos advised Plaintiff to return to State court to litigate the claims, despite significant reasons on the merits of the underlying claims. This was an error, as contested matters involving property rights violations and bankruptcy fraud should be transferred to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and * U.S.C. § *. This error led to the
To proceed with your argument regarding procedural errors, you could frame it as follows:
Procedural Errors
Karen Merritt filed an emergency Chapter * petition on August *, * (Karen Merritt vs. L & S Realty LLC, Case No. *-*) to stop the execution of possession and money judgment by the lower court. Judge Panos advised Plaintiff to return to State court to litigate the claims, despite significant reasons on the merits of the underlying claims. This was an error, as contested matters involving property rights violations and bankruptcy fraud should be transferred to the District Court of Massachusetts under:
- * U.S.C. § *(d): Allows for the transfer of cases requiring consideration of both title * and other laws of the United States regulating organizations or activities affecting interstate commerce.
- * U.S.C. § *: Grants district courts original and exclusive jurisdiction of all cases under title *.
This error led to the improper handling of the case, as significant issues related to property rights and bankruptcy fraud were not appropriately addressed at the district court level.
Would you like to add or modify any specific details in this section?
Karen Merritt filed an emergency Chapter * petition on August *, * (Karen Merritt vs. L & S Realty LLC, Case No. *-*) to stop the execution of possession and money judgment by the lower court. Judge Panos advised Plaintiff to return to State court to litigate the claims, despite significant reasons on the merits of the underlying claims. This was an error, as contested matters involving property rights violations and bankruptcy fraud should be transferred to the District Court of Massachusetts under:
- * U.S.C. § *(d): Allows for the transfer of cases requiring consideration of both title * and other laws of the United States regulating organizations or activities affecting interstate commerce.
- * U.S.C. § *: Grants district courts original and exclusive jurisdiction of all cases under title *.
This error led to the improper handling of the case, as significant issues related to property rights and bankruptcy fraud were not appropriately addressed at the district court level.
Would you like to add or modify any specific details in this section?
Karen Merritt’s case being returned to the Southeast Housing Court, which lacks jurisdiction to adjudicate this case, resulted in the wrongful seizure of her property by the Housing Court’s order on October *, 2024The Housing Court’s lack of jurisdiction under General Laws c. 185C, § * and the new evidence of fraudulent conveyance under G.L.c. 109A necessitates reconsideration. Specifically, James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, custodians of Pensco Trust Company, engaged in securities fraud and self-dealing to commit mortgage fraud. With the assistance of Blake Godbout Law Inc., the property was transferred to L&S Realty LLC in an attempt to hinder, delay, or defraud Karen Merritt, the creditor. As the debtor, Karen Merritt is owed fair consideration, making her the creditor in this context.
Here's the revised section:
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit, which demonstrates the creditors' intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed. This rendered Karen Merritt insolvent and without any consideration. The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. He is not a "good faith" buyer. The town of Rehoboth assessed the property at roughly $*,*, but the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Would you like further assistance with any other sections or issues?
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.
- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit, which demonstrates the creditors' intent to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed. This rendered Karen Merritt insolvent and without any consideration. The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. He is not a "good faith" buyer. The town of Rehoboth assessed the property at roughly $*,*, but the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Would you like further assistance with any other sections or issues?
Additionally, the fraudulent transfer and fraud on the court have given rise to bankruptcy fraud, which falls under the jurisdiction of the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C.§ *(d) and * U.S.C. § 1334Conclusion:
Based on the evidence and arguments presented, significant procedural errors and fraudulent actions necessitate reconsideration. The Housing Court lacks jurisdiction under General Laws c. 185C, § *, and new evidence of fraudulent conveyance under G.L.c. 109A supports transferring the case to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and * U.S.C. § *. Bankruptcy fraud further underscores the need for exclusive jurisdiction in the District Court.
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practicesviolated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they may be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. Additionally, any attorney they hired to collect the debt would also be considered a debt collector under the FDCPA.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Sections *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securities fraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practicesviolated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they may be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. Additionally, any attorney they hired to collect the debt would also be considered a debt collector under the FDCPA.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Sections *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
Additional Section:
If the Honorable Judge had known at the time that Blake Godbout Law filed its complaint that there was a pending 93A claim and lawsuit against all of his clients, whereby Karen Merritt was seeking damages, he would have ruled differently. Specifically, he would have dismissed the case because a person should not be transferring assets until the issues with the creditor are resolved. For this reason, Karen Merritt prays that you reconsider in light of this new evidence.
If the Honorable Judge had known at the time that Blake Godbout Law filed its complaint that there was a pending 93A claim and lawsuit against all of his clients, whereby Karen Merritt was seeking damages, he would have ruled differently. Specifically, he would have dismissed the case because a person should not be transferring assets until the issues with the creditor are resolved. For this reason, Karen Merritt prays that you reconsider in light of this new evidence.
Procedural Errors:
Karen Merritt filed an emergency Chapter * petition on August *, * (Karen Merritt vs. L & S Realty LLC, Case No. *-*) to stop the execution
Karen Merritt filed an emergency Chapter * petition on August *, * (Karen Merritt vs. L & S Realty LLC, Case No. *-*) to stop the execution
Relief Requested:
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court grant the following relief:
*. Transfer the case to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and * U.S.C. § *.
*. Reconsider the case based on new evidence of fraudulent conveyance under G.L.c. 109A.
*. Any other relief that the Court deems just and proper.
Procedural Errors:
Karen Merritt filed an emergency Chapter * petition on August *, * (Karen Merritt vs. L & S Realty LLC, Case No. *-*) to stop the execution of possession and money judgment by the lower court. Judge Panos advised Plaintiff to return to State court to litigate the claims, despite significant reasons on the merits of the underlying claims. This was an error, as contested matters involving property rights violations and bankruptcy fraud should be transferred to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and * U.S.C. § *. This error led to Karen Merritt’s case being returned to the Southeast Housing Court, which lacks jurisdiction to adjudicate this case, resulting in the wrongful seizure of her property by the Housing Court’s order on October *, *. The Housing Court’s lack of jurisdiction under General Laws c. 185C, § * and the new evidence of fraudulent conveyance under G.L.c. 109A necessitates reconsideration. Specifically, James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, custodians of Pensco Trust Company, engaged in securities fraud and self-dealing to commit mortgagefraud. With the assistance of Blake Godbout Law Inc., the property was transferred to L&S Realty LLC in an attempt to hinder, delay, or defraud Karen Merritt, the creditor. As the debtor, Karen Merritt is owed fair consideration, making her the creditor in this context.
Additionally, the fraudulent transfer and fraud on the court have given rise to bankruptcy fraud, which falls under the jurisdiction of the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C.§ *(d) and * U.S.C. § *.
Based on the evidence and arguments presented, significant procedural errors and fraudulent actions necessitate reconsideration. The Housing Court lacks jurisdiction under General Laws c. 185C, § *, and new evidence of fraudulent conveyance under G.L.c. 109A supports transferring the case to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and * U.S.C. § *. Bankruptcy fraud further underscores the need for exclusive jurisdiction in the District Court.
Relief Requested:
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court grant the following relief:
*. Transfer the case to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and
Karen Merritt filed an emergency Chapter * petition on August *, * (Karen Merritt vs. L & S Realty LLC, Case No. *-*) to stop the execution of possession and money judgment by the lower court. Judge Panos advised Plaintiff to return to State court to litigate the claims, despite significant reasons on the merits of the underlying claims. This was an error, as contested matters involving property rights violations and bankruptcy fraud should be transferred to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and * U.S.C. § *. This error led to Karen Merritt’s case being returned to the Southeast Housing Court, which lacks jurisdiction to adjudicate this case, resulting in the wrongful seizure of her property by the Housing Court’s order on October *, *. The Housing Court’s lack of jurisdiction under General Laws c. 185C, § * and the new evidence of fraudulent conveyance under G.L.c. 109A necessitates reconsideration. Specifically, James Tiernan and Richard Fagan, custodians of Pensco Trust Company, engaged in securities fraud and self-dealing to commit mortgagefraud. With the assistance of Blake Godbout Law Inc., the property was transferred to L&S Realty LLC in an attempt to hinder, delay, or defraud Karen Merritt, the creditor. As the debtor, Karen Merritt is owed fair consideration, making her the creditor in this context.
Additionally, the fraudulent transfer and fraud on the court have given rise to bankruptcy fraud, which falls under the jurisdiction of the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C.§ *(d) and * U.S.C. § *.
Based on the evidence and arguments presented, significant procedural errors and fraudulent actions necessitate reconsideration. The Housing Court lacks jurisdiction under General Laws c. 185C, § *, and new evidence of fraudulent conveyance under G.L.c. 109A supports transferring the case to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and * U.S.C. § *. Bankruptcy fraud further underscores the need for exclusive jurisdiction in the District Court.
Relief Requested:
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Court grant the following relief:
*. Transfer the case to the District Court of Massachusetts under * U.S.C. § *(d) and
can you include it with the above
Violation of Usury Laws:
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
- Chapter *, Section * of the Massachusetts General Laws: Prohibits interest rates greater than *% unless prior notice is provided to the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office.
- Healey v. Western Sky Financial LLC
- Kaur v. World Business Lenders, LLC
- Dominga N. Tavares
- Blunsden v. Marks
Securities and Mortgage Fraud:
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securitiesfraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practices violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they may be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. Additionally, any attorney they hired to collect the debt would also be considered a debt collector under the FDCPA.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Sections *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
- Fraud in Execution:
- In *, Karen Merritt signed notes and mortgages originated by James Tiernan and Richard Fagan. These documents were disguised as "permission papers," leading her to believe they were only for authorizing payments to comply with her divorce decree.
- The notes and mortgages included an *% interest rate plus a *% broker commission, resulting in a *% rate without notice to the Attorney General.
- From * to December *, *, the interest was secretly compounded, with rates ranging from *.*% to *.*%, far exceeding the legal limit of *%.
- Tiernan and Fagan engaged in self-dealing, committing securitiesfraud that led to mortgage fraud. They borrowed $*,* from the IRA, with Pensco Trust Company as custodian, and had Karen Merritt unknowingly sign a note and mortgage claiming she had borrowed those funds. This was untrue, as she never received the funds. Karen Merritt had over $*,* in equity and did not need to receive these funds.
- FDCPA Violations:
- Debt collection practices violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). If Tiernan and Fagan purchased James Cronan's debt while he was in default and they had notice of it, they may be considered debt collectors under the FDCPA. Additionally, any attorney they hired to collect the debt would also be considered a debt collector under the FDCPA.
- U.C.C. Violations:
- Violations of the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) Sections *-* and *-* regarding title transfer without consent and fraud.
Prima Facie Evidence of Fraudulent Conveyance:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration.
- Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was