Easement Validity In Portland


The validity of an easement created in 1983 in Portland, OR, depends on whether it was properly recorded, adhered to local property laws, and followed all legal procedures. Check with the Multnomah County Recorders Office for detailed information.

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Is the easement created by the same individual in * valid? He was the owner of two properties at the time.
The validity of an easement created in * depends on several factors, including local property laws, how the easement was documented, and whether it was properly recorded.
Can you please provide your location to give more specific information?
* SE Clinton ST Portland OR *
The validity of an easement created in * would typically depend on the following factors:
- Whether it was properly recorded in the county records.
- If it adhered to local property laws at the time.
- If all legal procedures were followed during its creation.
Since you are in Portland, OR, you should check with the Multnomah County Recorder's Office for more detailed information.
Do you have the original easement document?