Real Estate Legal Concerns
You are dealing with several real estate issues, such as potential misrepresentation by your realtor, faulty inspection, insurance mishandling regarding black mold, and possibly fraudulent documentation. Its crucial to consult a real estate attorney to address these concerns effectively. Since youre located in an unincorporated part of Los Angeles, finding a suitable attorney might be challenging, but its essential for resolving these complex issues.Full Conversation
Boof Shiesty
Hi Boof! How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
I wanted to ask you what you think about the land I purchased in August of *. So I purchased *.27acres of land with a triple wide modular and a floating * car garage for $* cash in full. First off my realtor did not like me at all but had sold a couple of houses for my mother and father. They did not use him on the last * million dollar purchase of a home they liked and the realtor I believe was bummed out that they didn't use him so decided to take it out on me. So first of all once we got here to check out the house. I didn't like it and told my mom to say no and our realtor yelled at my mom scaring her into purchasing the property because it's to "late". While the inspector was there he had his unlicensed son in which he was showing his son how to work though. He had his son go under my house and I don't believe he checked. He just came out looking "dirty," making sure he didnt fling the dirt off. So I buy this property located at * 165th Street East llano ca *. My neighbor who is the original owner of the *.* acre lot this land as well as his was on. He never established himself an
Boof, it sounds like you may have several legal issues, including potential misrepresentation by your realtor and a possibly inadequate home inspection.
- Did you sign any agreement with the realtor, and do you have a copy of the inspection report?
This information can help determine your next steps.
- Did you sign any agreement with the realtor, and do you have a copy of the inspection report?
This information can help determine your next steps.
Upon moving in my realtor of 30 years supposedly had the septic tank tested but there's two types of testing for septic tanks one of them is a airtight testing which is more expensive than the other one is just a regular putting water through the septic for * hour making sure it can receive water correctly. Is purchase was made in August of * for $*,* and which I paid cash for in full. I didn't realize it but the house is only appraised at *,* at the time or the land as well as a trip wide modular home and a loading for car garage. So in December of * my wife started getting sick as well as my son from come to find out sewage that was under my home for probably about a month because it backed up from the septic tank because the septic tank was not only cracked but there was no leach lines to the septic tank it was just letting sewage go straight into my backyard in the ground. I then called my insurance company for the home my insurance company came assessed everything and when they came in supposedly there was black mold in the house and they didn't close off my house properly any of the rooms so they put fans inside my home and it spread the black mold everywhere I then had a specialist from mold come in for $*,* and do an extensive test on my whole home in which it tested positive from bottom to top of black mold. So the insurance company ended up getting me a * ft container trucking container that they put on my land and took all of my furniture and clothes and everything that was in the house sanitized it and put it in the container. Once everything was said and done they ended up cashing me out with $*,* which I had to spend over half of it on getting my septic tank done and getting my leach lines put in and which I had to do by myself DIY because I don't have the extra money to cough up for permits and everything else so I just replaced everything in the same place that it would have been at had it have been there. I ended up using the rest of the money on the home trying to put it back together. Mind you I bought this home as newly remodeled. So as I'm doing the home getting it back together I can only do so much because the insurance company was only covering so much so I got a hold of my realtor he explained to me at the time that that was kind of my problem he didn't know about the extensive testing for septic tanks. So I find out that my modular home tripwide modular home is sitting on 2x6s and the 2x6s are splitting because they're supposed to be 2x8 the joices are. I also found out that my garage was improperly put in leaving one corner of my garage a floating wall which is falling into the dirt because it's not holding on to anything causing my whole garage to kind of start folding. I then find out that my neighbor directly next door to me is the son-in-law of the owner of my property originally from my land originally. According to documents I'm seeing online it states that in * that this land was bought at two and a half acres. In * my neighbor moved in on the two and a half acre land and it looks to me like when they did the parcels they split the two and a half acres into *.* acres each but there is no documentation of any sort showing this not that I can pull up myself. At first when I first bought this home my neighbor had his home up for sale as well for $*,*. For some reason within 2 months or 3 months of him having his property for sale or his land for sale and that parcel they took his house off the market and it instantly dropped down to *,* but not for sale though. It looks to me like he doesn't or didn't have an established address based on the fact that he's next door to me and he lives in Black Butte California and I am in llano California. When I pulled his paperwork from the assessor's office or the Lancaster office that our paperwork is at I was able to pull a few permits that he had and the permits seem to be whited out and forged. I tried to bring this to the attention of the city and the city told me to leave. I then look at his documentation and his address that's next door is actually a PO box so it seems like he's either slipped by with that PO box as his address. He's explained to me that at the beginning he was going to move out but just recently he explained to me after the house went down to *,* that he's stuck here and he's going to be here for life cuz he's an old man. So in * a person bought the property I live on or at the land I live on for *,* at a foreclosed price he then turned around and flipped it for *,* to be person I bought it off of the person I bought it off of bought it in * I believe and did not live in the home for 7 years the last 2 years he owned the home he lived in it and then his niece fell inside the home and passed away in the home but was not considered a deceased until she got in the helicopter on the way to the hospital. This was never discussed to me at all before the purchase was done. The neighbor also explained to me that he doesn't have a mailbox because his mailbox gets broken into all the time which doesn't make sense because we've had one here and we've never had issues with it and he's the only person in this city or this little town right here that doesn't have a mailbox he only has a PO box. I received a deed and a title for this property on the deed it states nothing about me owning a modular home or having the modular home on my property I'm not sure if it was included as real property or personal property but I never received any type of certificate or anything for my modular home or the garage no documentation really came with the home I had to go find my own. I also requested to see the old contracts for the home or the land and was never provided with this. But on my title and my deed neither of them came with anything stating anything about a certificate although I do have insurance on the home through Chicago title so Chicago title took care of me insurance wise. I just want to know how to get everything in order because I don't want to end up being screwed on something if I were to go to sell the home later on
Boof, it sounds like you have multiple potential legal issues, including misrepresentation, faulty inspection, and possibly fraudulent documentation.
- Did you sign a contract with your realtor, and do you have a copy?
- Do you have the inspection report and any communications with your insurance company?
These documents will help in assessing your case further.
- Did you sign a contract with your realtor, and do you have a copy?
- Do you have the inspection report and any communications with your insurance company?
These documents will help in assessing your case further.
I did sign a contract with my realtor and I do have a copy I do have an inspection report and I can get a hold of my insurance company anytime I need to. I do have the inspection report although the inspector did go over roughly everything there was a couple of things he wrote down that was wrong like my roof needed a new roof and that was a little bit of a lien in the kitchen of the house. Probably because the fridge that they have is it way too heavy for the flooring in there as well as the stove that came with the home.
Boof, it seems like you have several potential legal issues. Here are some key points you might consider:
- Misrepresentation by the realtor
- Faulty inspection and potential negligence
- Insurance company handling black mold improperly
- Potentially fraudulent documentation
You may want to consult with a real estate attorney to address these issues. Do you need help finding one in your location?
- Misrepresentation by the realtor
- Faulty inspection and potential negligence
- Insurance company handling black mold improperly
- Potentially fraudulent documentation
You may want to consult with a real estate attorney to address these issues. Do you need help finding one in your location?
According to Chicago insurance if there is black mold involved they weren't supposed to take care of it it's supposed to be outside of their policy according to them
Boof, given the complexity and number of issues involved, including potential misrepresentation, faulty inspection, insurance mishandling, and possibly fraudulent documentation, consulting a real estate attorney would be wise. They can help you navigate these issues.
Would you like assistance in finding a real estate attorney in your area?
Would you like assistance in finding a real estate attorney in your area?
I'm also located in a unincorporated part of Los Angeles and when I was looking for lawyers before this was a big problem
Boof, it sounds like you're facing several significant legal challenges. Given the complexity of your situation, consulting with a real estate attorney is essential. They can help you address misrepresentation, inspection issues, and more.
Would you like advice on how to find a suitable real estate attorney in Los Angeles?
Would you like advice on how to find a suitable real estate attorney in Los Angeles?