Real Estate Legal Concerns


The user purchased a home in Atlanta, GA, and discovered unpermitted renovations and a septic system issue. The real estate agent, who was a dual agent, failed to fulfill fiduciary duties. The user is advised to consult an Atlanta-based attorney for specific legal advice on permitting requirements and dual agency issues.

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Purchased a home and Agreed on home because the house had a complete renovation through the Zillow site The seller didn’t have any of the work permitted A septic system also backed into my property the Real estate agent I didn’t know at time was a dual agent she knew the seller and she failed to complete her fiduciary duties she gave me her word that the amendment concerns would be addressed and withheld the paper from me when we did the final walk thru and there still this that was signed for that was another part I only agreed to move forward there I need help
Hello Christina, I'm sorry to hear about this situation. To better assist you, could you please tell me in which state this occurred? Different states have different laws regarding real estate transactions and dual agency.
If this is not a real person I already been in contact with a lawyer they said that they were required to pull permits hvac system adding a bathroom I’m basement two bedrooms I will contact a Attorney in Atlanta
Hello Christina, it seems like you're dealing with a complex real estate issue in Atlanta, GA. The permitting requirements can vary. Here are some general points:
- All new constructions, alterations, and repairs need permits.
- HVAC systems, additional bathrooms, and bedrooms usually require permits.
Do consult with your Atlanta-based attorney for specific advice.
I am on it thank u take care
Hello Christina, you're very welcome! Take care and feel free to return if you have more queries. Good luck with your real estate issue in Atlanta, GA.
Ok thank you
Hello Christina, you're welcome again! I'm glad I could help. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions in the future. Good luck with your case in Atlanta, GA.