Unlawful Eviction Legal Guidance


Unlawful eviction is illegal in Michigan. You have the right to file a lawsuit and should seek legal advice or contact a tenants rights organization. Consider reaching out to the Michigan Legal Help center for further assistance.

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Hello Joshua, nice to meet you! How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
my my landlord blatantly broke our agreement/contract that we had set up before I moved into my residence. And now they are in the process of fully evicted me from my house because of that. I believe that this is an unlawful eviction and I don’t know what to do from here. I need help and advice.
Hello Joshua. In order to assist you better, could I know where you are located? Different locations have different laws regarding landlord-tenant relationships.
Hello Joshua, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Michigan:
- Unlawful eviction is illegal.
- You have the right to file a lawsuit.
- Seek legal advice or contact a tenants' rights organization.
Consider reaching out to the Michigan Legal Help center for further assistance.