Property Dispute Resolution Tactics


The user has been paying taxes and the house note for a property in Mississippi for the past 8 years. The property is in the name of the users late brother. The brothers daughter, the users niece, is attempting to sell the property without compensating the user. The user has documents proving their payments towards the property. The niece was initially open to discussion but has since become evasive. The user has been advised to consult a probate attorney in Mississippi to understand their rights and potential claims. They have also been advised to consider filing a quiet title action in court to establish legal ownership of the property.

Full Conversation

What is the current legal status of the house? Is it in your late brother's name or someone else's?
not sure
Who is the legal owner of the house according to the property deed?
late brother
What steps have been taken regarding your late brother's estate? Have probate proceedings been initiated?
we are unsure. She’s not being honest. She’s saying there was an estate opened in Louisiana but house is in Ms
Have you consulted with a probate attorney in Mississippi? It's important to verify the status of the estate and your rights as a potential heir.
You should consult a probate attorney in Mississippi to understand your rights. They can help you verify the status of the estate and your potential claim.
thqnk you!
You're welcome! If you need further assistance, feel free to ask.
There is no open estate
What is the current legal status of the house and who is the legal owner according to the property deed?
we aren’t exactly sure but we did find out there’s no estate
Have you been able to locate the property deed or any other documents that might indicate the legal owner of the house?
It’s in my late brothers name
Who is the executor or personal representative of your late brother's estate?
we aren’t sure there isn’t an estate
Who has been handling your late brother's affairs since his passing?
There was nothing to handle but the house and the daughter hasn’t paid a dime on it
Who has been living in the house or maintaining it since your brother's passing?
Do you have any legal documents that prove you've been paying for the house and its taxes for the past 8 years?
Yes I have the papers
What steps have you taken so far to resolve this issue?
nothing that’s why I’m here to see what steps to take
What is your relationship with your late brother's daughter and has there been any communication about this issue between you two?
She’s my niece and she’s been sneaky about the whole situation and not wanting to give me any money back
Have you considered filing a "quiet title" action in court to establish your legal ownership of the property?
What is your niece's stance on the matter? Has she expressed any willingness to negotiate or discuss the issue?
she was open at first but then suddenly changed her mind trying to sell under the table
Have you consulted with a lawyer about this situation? In Mississippi, selling property under the table can be considered fraud, which is a serious offense.
Have you considered seeking legal advice? In Mississippi, you may have a claim for "unjust enrichment" if you've been paying for the house and its taxes.