Advance Rent Payment Clause


The conversation covers drafting a lease agreement clause for advance rent payment and its amortization over 24 months. It includes explanations of legal terms like demised (property leased or rented) and yielding (returning property to the lessor). The user is guided on how to phrase various clauses in legal terms, including provisions for air conditioning, backup power, and a termination clause. The final clause incorporates an initial deduction of Rs. 1.1 million from the advance amount against the monthly rent.

Full Conversation

in complex terms
To draft a clause in more complex legal terms, you can use the following:
"The Lessee hereby acknowledges the payment of an advance sum amounting to Rs. *,*,* to the Lessor. This advance payment shall be appropriated towards the monthly rental obligations of the Lessee over a consecutive period of 24 months, commencing from the date of this agreement."
Does this meet your needs, or do you require further modifications?
It sounds like you want to make the clause even more detailed or intricate. Here's a more complex version:
"The Lessee, herein referred to as 'Tenant,' irrevocably acknowledges the remittance of an advance sum amounting to Indian Rupees Twenty-Seven Million (INR *,*,*) to the Lessor, herein referred to as 'Landlord.' This prepayment shall be systematically allocated and amortized against the Tenant's monthly rent obligations for a continuous duration of twenty-four (*) months, commencing from the inception date of this lease agreement. Said allocation shall be executed on a pro-rata basis, reducing the monthly rent payable by an equal proportion until the total advance amount is fully exhausted."
Is there a particular aspect of the clause you'd like to refine further?
demised meaning
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"Demised" in legal terms typically refers to property that has been leased or rented out. In the context of a lease agreement, the term "demised premises" means the property that is being leased to the tenant.
Is there any specific context or document where you encountered the term "demised" that you'd like to discuss?
yielding meaning
"Yielding" in legal terms often means to give way or to surrender. In the context of leases, it can refer to the lessee's obligation to return the property to the lessor at the end of the lease term.
Do you have a specific context or document where you encountered the term "yielding"?
The Lessee hereby acknowledges the payment of an advance sum amounting to Rs. *,*,* to the Lessor. This advance payment shall be appropriated towards the monthly rental obligations of the Lessee over a consecutive period of 24 months, commencing from the date of this agreement." Whats the law heading for this?
The law heading for the clause you have provided is typically referred to as "Advance Rent Payment and Adjustment." This type of clause outlines how an advance payment made by the lessee will be applied to their rental obligations over a specified period.
Do you need any additional information or assistance?
To create a complex legal heading for your clause, you could use:
"Provisions for the Amortization and Allocation of Advance Rent Payments"
Is there anything else you need help with regarding your lease agreement?
more shorten
Sure! Here’s a simplified version of our conversation:
- To mention the deduction of an advance amount, use: "The Lessee has paid an advance amount of Rs. *,*,* to the Lessor. This advance shall be adjusted against the monthly rent for a period of 24 months."
- For a more complex version: "The Lessee acknowledges the payment of an advance sum amounting to Rs. *,*,* to the Lessor. This advance payment shall be appropriated towards the monthly rental obligations of the Lessee over a consecutive period of 24 months, commencing from the date of this agreement."
- "Demised" means property leased or rented.
- "Yielding" means to return property to the lessor at the end of the lease term.
- Law heading: "Advance Rent Payment and Adjustment."
- Complex heading: "Provisions for the Amortization and Allocation of Advance Rent Payments."
Is there anything else you need?
Provisions for the Amortization MEANING
"Provisions for the Amortization" generally refer to the rules or guidelines governing how a specific amount (often an advance payment or loan) is gradually written off or allocated over a designated period. This could involve periodic deductions or adjustments until the total amount is fully accounted for.
Is there a particular context or document where you encountered this term?
"NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH" is a formal phrase often used in legal documents, especially in deeds or contracts. It essentially means "This document declares" or "This deed witnesses." It's an introduction to the main terms and conditions of the document.
Is there a specific document or context where you encountered this term that you need help with?
d. To pay the apportioned meter charges in respect of electricity, water consumed and parking on the demised premises in accordance with the invoice provided by the Lessor which shall be forwarded by the Lessor on or before the Tenth (10th) day of each month.
To better understand your situation, can you please clarify if you have any specific questions or concerns about the clause regarding the apportioned meter charges?
Got it! If you're looking to confirm the correctness of the clause you've provided, it seems well-drafted for the intended purpose. It outlines the lessee's responsibility to pay for electricity, water, and parking charges based on the invoices provided by the lessor.
Is there any other part of your lease agreement you'd like to review or any specific legal terms you need help with?
"To pay the apportioned meter charges in respect of electricity, water consumed and parking on the demised premises in accordance with the invoice provided by the Lessor which shall be forwarded by the Lessor on or before the Tenth (10th) day of each month."CORRECTNESS
The clause you provided is correctly drafted for its intended purpose. It clearly states the lessee’s obligation to pay for apportioned meter charges for electricity, water, and parking based on the invoice provided by the lessor, which is to be forwarded by the 10th of each month.
Is there any other part of your lease agreement you'd like to review or any specific legal terms you need help with?
"The Lessor shall provide central air conditioning for the general office area from *.30am to *.* pm. Additionally * *,* BTU split AC Units have been provided for separated office and meeting room areas." IN LEGAL TERMS
To draft your clause in more formal legal terms, you could use the following:
"The Lessor shall ensure the provision of central air conditioning for the general office area from *:* AM to *:* PM. Additionally, four (*) *,* BTU split air conditioning units shall be provided for the segregated office and meeting room areas."
Is there any other part of the lease agreement you'd like to refine or any specific legal terms you need assistance with?
"back up power will be provided during standard business hours." legal terms
To phrase "back up power will be provided during standard business hours" in formal legal terms, you could say:
"The Lessor shall ensure the provision of backup power during standard business hours."
Is there another clause or term you need assistance with?
how to close the lease agreement
To properly close a lease agreement, you should include a termination clause. Here is a general template:
Termination Clause
*. Mutual Agreement:
- Both parties agree to terminate the lease agreement effective [Termination Date].
*. Return of Premises:
- The Lessee shall return the demised premises in good condition, subject to normal wear and tear.
*. Outstanding Payments:
- Any outstanding payments, including rent, utilities, and other charges, shall be settled by the Lessee by [Settlement Date].
*. Security Deposit:
- The Lessor shall return the security deposit, minus any deductions for damages or unpaid charges, within [Time Frame] of termination.
*. Release of Obligations:
- Upon termination, both parties are released from any further obligations under this lease agreement, except those that expressly survive termination.
Would you like any specific details or modifications in this termination clause?
It seems like you're looking for a way to incorporate "THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO:" into your lease agreement. This phrase is typically used to introduce a detailed schedule or list that follows in the document. Here's how you might use it in a legal context:
*. Premises Description:
- A detailed description of the demised premises including address, size, and any particular features.
*. Rent Payment Schedule:
- The specific dates and amounts for rent payments over the lease term.
*. Advance Rent Payment Allocation:
- The details of how the advance payment of Rs. *,*,* will be amortized over 24 months.
*. Additional Charges:
- Breakdown of any additional charges such as electricity, water, and parking fees.
*. Provision of Services:
- Details regarding services provided by the lessor, such as air conditioning and backup power.
*. Termination Clause:
- Specific terms and conditions under which the lease can be terminated.
Do you need any specific details or modifications in this schedule?
"The Lessee, irrevocably acknowledges the remittance of an advance sum amounting to Rupees Twenty-Seven Million (Rs *,*,*/-) to the Lessor, this prepayment shall be systematically allocated and amortized against the Lessee’s monthly rent obligations for a continuous duration of twenty-four (*) months, commencing from the inception date of this lease agreement. Said allocation shall be executed on a pro-rata basis, reducing the monthly rent payable by an equal proportion until the total advance amount is fully exhausted" need to deduct *.1Mn from Rent
To incorporate the deduction of Rs. *.* million from the advance amount against the monthly rent, you can amend the clause as follows:
"The Lessee, irrevocably acknowledges the remittance of an advance sum amounting to Rupees Twenty-Seven Million (Rs *,*,*/-) to the Lessor. This prepayment shall be systematically allocated and amortized against the Lessee’s monthly rent obligations over a continuous duration of twenty-four (*) months, commencing from the inception date of this lease agreement. An initial deduction of Rs. *,*,*/- shall be made from the monthly rent, following which the remaining advance amount shall be amortized on a pro-rata basis, reducing the monthly rent payable by an equal proportion until the total advance amount is fully exhausted."
Do you need any further adjustments or details for this clause?
*. The Lessor is seized and possessed of and or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of land marked Lot A in Plan
Got it! It looks like you're working on a lease agreement and figuring out how to include various clauses. Here's what you need:
*. Ensure the Lessor's entitlement is clearly mentioned.
*. Incorporate the advance payment clause.
*. Include the deduction details for Rs. *.* million.
*. Specify terms for apportioned meter charges, air conditioning, and backup power.
To help further, could you clarify which specific clause or term you need assistance with right now?
Case Rating: *.
It sounds like you need help understanding legal terminology and drafting clauses in a lease agreement. Here's a simplified explanation for your provided term:
"The Lessor is seized and possessed of and or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of land marked Lot A in Plan" means that the lessor legally owns and has the right to lease out the specific piece of land marked as Lot A in the plan.
Do you have any specific questions about this clause or need assistance with another part of your lease agreement?
II. Any applicable taxes will be paid by the party that is obliged to make the payment.
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The phrase "Any applicable taxes will be paid by the party that is obliged to make the payment" is correct but could be more specific. Here’s a refined version:
"Each party shall be responsible for payment of any applicable taxes for which they are legally obligated."
Do you have any other specific clauses or terms you need help with?
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"Inception" in legal terms often refers to the beginning or commencement of a particular period, contract, or event. For instance, the "inception date" of a lease agreement refers to the date on which the lease officially starts.
Is there a specific context or document where you encountered the term "inception" that you need help with?
"Pls check and get the signatures" correct the sentence
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"Please check and obtain the signatures."
Do you have any other sentences or clauses that need revising?