Eviction Defense In Illinois


Paying property taxes in Illinois does not make you a property owner but can be evidence of an implied lease agreement. Verbal agreements are legally recognized but harder to prove. Witnesses, even if biased, and written communication can support your case. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Hi there. In Illinois, paying property taxes does not make you a property owner. However, it can be used as evidence of an implied lease agreement. In eviction cases, the court will consider:
- The lease agreement
- Payment history
- Communication between you and the landlord
- Any property tax payments made
Verbally given
Hello. In Illinois, verbal agreements are recognized legally, but they might be harder to prove in court. If you have any written communication or witnesses to support your claims, they could be beneficial. Are there any such evidences available to you?
My daughter was there however she is on the eviction with me
Hello. In Illinois, your daughter being present during the verbal agreement could potentially serve as a witness. However, as she is also on the eviction notice, her testimony may be seen as biased. It would be best to consult with a local attorney.