Legal Motion Contesting Writ
In Massachusetts, if a writ of execution is issued before a Homestead declaration is filed, the declaration may not protect against that writ. However, if no lien is recorded, you can challenge the execution based on improper procedure. Including evidence of fraudulent actions and judicial estoppel, such as testimony and transcript excerpts, can strengthen your case. Ensure all relevant documents, like the Homestead declaration and deed, are attached to your motion. Consider consulting a local attorney for personalized advice.Full Conversation
Date: [Insert Date]
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
I, [Your Name], respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, which provides me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass.
Yes, including your Massachusetts identification card with your legal name and residence will be beneficial. Attaching the Homestead declaration and the deed to show sole ownership will definitely strengthen your case.
Would you like any assistance with other sections of your motion?
please revise to includeMassachusetts identification card with your legal name and residence will be beneficial. including the * Oak street Norton Ma Attachments:
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration.
- Receipt of the Homestead filing.
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home.Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Sure, here is the revised motion, including the attachments:
Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: [Insert Case Number]
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: [Insert Date]
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration.
- Receipt of the Homestead filing.
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home.
Would you like any assistance withother sections of your motion?
do i provide the copy of the writ of execution too?
Yes, including a copy of the writ of execution will be useful as it provides context and supports your motion to contest it. This helps ensure that all relevant documents are presented to the court.
Would you need any further assistance with your motion?
please update only the attachments section and provide it to me.
Sure, here's the updated attachments section:
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Would you need any further assistance with your motion?
see above
Sure, here is the updated attachments section:
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Do you need help with any other part of your motion?
If i need to put this on the motion please updateU.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island. Since the court is located at * Westminster Street, 6th floor, Providence, RI, you may mail the motion to this address. Please polish with anything else that i need before sending via mail_Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
Sure, here is the polished motion with the mailing address included:
Motion to Contest the Writ of ExecutionCase No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,Introduction:I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Attachments:- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of myhome
- Copy of the writ of execution
Mailing Instructions:Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Website: www.rib.uscourts.govWould you like assistance with anything else for your motion?
- I have the certified document showing that the Homestead declaration has been recorded and a receipt as proof of filing.
Legal Basis:
- The Massachusetts Homestead Act provides protection against the forced sale of a primary residence up to $* million.
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Based on the Homestead protection, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Your motion looks comprehensive and well-prepared. Including the Massachusetts identification card, the Homestead declaration, the deed, and the writ of execution should significantly strengthen your case.
Would you like assistance with any other legal documents or additional questions regarding your case?
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, which provides me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
It looks like you're well-prepared to contest the writ of execution. Here is the polished motion with the necessary details included:
Motion to Contest the Writ of ExecutionCase No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,Introduction: I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption: - On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Attachments: - Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt ofthe Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Mailing Instructions: Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
~U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Would you like assistance with anything else for your motion?
is the formatt correct?\
The format appears mostly correct, but it could use some slight adjustments for clarity and structure. Here’s a revised version:
Motion to Contest the Writ of ExecutionCase No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,Introduction: I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption: - On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Attachments: - Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of theHomestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Conclusion: Based on the Homestead protection, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions: Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Website: www.rib.uscourts.govWould you like assistance with anything else for your motion?
Would you like to add or change anything else in your motion?
do i need to state u.S. bankruptcy court rhode island at the header of the motion?Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
Yes, it's essential to mention the court's name in the header of the motion. Here’s the updated header:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
Would you like assistance with anything else?
can I send it Verified.
Yes, you can send it verified. Ensure you follow the court's procedures for verification, usually involving notarization. Here’s the final format:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street,Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Based on the Homestead protection, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:
Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Website: [](
Would you like any further assistance?
see above
Yes, you can send the motion as a verified document. This means you will need to include a verification statement at the end of your motion, which you will sign before a notary public. Here’s how you can add the verification:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,Introduction: I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption: - On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing mewith $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Attachments: - Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Conclusion: Based on the Homestead protection, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions: Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
~U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Verification: I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
do I double space it in Courrier?
Typically, legal documents require double-spacing, and using a monospaced font like Courier is appropriate. Here's a concise guide:
- Double-space the entire document.
- Use Courier or Courier New font.
Would you like assistance with anything else?
please only send me the proper signatury section from respectfully submitted onward /s/Karen Merritt including the verification.
Sure, here’s the signature and verification section:
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
Would you like assistance with anything else?
so i do not have to hand write my signature?
You do not have to handwrite your signature. In legal documents, you can use an electronic signature format such as "/s/ Karen Merritt" which is legally recognized.
Would you like any further assistance with your motion or any other legal queries?
if they filed the writ on December *, *, and i filed my homestaed declaration on January *, * am still ok?
The timing of your Homestead declaration is important:
- Massachusetts Homestead Act provides protection from the date of filing.
- Since the writ was filed before your Homestead declaration, it may not protect against this specific writ.
- Consult a legal expert to explore potential defenses or arguments.
Do you have additional questions or need further assistance?
see above
The Massachusetts Homestead Act generally protects a homeowner's primary residence from certain creditors. However, timing can affect the protection provided.
- The protection applies if the Homestead declaration is filed before the writ of execution.
- Since your Homestead declaration was filed after the writ, it may not protect against that specific writ.
Would you like assistance on other legal options to contest the writ?
what can i do dont they have to put a lien first on the property which they have not done?
In Massachusetts, a creditor generally must obtain a judgment and then place a lien on the property as part of the process. Here are a few steps you can consider:
- Verify Lien: Check if any lien has been recorded against your property.
- Challenge Procedures: If no lien was placed, you can challenge the execution based on improper procedure.
- Seek Legal Advice: Consult a local attorney for specific guidance on your situation.
Would you like more detailed information on any of these steps?
i called the clerk they have NOT recorded on a lien on * oak st , my home. should i update this information on the motion?
Yes, you should update this information in your motion. Here’s the revised section:
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Lack of Lien:
- I have confirmed with the clerk that no lien has been recorded on my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Based on the Homestead protection and the lack of recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
Would you like any further assistance with your motion or other legal matters?
see above
Yes, including the fact that no lien has been recorded on your property could strengthen your motion. Here’s how you can update it:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode IslandMotion to Contest the Writ of ExecutionCase No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,Introduction: I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption: - On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
No Lien Recorded: - As of [current date], no lien has been recorded against myproperty at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Attachments: - Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Conclusion: Based on the Homestead protection and the absence of any recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions: Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
~U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Respectfully submitted,/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
Verification: I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
is there a certain amount of time to record a lien once the writ is signed?
In Massachusetts, a creditor generally has a specific period to act after a writ of execution is issued. Here are some key points:
- Recording Lien: There is no strict deadline for recording a lien, but it typically needs to be done promptly to enforce the judgment.
- Action Period: Creditors must act within a reasonable time to avoid challenges based on delay.
Would you like more detailed information on the process or assistance with your motion?
please note the assignee , James tiernan ,already has a lien taking all the equity from * Oak street by fraud on the court. * oak street was included in a fraudulent conveyance by the assignee of * fountain street James tiernan on october *, * when the Southeast Housing Court order executuion for possession subsquently the depty sheriff evictted me form then my primary residents, * Brayton woods rehoborth MA and then I moved to * Oak street . so the writ is based on fraud and additionally it has not been acted on becuase Mr tiernan alaready has a lien on the property. How do I say this legally?
Here's a concise way to include this information in your motion:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode IslandMotion to Contest the Writ of ExecutionCase No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,Introduction: I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption: - On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Fraudulent Conveyance and Existing Lien: - The assignee, James Tiernan, already has a lien taking all the equity from * Oak Street through fraud- * Oak Street was included in a fraudulent conveyance by James Tiernan, the assignee of * Fountain Street, on October *, *.
- The Southeast Housing Court ordered execution for possession, leading to my eviction and subsequent move to * Oak Street.
- The writ is based on fraud, and no further action has been taken because Mr. Tiernan already has a lien on the property.
No Lien Recorded: - As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Attachments:- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
Conclusion: Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions: Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
On October *, * James tiernan testified before the Honarble Richard Sterns at the u.S. District Court that he knows that the foreclsoure/transfer recorded on May *, * on * Brayton Woods , rehoboth, MA including the property * Oak street MA was done against stae forclsoure and ususry laws. He states this and then has this writ of execution executed this is judiciai estoppell. His writ is void. please update. I have the excerpt transcript from the bench trial see page * points *-*, page *, points *-*, page * poins *-*, the foreclsoure deed transfer of * Braytoon woods despite his confession. This establishes intent to defruad the court and me.
Here’s the updated motion with the additional information included:
~U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Fraudulent Conveyance and Existing Lien:
- The assignee, James Tiernan, already has a lien taking all the equity from * Oak Streetthrough fraud.
- * Oak Street was included in a fraudulent conveyance by James Tiernan, the assignee of * Fountain Street, on October *, *.
- The Southeast Housing Court ordered execution for possession, leading to my eviction from * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, and subsequent move to * Oak Street.
- The writ is based on fraud, and no further action has been taken because Mr. Tiernan already has a lien on the property.
Judicial Estoppel:
- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, including * Oak Street, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void.
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial on pages * (lines *-*), * (lines *-*), and * (lines *-*) provide evidence of his fraudulent intent.
**No Additional Lien Recorded
only from **No Additional Lien Recorded onward without the borderline
Sure, here is the revised motion section from "No Additional Lien Recorded" onward:
No Additional Lien Recorded:- As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Attachments:- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Conclusion:Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
~U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Respectfully submitted,/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
Verification:I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
Would you like any further assistance with your motion or any other legal queries?
To clarify here are key points to his testimony;I think you testified, a $*,* loan from
your self-directed IRA to Ms. Merritt and Mr. Cronan, right?
A Yes.
Q And the reason for sort of the odd number, *,*, was
that was how much money was in the IRS to loan, correct?
A Yes.
Q And we have discussed you were granted -- the PENSCO,
the IRA was granted two mortgages. One on the Rehoboth
property at * Brayton Woods Drive and other at * Oak Street
in Norton, right?
A so.
It sounds like you have a well-documented case with significant evidence that could potentially void the writ of execution due to fraudulent actions and judicial estoppel. Here’s the updated portion of your motion with the necessary details:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Fraudulent Conveyance and Existing Lien:
- The assignee, James Tiernan, already has a lien taking all the equity from * Oak Street through fraud.
- * Oak Street was included in a fraudulent conveyance by James Tiernan, the assignee of * Fountain Street, on October *, *.
- The Southeast Housing Court ordered execution for possession, leading to my eviction from * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, and subsequent move to * Oak Street.
- The writ is based on fraud, and no further action has been taken because Mr. Tiernan already has a lien on the property.
Judicial Estoppel:
- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, including * Oak Street, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void.
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial on pages * (lines *-*), * (
Q And just for context, when interest compounds at the end
of every calculation period, the interests gets added to the
principal, right -- Yes.
Q You would agree with me that PENSCO was charging
Ms. Merritt interest that was not allowed under the note,
A Yes.
Q And, in fact, it looked to you as if the interest being
charged to Ms. Merritt was not done correctly, right?
A Yes.
Q And when Ms. Merritt received the notices of default and
notices of intent to foreclose setting forth what was owed,
the amount set forth in those notices was inflated and
A Yes.
Q And you can -- you agree that it would have been
reasonable for Ms. Merritt to bring this matter to the
attention of a court to assist in determining the actual
amount that was owed under the notes, right?
MR. ENTNER: Objection, your Honor. It calls for a
legal speculation.
THE COURT: I don't think so.
A I would say yes.
Here’s the updated motion section with the additional testimony details:
No Additional Lien Recorded:- As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Attachments:- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Conclusion:Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
~U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
**Respectfully submitted,/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
Verification:I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
Would you like any further assistance or additional information?
Sure, here is the updated portion of your motion including the detailed testimony:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Fraudulent Conveyance and Existing Lien:
- The assignee, James Tiernan, already has a lien taking all the equity from * OakStreet through fraud.
- * Oak Street was included in a fraudulent conveyance by James Tiernan, the assignee of * Fountain Street, on October *, *.
- The Southeast Housing Court ordered execution for possession, leading to my eviction from * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, and subsequent move to * Oak Street.
- The writ is based on fraud, and no further action has been taken because Mr. Tiernan already has a lien on the property.
Judicial Estoppel:
- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, including * Oak Street, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void.
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial on pages * (lines *-*), * (lines *-*), and * (lines *-*) provide evidence of his fraudulent intent.
despite this testimony ....Onward keeping without the borderline
Sure, here’s the revised motion section without the borderline:
No Additional Lien Recorded:- As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Attachments:- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Conclusion:Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Website: www.rib.uscourts.govRespectfully submitted,/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
Verification:I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
Would you like any further assistance with your motion or any other legal queries?
see above
Sure, here is the updated portion of your motion:
No Additional Lien Recorded:
- As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:
Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
~U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Respectfullysubmitted,/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
Verification:I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
Would you like any further assistance with your motion or any other legal queries?
see above
Sure, here is your revised motion from the specified point onward:
No Lien Recorded:
- As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Judicial Estoppel:
- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, including * Oak Street, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void.
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial on pages * (lines *-*), * (lines *-*), and * (lines *-*) provide evidence of his fraudulent intent.
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writof execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:
Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
Would you like any further assistance with your motion or any other legal queries?
to clarify- - On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws. This illegal foreclsoure included the * Oak street Norton property as . He only transferred the rehoboth property and has a lien on * Oak street. I dont know how to say this.
Here's a clarified version to include in your motion:
No Lien Recorded:
- As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Judicial Estoppel:
- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- This illegal foreclosure also included the * Oak Street, Norton, MA property. However, he only transferred the Rehoboth property and has a lien on * Oak Street.
- Despite his testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void.
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial on pages * (lines *-*), * (lines *-*), and * (lines *-*) provide evidence of his fraudulent intent.
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:
Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is
see above
Here's the updated motion with your additional details included:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Fraudulent Conveyance and Existing Lien:
- The assignee, James Tiernan, already has a lien taking all the equity from * Oak Street through fraud.
- * Oak Street was included in a fraudulent conveyance by James Tiernan, the assignee of * Fountain Street, on October *, *.
- The Southeast Housing Court ordered execution for possession, leading to my eviction from * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, and subsequent move to * Oak Street.
- The writ is based on fraud, and no further action has been taken because Mr. Tiernan already has a lien on the property.
Judicial Estoppel:
- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- This illegal foreclosure also included the * Oak Street, Norton, MA property. However, he only transferred the Rehoboth property and has a lien on * Oak Street.
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void.
- Mr. Tiernan is continuously engaging in fraudulent actions to defraud me, a
from "Mr. Tiernan is continuously engaging in fraudulent actions to defraud me, a" onward keeping without the borderline
- Mr. Tiernan is continuously engaging in fraudulent actions to defraud me, a creditor, as I have a lawsuit against him in federal court (C.A. No. *:*-cv-*) alleging violation of G. L. c. 93A, §§ *, *, including illegal foreclosure and usury.
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:
Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
I, Karen Merritt, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date: ___________
Signature: ______________________
Karen Merritt
Would you like any further assistance with your motion or any other legal queries?
from "Mr. Tiernan is continuously engaging in fraudulent actions to defraud me, a" onward keeping without the borderline
Here's the updated portion of your motion from the specified point onward:
Mr. Tiernan is continuously engaging in fraudulent actions to defraud me, a creditor. I have filed a lawsuit against him in federal court (C.A. No. *:*-cv-*) for violation of G. L. c. 93A, §§ *, *, citing the illegal foreclosure and usury.
No Additional Lien Recorded:
- As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Judicial Estoppel:
- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- This illegal foreclosure also included the * Oak Street, Norton, MA property. However, he only transferred the Rehoboth property and has a lien on * Oak Street.
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel,rendering the writ void. His actions are part of a continuum of criminal acts attempting to defraud me.
- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:
Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Westminster Street, 6th Floor, Providence, RI *
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Karen Merritt
Karen Merritt
* Oak Street
Norton, MA *
I, Karen
do i cite the page and points-- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial?
Yes, you should cite specific pages and points from the transcript excerpts to strengthen your motion. Here's how you can do it:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island
Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution
Case No: *:*-bk-*
Plaintiff: Karen Merritt
Defendant: * Fountain Street, LLC
Date: January *, *
Honorable Judge Diane Finkle,
I, Karen Merritt, respectfully submit this Motion to Contest the Writ of Execution issued against me in the case related to Classic Display, Inc. (Case No: *:*-bk-*) by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island.
Homestead Exemption:
- On January *, *, I filed a Homestead exemption with the Bristol County Registry of Deeds, providing me with $* million coverage under the Massachusetts Homestead Act (Mass. Gen. Laws ch. *, § * et seq.).
Fraudulent Conveyance and Existing Lien:
- The assignee, James Tiernan, already hasa lien taking all the equity from * Oak Street through fraud.
- * Oak Street was included in a fraudulent conveyance by James Tiernan, the assignee of * Fountain Street, on October *, *.
- The Southeast Housing Court ordered execution for possession, leading to my eviction from * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, and subsequent move to * Oak Street.
- The writ is based on fraud, and no further action has been taken because Mr. Tiernan already has a lien on the property.
Judicial Estoppel:
- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- This illegal foreclosure also included the * Oak Street, Norton, MA property. However, he only transferred the Rehoboth property and has a lien on * Oak Street.
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void. His actions are
from "- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void. His actions are" onward keeping without the borderline
Sure, here is the revised motion section from the specified point onward:
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void. His actions are part of a continuum of criminal acts attempting to defraud me, a creditor. I have filed a lawsuit against him in federal court (C.A. No. *:*-cv-*) for violation of G. L. c. 93A, §§ *, *, citing the illegal foreclosure and usury.
No Additional Lien Recorded:- As of [current date], no additional lien has been recorded against my property at * Oak Street, Norton, MA.
Judicial Estoppel:- On October *, *, James Tiernan testified before the Honorable Richard Stearns at the U.S. District Court that the foreclosure/transfer recorded on May *, *, for * Brayton Woods, Rehoboth, MA, was done against state foreclosure and usury laws.
- This illegal foreclosure also included the * Oak Street, Norton, MA property. However, he only transferred the Rehoboth property and has alien on * Oak Street.
- Despite this testimony, he executed the writ of execution, which should be considered judicial estoppel, rendering the writ void. His actions are part of a continuum of criminal acts attempting to defraud me, a creditor.
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial on pages * (lines *-*), * (lines *-*), and * (lines *-*) provide evidence of his fraudulent intent.
Attachments:- Massachusetts identification card with my legal name and residence (* Oak Street, Norton, MA)
- Certified document of the Homestead declaration
- Receipt of the Homestead filing
- Deed proving sole ownership of my home
- Copy of the writ of execution
- Transcript excerpts from the bench trial
Conclusion:Based on the Homestead protection, the fraudulent conveyance, judicial estoppel, and the absence of any additional recorded lien, I request the court to recognize my exemption and contest the writ of execution, ensuring my primary residence is protected.
Mailing Instructions:Please mail this motion to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island at the following address:
~U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Rhode Island