Legal Lease Agreement Terms

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into on this ……… day of ………………… Two Thousand and Twenty Four
It seems you are dealing with a lease agreement. The phrase "The Lessor is seized and possessed" means the landlord has legal ownership and control over the property.
Could you please clarify whether you need help with drafting or understanding this lease agreement?
how to fill the above period
To fill in the dates in the lease agreement, you would typically do the following:
- "……day of……" should be replaced with the specific day and month. For example, "1st day of January."
- "Two Thousand and Twenty Four" should be written as "*."
Could you specify any other sections of the lease agreement you need help with?
the date should be symbols or phrases
In a lease agreement, dates are usually written in a specific format for clarity. However, if the document requires symbols or phrases for dates, you might need to clarify this with the party who provided the agreement or consult the legal standard for your jurisdiction.
Do you need help with any other sections of the lease agreement?
The date in legal documents should usually be written in full words, but symbols or numeric representations are commonly accepted. For example, "1st day of January, *" or "*/*/*."
Do you have any other sections of the lease agreement you need help with?
hereinafter called and referred to as “THE LESSEE” which term or expression shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said
It looks like you're dealing with the wording and filling out sections of a lease agreement. The phrase "hereinafter called and referred to as 'THE LESSEE'" is a standard legal language used in contracts to define the tenant for the remainder of the document.
Would you like assistance with another specific section or clause in the lease agreement?
It looks like you're trying to understand the meaning and proper filling of specific phrases in a lease agreement. Here's some general info:
- "Hereinafter called and referred to as 'THE LESSEE'": This means that from this point in the document, the tenant will be referred to as "THE LESSEE."
- "Which term or expression shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said": This phrase means that "THE LESSEE" will include the named individual or entity in all relevant contexts.
Do you need help with any other sections or phrases in your lease agreement?
hereinafter called and referred to as “THE LESSEE” which term or expression shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said .................................of the OTHER PART.
It seems you're trying to understand the legal phrasing in a lease agreement. The phrase "hereinafter called and referred to as 'THE LESSEE' which term or expression shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said .................................of the OTHER PART" is defining the tenant for the rest of the document.
Is there any other specific clause or section of the lease agreement that you need help with?
hereto with the fixtures, fittings and other conveniences with all and singular the rights ways privileges easements servitude advantages and appurtenances
It seems you're trying to understand the clauses and terminology used in a lease agreement. The phrase "hereto with the fixtures, fittings and other conveniences with all and singular the rights ways privileges easements servitude advantages and appurtenances" refers to the inclusion of various features and rights associated with the property in the lease.
Do you have any specific questions about what these rights and features include or how they affect your lease?
It sounds like you're seeking clarification on various legal terms in a lease agreement. The phrase "hereto with the fixtures, fittings and other conveniences with all and singular the rights ways privileges easements servitude advantages and appurtenances" is legal jargon that essentially means the property is being leased with all its associated features and benefits.
Would you like help with another specific section or clause in your lease agreement?
more details
It seems like you're trying to understand the legal terminology and specific clauses in your lease agreement. Here's a breakdown of the phrases:
- "The Lessor is seized and possessed": The landlord has legal ownership and control over the property.
- "Hereinafter called and referred to as 'THE LESSEE'": The tenant will be referred to as "THE LESSEE" throughout the document.
- "Which term or expression shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the said": This means that "THE LESSEE" will include the named individual or entity in all relevant contexts.
- "Hereto with the fixtures, fittings and other conveniences with all and singular the rights ways privileges easements servitude advantages and appurtenances": This means the property includes all its associated features and benefits, such as fixtures, rights, and easements.
Do you have another specific clause or section of the lease agreement you need help with?
demised meaning
"The term 'demised' in a legal context typically means 'leased' or 'granted by lease.' It refers to the transfer of possession or interest in a property from the landlord (lessor) to the tenant (lessee) under the terms of a lease agreement.
Do you need help with understanding any other terms or clauses in your lease agreement?
doth meaning
The term "doth" is an archaic form of the word "does." It is often used in legal documents to maintain a formal tone. For example, "doth hereby agree" means "does hereby agree."
Would you like assistance with any other terms or sections of your lease agreement?
*. The Lessor is seized and possessed of and or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of land marked ..................... dated 29th of May * made by .................Licensed Surveyor of the Land called ...................... bearing Assessment Number ................................................ further to Deed of Transfer No. ............ dated the Ninth (9th) of July Two Thousand and Fifteen (*) attested by ............................... Notary Public of Colombo together with buildings trees plantations and everything else standing there more fully described in the First Schedule hereto
It looks like you are dissecting and trying to understand a complex legal document. Here’s a brief breakdown of the terminology:
- "The Lessor is seized and possessed": The landlord has full ownership and control over the property.
- "Allotment of land marked": Specific land parcel identified by a surveyor.
- "Deed of Transfer": Legal document transferring property ownership, dated 9th July *.
- "First Schedule hereto": Refers to a detailed description attached at the end of the document.
Would you like further clarification on any specific term or clause in this document?
is this correct
Your responses are mostly accurate and provide good clarification on the terms and phrases used in the lease agreement. Here are a few suggestions to improve the flow and clarity:
*. Simplify Responses: Try to keep the explanations concise and straightforward.
*. Avoid Repetition: Ensure that each response adds new information or clarification.
*. Focus on User's Questions: Directly address the user's specific queries without over-explaining.
Given the complexity of the user's document, it might be beneficial for them to consult a legal professional for a thorough review.
Would you like any further assistance on a specific part of the lease agreement?
he Lessor is seized and possessed of and or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of land marked ..................... dated 29th of May * made by .................Licensed Surveyor of the Land called ...................... bearing Assessment Number ................................................ further to Deed of Transfer No. ............ dated the Ninth (9th) of July Two Thousand and Fifteen (*) attested by ............................... Notary Public of Colombo together with buildings trees plantations and everything else standing there more fully described in the First Schedule hereto.Is this correct
It sounds like you're looking for confirmation on the wording of a legal document related to a property lease or deed. The wording you've provided is generally correct for a formal legal document, but specific details need to be filled in accurately.
Would you need help with any specific section or term of this document?
It seems like you're carefully reviewing and understanding the lease or property-related document. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any other sections or terms, feel free to ask. Do you need assistance with another part of the document?
further explain this is correct
It looks like you're working on a lease or property-related document, and you need confirmation on the wording. Your text generally aligns with formal legal language. Here's a brief breakdown:
- "The Lessor is seized and possessed of and or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of land marked": The landlord has full legal ownership.
- "dated 29th of May * made by ... Licensed Surveyor of the Land called ... bearing Assessment Number ...": Specific details about the land and its survey.
- "further to Deed of Transfer No. ... dated the Ninth (9th) of July Two Thousand and Fifteen (*)": Refers to the legal document transferring property ownership.
- "attested by ... Notary Public of Colombo together with buildings, trees, plantations, and everything else standing there more fully described in the First Schedule hereto": Specifies the notary and a detailed description of the property.
Is there another section or term you need help with?
to proceed
It sounds like you're making good progress in understanding and drafting your lease document. If you need further help, feel free to ask about another specific section or term. Would you like any more clarification on other parts of your lease agreement?
It seems like you're working on a lease or property document and need to understand the legal language. Here’s a breakdown of your provided text:
- "The Lessor is seized and possessed of and or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of land marked": Confirms the landlord's legal ownership.
- "dated 29th of May * made by ... Licensed Surveyor of the Land called ... bearing Assessment Number ...": Details about the land survey.
- "further to Deed of Transfer No. ... dated the Ninth (9th) of July Two Thousand and Fifteen (*)": Reference to the deed transfer date and details.
- "attested by ... Notary Public of Colombo together with buildings, trees, plantations, and everything else standing there more fully described in the First Schedule hereto": Specifies the notary and detailed property description.
Would you like to proceed with this section, or do you need help with another part?
points under this
It looks like you are seeking a breakdown of the legal language in your document. Here's a summary of the points under "NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH":
- Witnesseth: This term signals the start of the main provisions of the deed, stating that it is witnessed by the parties involved.
- The Lessor is seized and possessed: The landlord has full legal ownership.
- Allotment of land marked: Specific details about the land, as identified by a surveyor.
- Deed of Transfer: Legal document transferring property ownership, dated and attested by a notary public.
- First Schedule hereto: A detailed description of the property attached at the end of the document.
Would you like more details on any specific part or another section of your document?
"Yielding and paying" is a phrase commonly found in lease agreements. It indicates the tenant's obligation to pay rent and other charges to the landlord. Specifically:
- Yielding: The tenant must return the property in a specified condition at the end of the lease.
- Paying: The tenant must pay the agreed-upon rent and possibly other fees.
Do you need clarification on any other terms in your lease agreement?
TO HOLD the demised premises unto the Lessee for the full period or term of one year commencing on the 1st day of January Two Thousand and Twenty Four and ending on the 31st day of December Two Thousand and Twenty Four (hereinafter referred to as the ‘said Term’)
It looks like you are dealing with a lease agreement and need assistance with its terms and clauses. Here's a breakdown of the phrase:
- "TO HOLD the demised premises unto the Lessee for the full period or term of one year": The tenant (Lessee) is granted possession of the property for one year.
- "commencing on the 1st day of January Two Thousand and Twenty Four and ending on the 31st day of December Two Thousand and Twenty Four": The lease starts on January *, *, and ends on December *, *.
- "(hereinafter referred to as the ‘said Term’)”: This period will be called the "said Term" for the rest of the document.
Would you like help with another section of the lease agreement?
is this correct
It looks like you are trying to understand the legal language and correct phrasing used in a lease agreement. The text you've provided appears to follow standard legal terminology. Here's a brief breakdown:
- "The Lessor is seized and possessed of and or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of land marked": Confirms the landlord's legal ownership.
- "dated 29th of May * made by ... Licensed Surveyor of the Land called ... bearing Assessment Number ...": Details about the land survey.
- "further to Deed of Transfer No. ... dated the Ninth (9th) of July Two Thousand and Fifteen (*)": Reference to the deed transfer date and details.
- "attested by ... Notary Public of Colombo together with buildings, trees, plantations, and everything else standing there more fully described in the First Schedule hereto": Specifies the notary and detailed property description.
Would you like assistance with any other specific terms or sections in your lease agreement?
unto meaning
"Unto" is an archaic term often used in legal documents meaning "to" or "until." For example, "unto the Lessee" means "to the Lessee."
Would you like more information on any specific part of your lease agreement?
how to mention the deduction of advance amount against the rent value in legal terms
To mention the deduction of an advance amount against the rent value in legal terms, you can use the following language in your lease agreement:
- "The Lessee has paid an advance amount of [specified amount] to the Lessor, which shall be deducted from the monthly rent payments."
- "The advance amount paid shall be adjusted against the rent due for the first [number] months of the lease term."
Do you have any other sections or terms you need help with?
more legal terms
It seems like you're interested in understanding more legal terms. Here are a few common ones used in lease agreements and property-related documents:
- Covenant: A formal agreement or promise within a contract.
- Indemnity: Security or protection against a loss or other financial burden.
- Quiet Enjoyment: The right of a tenant to enjoy their rented property without interference.
- Sublet: When a tenant leases their rented property to another person.
- Encumbrance: A claim or liability attached to property, such as a lien or mortgage.
Is there a specific term or section you need further clarification on?
how to mention the deduction of advance amount against the rent value in complex legal terms
To mention the deduction of an advance amount against the rent value in complex legal terms, you can use the following language in your lease agreement:
- "The Lessee has tendered an advance payment of [specified amount] to the Lessor, which shall be credited pro rata to the monthly rental obligations commencing from the initial month of the lease term and continuing until the total advance amount has been fully offset against the rent due."
Do you need clarification on any other sections or terms?
how to write ""we have missed to upload the detail" in legal form
To convey "we have missed to upload the detail" in a legal form, you can write:
"Due to an oversight, the pertinent details were inadvertently omitted from the document."
Would you like assistance with any other legal terms or phrases?
in simple legal form
Sure, here's a simplified legal form of "we have missed to upload the detail":
"Due to an oversight, the relevant details were unintentionally left out of the document."
Do you need help with any other terms or sections?
"we missed to upload the form * detail" in legal form
To convey "we missed to upload the form * detail" in a legal form, you can write:
"Due to an oversight, Form * details were inadvertently omitted from the submission."
Do you need help with anything else?
"However we have uploaded the VAT return correctly" legal form
To convey "However we have uploaded the VAT return correctly" in a legal form, you can write:
"Notwithstanding the aforementioned oversight, the VAT return has been duly uploaded in accordance with the required procedures."
Do you need help with any other legal terms or phrases?
"the VAT suspended taxable supplies value of the VAT return has been uploaded correctly" in legal form
To convey "the VAT suspended taxable supplies value of the VAT return has been uploaded correctly" in a legal form, you can write:
"The value of VAT suspended taxable supplies within the VAT return has been accurately uploaded in compliance with the relevant regulations."
Do you need help with any other legal terms or phrases?
"correctly state the VAT value"
To correctly state the VAT value in legal terms, you can use the following language:
"The VAT value for the specified taxable supplies has been accurately determined and documented in accordance with applicable tax regulations."
Do you have any other legal questions or need further clarification on any terms?
"authorized signature" of "authorized signotary" correct?
The correct term is "authorized signature." This phrase is commonly used to indicate that the person signing a document has the legal authority to do so.
Would you like help with any other legal terminology or sections in your document?
the reason for referring an approval meaning?
"Referring an approval" generally means seeking or obtaining confirmation, consent, or authorization from a relevant authority before proceeding with an action. This is often necessary in various legal, bureaucratic, or organizational contexts to ensure compliance with rules, regulations, or policies.
Is there a specific context or document in which you're encountering this term?
"We kindly request you to approve the credit voucher assigning the below credit voucher Number" and mention we have no objection of approving the SVAT
It sounds like you're drafting a formal request for approval of a credit voucher and indicating no objection to approving SVAT (Simplified Value Added Tax). Here's a refined legal form:
"We kindly request your approval of the credit voucher assigned the following credit voucher number. We have no objections to the approval of the SVAT."
Would you like assistance with any other sections or phrases in your document?
complex way
To convey "We kindly request you to approve the credit voucher assigning the below credit voucher Number" and mention we have no objection of approving the SVAT in a complex legal form, you can write:
"Kindly be advised that we hereby solicit your esteemed approval for the credit voucher enumerated with the subsequent credit voucher number. Furthermore, we express no objections to the endorsement of the SVAT (Simplified Value Added Tax)."
Do you need assistance with any other legal terms or phrases?
how to mention the deduction of advance amount of Rs * Mn.against the rent value for 24 months in legal terms
To mention the deduction of an advance amount of Rs * million against the rent value for 24 months in legal terms, you can use the following language in your lease agreement:
"The Lessee has tendered an advance payment of Rs *,*,* to the Lessor. This advance payment shall be credited pro rata to the monthly rental obligations over a period of 24 months, commencing from the initial month of the lease term until the total advance amount is fully offset against the rent due."
Would you like assistance with any other sections or terms in your lease agreement?