Tenants Early Lease Termination


The tenant, residing in Arkansas, had a lease agreement that expired. The landlord and tenant verbally agreed to extend the lease for three months, but no written contract was provided. The tenant plans to move out early due to purchasing a new house. The landlord is unhappy with the early termination. The tenant was advised that verbal agreements can be legally binding in Arkansas and was recommended to consult with a local attorney to understand their rights and obligations under the verbal agreement.

Full Conversation

I need to know if I can move out of the house I am renting
****, do you have a lease agreement for the house you're renting? If so, what are the terms regarding early termination?
yes, but it expired last month. My landlord and I agreed to extend it by * more months and they said they would send me the contract for extension, but never did. Is that legally binding if I agreed over text?
Did you receive any written confirmation from your landlord about the extension, such as an email or letter, apart from the text message?
no, nothing but the text message
What was the exact wording of the text message agreement? In Arkansas, verbal agreements can be legally binding but it depends on the specifics.
Hi ****, I spoke with my husband and he said it is ok to extend a 3 month lease with a $*/- more for you guys and at the same time we will be posting the house for rent. And you can also let us if you get a good renters. It will be very helpful. Since you guys are very good tenants we wish you guys stayed for a year longer which leave us without any worry. But we understand. We wanted to make sure that it is ok with you if someone wants to look at the house? The lease agreement will be sent to you in Aug 17th. We don’t sign anything from July 15th to August 16th and Dec 15th to Jan 16th due to non religious months. We follow our religious calendar. We will send you the lease on August 17th.
Did you agree to the terms mentioned in the text message, specifically the extension of the lease, the increase in rent, and the possibility of other people viewing the house?
This is what I said:
What was your response to the landlord's text message?
Okay we appreciate it very much! I understand following your religious calendar and respect that very much! I'll let you know about tenants if we can find some as well
What is the reason you want to move out early?
i am buying a house since we never got a contract from our landlord
What is the closing date for the house you are buying?
October 21st *
What is the date you plan to move out of your rental property?
October 30th
What is the address of the court nearest to you? This information will be helpful in case you need to take any legal action.
i don't know the address, but so am in barling, Arkansas
The nearest court to you in Barling, Arkansas is the Sebastian County District Court - Southern District. The address is * Church St, Barling, AR *, USA. Phone: +* *-*-*.
thank you
You're welcome, ****! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
okay, am I able to get out of the house?
What is the reason you want to leave the house?
i bought a house
What is the closing date for the house you are buying?
oct *
Based on the information provided, you may be able to move out. However, it's best to notify your landlord in writing about your plans to ensure clear communication.
i talked to me landlord about it and she was not happy
What was your landlord's response when you informed her about your plans to move out?
We had understanding that you needed for 3 months extension which ends by November 30th. And we spoke about selling the property and we did not hear from you due to the long weekend Since we already listed for Dec 1st and we will be losing a month’s rent
What was your response to your landlord's statement about losing a month's rent?
I actually asked for a month by month extension while we were in the market for a new house, but you did not want to do that and instead offered a 6 month extension. We then agreed on 3 months as it was better than us being obligated to a 6 month lease. And I was going to stay in the house until November 30th, but when we never got the contract for extension, we realized that meant you were also no longer obligated by contract to let us live here, so we moved forward to secure a house since we were not contracted to live here.
Did your landlord respond after you explained your situation?
This is all she said: We normally don’t go for a short term lease. Only for you guys we said yes to 3 month extension and month to month we did not want to do in the first place. Let me talk to my Husband
What was the outcome of the conversation with her husband?
she has not answered since then
What date did you last communicate with your landlord?
What is the date today?
sept *
What was the date of your last rent payment?
Sept. 1st
What was the amount of your last rent payment?
What is the usual date for your rent payment each month?
the first of the month
When is your next rent payment due?
The lease that stated the rent payment rate has expired, but we have always paid in the 1st of each month
When is your next rent payment due according to the verbal agreement you had with your landlord?
Oct 1st
Based on the information provided:

- In Arkansas, verbal lease agreements can be legally binding.
- You should notify your landlord in writing about your plans to move out.
- Sebastian County District Court - Southern District is your nearest court. Address: * Church St, Barling, AR *, USA. Phone: +* *-*-*.
What do I do now?
You should consult with a local attorney to understand your rights and obligations under the verbal agreement. They can guide you on the best course of action.
Will I be allowed to move out
What is the exact date you agreed to extend your lease until, according to your text conversation with your landlord?
she said November 30th but all I said was okay thank you
What date did you plan to move out of the rental property?
oct *
Based on the information provided:

- In Arkansas, verbal agreements can be legally binding.
- You should consult with a local attorney to understand your rights and obligations under the verbal agreement.
- Sebastian County District Court - Southern District is your nearest court. Address: * Church St, Barling, AR *, USA. Phone: +* *-*-*.
am I covered under the law or will I be breaking contract?
Based on the information provided:

- In Arkansas, verbal agreements can be legally binding.
- If you leave before November 30th, you may be breaking the verbal agreement.
- Consult a local attorney for advice.