Lead Paint Disclosure Fraud


If you bought a house in Kansas and discovered undisclosed lead paint, you may have a claim for misrepresentation or fraud. Kansas law requires lead disclosure when selling a home. If the seller claimed there was no lead paint to their knowledge, their liability may depend on whether they deliberately lied or should have reasonably known about the lead paint. Consult a local attorney to explore your options.

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I bought a house 2 years ago. On the dicolsure the seller said they werent aware of any lead in the home. The home they sold me is covered in lead paint and my son got lead poisoning. What can be done about this?
Hi ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please let me know your location? That would help me provide you with the most relevant legal information.
Leavenworth kansas
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Kansas:
- You may have a claim for misrepresentation or fraud.
- You could potentially sue the seller for damages.
- Kansas law requires lead disclosure when selling a home.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.
What is there was a discolsure but they claimed there was no lead paint to their knowledge
If the seller claimed there was no lead paint to their knowledge, their liability may depend on:
- If they deliberately lied or misrepresented.
- If they should've reasonably known about the lead paint.
It's crucial to consult with a local attorney to explore your options.