Undisclosed Hoa Legal Recourse


If you discover an HOA before closing on your home sale, you have the right to demand disclosure of HOA details and potentially delay the closing. If the HOA was not disclosed when you purchased the property, you may have a claim against the seller or realtor. Consult a local real estate attorney for specific guidance.

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I am selling my home, closing is in 2 days, the buyer's agent informed me there is an HOA. When I purchased the property there was no HOA and I was not informed about the possibility of an HOA or the formation of an HOA. What legal recourse do I have?
Hello **** ****,
In Georgia:
- You have the right to demand disclosure of the HOA details.
- You can potentially delay the closing until you confirm the HOA status.
- If the HOA was not disclosed at your purchase, you may have a claim against the seller or realtor.
Consult a local real estate attorney for specific guidance.