Relinquishing Property Rights Ohio


Siblings in Ohio can relinquish their rights to a deceased persons house by signing a quitclaim deed. This document transfers their interest in the property. Consult a real estate attorney to ensure proper handling.

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What document needs to be filled out for siblings to relinquish their rights for the sale of a deseased persons house?
In Ohio, siblings who want to relinquish their rights to a deceased person's house would typically sign a "Quitclaim Deed". This document officially transfers their interest in the property. However, it's crucial to consult with a real estate attorney to ensure everything is handled correctly.
What is a quitclaim deed?
A quitclaim deed is a legal document that transfers ownership of real estate from one person to another. It's often used in cases where the transfer of ownership doesn't need a traditional sale, such as between family members. Please consult a real estate attorney for more details.