Landlord Bankruptcy Lease Impact


In Missouri, if your landlord goes bankrupt, your lease agreement is typically still valid, and you should continue paying rent until notified otherwise. The cost of utilities might not be your landlords responsibility. For further help, contact Missouri Legal Services at (800) 444-4863.

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My landlord is going bankrupt and is going to give the house we live in back to the bank and our lease isnt up for another 6 months. Do we still owe him the $* for the month when we had to pay for the electric and water and wifi to be put in our name which cost almost $* and we only have $* left
Hello ****, could you please specify your location as laws vary based on jurisdiction?
In Missouri, if your landlord goes bankrupt:
- Your lease agreement is typically still valid.
- You should continue paying rent until notified otherwise.
- Your utilities' cost might not be your landlord's responsibility.
For further help, contact Missouri Legal Services at (*) *-*.