City Water Line Delays


If your city is delaying water line installation, document all communications and consult a local attorney. You may file an injunction to expedite the process. Consistent engagement with the city and seeking media attention can also help. Patience and persistence are crucial.

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ive been in talks with the city they keep saying all can do is wait
I understand your frustration, Pearl. Here's what you can do:
- Document your communication with the city.
- Consult with a local attorney.
- Consider filing an "injunction" in court to speed up the process.
Remember, every case is unique. It's best to consult with a professional.
so is there anything i can do speed up the process
While I understand your urgency, the legal process can often take time. Some possible steps include:
- Engage consistently with the city, urging them for a resolution.
- Seek media attention to highlight the issue.
- Continue to work with your attorney on your legal options.
Remember, patience and persistence are key in these situations.