Undisclosed Home Issues Vermont


If you face undisclosed home issues in Vermont, review your purchase agreement and consult a real estate attorney. Contact Vermont Legal Aid, the Department of Financial Regulation, or the Vermont Human Rights Commission for further assistance. Gather evidence and report the non-profits actions to the Vermont Non-Profit Association.

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I bought my house and a lot of things were not disclosed during transaction now I am trapped in a shared equity program where they pretty much own my home and equity but I pay the mortgage and I can't find anyone in VT that will help, one of the entities involved is a non profit.
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Vermont, sellers are required to disclose certain information about the property. If you believe this information was withheld:
- Review your purchase agreement to see if any disclosures were included.
- Consult with a real estate attorney to discuss possible legal action.
- Reach out to Vermont Legal Aid for additional assistance.
I tried legal aid, I tried attorney general and federal trade commission
Hello ****, I understand your frustration. In this case, you may want to consider:
- Contacting the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation, they oversee housing and equity issues.
- Seek advice from a private attorney specializing in real estate law.
- File a complaint with the Vermont Human Rights Commission if you feel your rights were violated.
The non profit program did the lying did not show up at closing and my lawyer said he knew nothing about the program from non profit.
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's crucial to:
- Gather all evidence of the non-profit's actions.
- Report the issue to the Vermont Non-Profit Association.
- Consult with a lawyer specializing in non-profit law.
Remember to keep all communications for potential legal proceedings.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your situation.