Filing Mechanics Lien Illinois
In Illinois, you can file a mechanics lien without needing to file a lawsuit immediately. However, to enforce the lien, a lawsuit must be filed within two years of completing the work. If the lien is disputed or not honored, legal action may be necessary.Full Conversation
For contract leins do I need to also file a lawsuit at the same time?
Hi ****! In Wisconsin, to enforce a lien, you generally do not need to file a lawsuit at the same time. However, if the lien is disputed or not honored, you may need to file a lawsuit to enforce it.
Are you dealing with a specific dispute regarding a contract lien currently?
Im sepcifically asking for IL
Hi ****! In Illinois, to enforce a mechanic's lien, you generally need to file a lawsuit within two years of completing the work. Are you dealing with a specific lien dispute or just looking for general information?
I am filing a contact lien for the fist time and I need to konw if I can just file the lien on its own without a lawsuit in IL
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In Illinois, you can file a mechanic's lien without immediately filing a lawsuit. However, to enforce the lien, a lawsuit must be filed within two years of completing the work.
Are you dealing with any specific issues or disputes regarding this lien?