Verbal Agreement Property Dispute


Verbal agreements are recognized under Florida law but can be challenging to prove. For month-to-month tenants, Florida law mandates at least 15 days notice for eviction. Consulting a local attorney is advisable for personalized advice.

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Hello John, nice to meet you. Please tell me more about your legal issue so I can provide you with the most relevant information.
Ive lived with my grandmother for 15 years she promised me in a verbal agreement she would give me $*,* when she sold the property. Now she just told me that me and my son hve to leave, the property has sold and im getting nothing and i have to leave in 15 days
Hello John. Sorry to hear about your situation. To provide you with relevant information, could you please let me know where this is happening? The law can differ depending on location.
Nokomis florida
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, John. Here are some points about verbal agreements in Florida:
- Florida law recognizes verbal agreements. However, proving them can be difficult.
- Regarding eviction, Florida law requires at least 15 days' notice for month-to-month tenants.
Please consult with a local attorney for detailed advice.