Fraudulent Property Transfer Case
The issue involves a potential fraudulent property transfer, where evidence suggests intent to defraud creditors by transferring property without adequate consideration. The property was transferred to close associates at a fraction of its assessed value, despite an outstanding 93A demand letter and pending lawsuit. This action aimed to prevent, hinder, or delay debt collection, rendering the creditor insolvent. The transfer was made with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit, and the buyer is not considered a good faith purchaser. The propertys assessed value was approximately $985,000, but it was transferred for $550,000. Understanding Massachusetts laws on fraudulent conveyance may provide further insights.Full Conversation
Hi. Can you revise my writing to sound more legal -Prima Facie Evidence: - Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence shows that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without fair consideration. - Transactions without Sufficient Consideration: The property was transferred without fair consideration, indicating fraudulent intent. - Property Transfers to Close Associates or at a Fraction of its Value: The transfer involved parties close to the fraudsters and was conducted at a fraction of the property's value.- Transfers Before or After Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite a pending 93A demand letter and lawsuit , which is pending which was a
Here's a revised version with more legal language:
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence demonstrates that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without adequate consideration.
- Transactions without Adequate Consideration: The property was transferred without sufficient consideration, indicative of fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Insiders or at Below Market Value: The transfer was to close associates of the fraudsters and executed at a fraction of the property's assessed value.
- Transfers in Proximity to Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite an outstanding 93A demand letter and pending lawsuit, clearly indicating the creditors' awareness of the claim. This action was intended to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent with no consideration. The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. Peter Fallon is not a "good faith" buyer. The Town of Rehoboth assessed the property at approximately $*,*, while the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Is there anything else you need assistance with?
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence demonstrates that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without adequate consideration.
- Transactions without Adequate Consideration: The property was transferred without sufficient consideration, indicative of fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Insiders or at Below Market Value: The transfer was to close associates of the fraudsters and executed at a fraction of the property's assessed value.
- Transfers in Proximity to Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite an outstanding 93A demand letter and pending lawsuit, clearly indicating the creditors' awareness of the claim. This action was intended to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent with no consideration. The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. Peter Fallon is not a "good faith" buyer. The Town of Rehoboth assessed the property at approximately $*,*, while the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Is there anything else you need assistance with?
clear indication of the creditors' knowledge of the claim demonstrating their intent to prevent, hinder or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent and without * consideration. The property was transfrred to Peter fallon and L & S Realty with full lnowedge of the pending lawsuit . He is niot a "good faith" buyer. The town of rehobth assessed the property for roughly $*,*. the transfer was cnducted via $*,*
It looks like you're dealing with a complex legal issue involving potential fraudulent property transfer. Here’s a revised version with more legal language:
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence demonstrates that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without adequate consideration.
- Transactions without Adequate Consideration: The property was transferred without sufficient consideration, indicative of fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Insiders or at Below Market Value: The transfer was to close associates of the fraudsters and executed at a fraction of the property's assessed value.
- Transfers in Proximity to Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite an outstanding 93A demand letter and pending lawsuit, clearly indicating the creditors' awareness of the claim. This action was intended to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent with no consideration. The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. Peter Fallon is not a "good faith" buyer. The Town of Rehoboth assessed the property at approximately $*,*, while the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Would you like to knowanything specific about Massachusetts laws related to fraudulent conveyance?
Prima Facie Evidence:
- Intent to Defraud Creditors: Evidence demonstrates that the parties involved intended to defraud Karen Merritt by transferring the property without adequate consideration.
- Transactions without Adequate Consideration: The property was transferred without sufficient consideration, indicative of fraudulent intent.
- Property Transfers to Insiders or at Below Market Value: The transfer was to close associates of the fraudsters and executed at a fraction of the property's assessed value.
- Transfers in Proximity to Debt Proceedings: The property transfer occurred despite an outstanding 93A demand letter and pending lawsuit, clearly indicating the creditors' awareness of the claim. This action was intended to prevent, hinder, or delay the collection of a debt owed, rendering Karen Merritt insolvent with no consideration. The property was transferred to Peter Fallon and L & S Realty with full knowledge of the pending lawsuit. Peter Fallon is not a "good faith" buyer. The Town of Rehoboth assessed the property at approximately $*,*, while the transfer was conducted for $*,*.
Would you like to knowanything specific about Massachusetts laws related to fraudulent conveyance?
In * I was a victim of mortgae fruad by my financial advisor. I signed a permission papers gving permission to my accountant who was going onto busines with my former husband permission to pay the mortgae payments which jaems had been court ordered to pay. My beief was reinforced by the fact that from * to * they never sent any notices to me. It was in * I got a default notice that i learned that i had signed a note and mortgae to unlicensed lenders that fast forward has lead me to an illegal foreclsoure and on October *, * the exection for possession of my property. I think I need to begin with conspirarcy as the staute of limiations is 3 years from the last overt act. Given this how would I cite mortgae fruad in amtion to the appeals court?
To cite mortgage fraud in your motion to the appeals court, you should include the following:
- Intent to Defraud: Outline how the financial advisor and accountant conspired to defraud you.
- Fraudulent Acts: Detail the unlicensed lenders and fraudulent mortgage note.
- Impact: Describe the illegal foreclosure and possession order.
- Statute of Limitations: Emphasize the last overt act within the *-year limit.
Would you like more detailed information on Massachusetts laws regarding mortgage fraud?
- Intent to Defraud: Outline how the financial advisor and accountant conspired to defraud you.
- Fraudulent Acts: Detail the unlicensed lenders and fraudulent mortgage note.
- Impact: Describe the illegal foreclosure and possession order.
- Statute of Limitations: Emphasize the last overt act within the *-year limit.
Would you like more detailed information on Massachusetts laws regarding mortgage fraud?
Yes. What law did they break tricking me to sign papers?
In Massachusetts, the relevant laws for tricking someone into signing papers under false pretenses include:
- Fraud (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *):
- Obtaining property by false pretenses.
- Misrepresentation to deceive and induce someone to sign a document.
Would you like more information on how to proceed with this issue?
- Fraud (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *):
- Obtaining property by false pretenses.
- Misrepresentation to deceive and induce someone to sign a document.
Would you like more information on how to proceed with this issue?
Yes! Please proceed.
In Massachusetts, you might be dealing with several legal issues, including fraud and potentially conspiracy. Here are some relevant laws:
- Fraud (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *):
- Obtaining property by false pretenses.
- Misrepresentation to deceive and induce someone to sign a document.
- Mortgage Fraud (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section 17B):
- Fraudulent misrepresentation in real estate transactions.
Would you like more detailed steps on how to file a motion in the appeals court?
- Fraud (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *):
- Obtaining property by false pretenses.
- Misrepresentation to deceive and induce someone to sign a document.
- Mortgage Fraud (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section 17B):
- Fraudulent misrepresentation in real estate transactions.
Would you like more detailed steps on how to file a motion in the appeals court?
would you include forclosure rescue scam and larceny?
In Massachusetts, foreclosure rescue scams and larceny are also relevant to your situation. Here are the pertinent laws:
- Foreclosure Rescue Scam (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *):
- Unlawful to engage in deceptive practices during foreclosure.
- Prohibits offering foreclosure rescue services without proper disclosures.
- Larceny (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *):
- Unlawful taking of property with intent to permanently deprive the owner.
Would you like more details on how to incorporate these into your motion?
- Foreclosure Rescue Scam (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *):
- Unlawful to engage in deceptive practices during foreclosure.
- Prohibits offering foreclosure rescue services without proper disclosures.
- Larceny (Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *):
- Unlawful taking of property with intent to permanently deprive the owner.
Would you like more details on how to incorporate these into your motion?
*.5 years ago I went to the rehoboth Ma police dept to fill out a police report. I stopped becuase the dectective appeared to accuse me of the crime becuase the Souteast housing Court judge ruled against me despite notice of criminal usuary and violations of predatory lending 183C and Chapter * 35B violations. I did not know how to handle it so i did not fillout the police report. But the housing court is obstruncting justice. Should I g back to that detective ? Or stat again?
It's important to report the crime to the police while ensuring your rights are protected. You could go back to the police department and try to file the report again, but consider bringing any supporting documents and perhaps a legal advisor to assist you.
Would you like more information on how to prepare for this meeting?
Would you like more information on how to prepare for this meeting?
i dont have a legal adviosr to assist me. Can i ask the police dept fpr one or what agencies can I ask for help assisting me to fill out a police report. I am a senoire with disabilites?
In Massachusetts, you can seek assistance from several agencies to help you fill out a police report:
- Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC): They provide civil legal aid to low-income people, including seniors and those with disabilities.
- Massachusetts Senior Legal Helpline: Offers free legal advice for seniors.
Would you like more details on how to contact these agencies?
- Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC): They provide civil legal aid to low-income people, including seniors and those with disabilities.
- Massachusetts Senior Legal Helpline: Offers free legal advice for seniors.
Would you like more details on how to contact these agencies?
yes. what do i ask them for legal asistance in filling a police report?
You can ask the agencies for help by saying:
"I need assistance in filing a police report regarding a complex situation involving mortgage fraud, conspiracy, and foreclosure rescue scams. As a senior with disabilities, I need help understanding the process and ensuring my rights are protected."
Would you like contact details for these agencies?
"I need assistance in filing a police report regarding a complex situation involving mortgage fraud, conspiracy, and foreclosure rescue scams. As a senior with disabilities, I need help understanding the process and ensuring my rights are protected."
Would you like contact details for these agencies?
Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC)
Phone: (*) *-*
Massachusetts Senior Legal Helpline
Phone: (*) *-*
Would you like any other information on how to proceed with your case or any other legal matter?
what do i say when they ask how many are in my houshold. i live with my two sons one is a patinet care for me and the other works . will his icome affect my indignet status?
You can say: "There are three people in my household, including one son who is my patient caregiver and another son who works."
Regarding your indigent status, your working son's income may be considered when assessing household income, which could affect your eligibility for certain assistance programs.
Is there anything else you need help with?
Regarding your indigent status, your working son's income may be considered when assessing household income, which could affect your eligibility for certain assistance programs.
Is there anything else you need help with?
would his income affect legal assistance programs/
Yes, your son's income might affect your eligibility for legal assistance programs. Typically, these programs consider total household income. However, you should still apply and explain your situation, as some programs may have special provisions for seniors and individuals with disabilities.
Would you like more information on how to apply for these programs?
Would you like more information on how to apply for these programs?
You can apply for legal assistance programs by contacting the following agencies:
Phone: (*) *-*
Phone: (*) *-*
Explain your situation, including your household composition and your need for legal assistance due to mortgage fraud and related issues. They can guide you through the application process and assess your eligibility.
Would you like help with drafting any documents or more information on the application process?
Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation (MLAC)
Phone: (*) *-*
Massachusetts Senior Legal Helpline
Phone: (*) *-*
Explain your situation, including your household composition and your need for legal assistance due to mortgage fraud and related issues. They can guide you through the application process and assess your eligibility.
Would you like help with drafting any documents or more information on the application process?
i have placed calls. Meanwhile if i have strong evidence testimony from the lender that he knew the foreslosure was invalid, the accounting showing a *% interest rate rendering the foreclsoure invalid , *,* invoice by my financial advisor showing that he was responsible at the time. In addition that I have two pending civil cases in this matter. Should I wait until after these cases are ajudicated? or do them simultatenously filing a police report now rather than waiting.
You should file the police report now rather than waiting. It's important to have the police involved as soon as possible, especially if you have strong evidence. This can also support your civil cases and potentially expedite the legal process.
Do you need more details on how to present your evidence to the police?
Do you need more details on how to present your evidence to the police?
yes. can I file the report on line and we can fill it out?
In Massachusetts, you can file a police report online for certain types of incidents. However, for complex cases like yours involving mortgage fraud and conspiracy, it's best to file the report in person. Bring all your evidence and documents to support your claims.
Would you like guidance on how to organize and present your evidence when you go to the police station?
Would you like guidance on how to organize and present your evidence when you go to the police station?
Here's how you can organize and present your evidence:
*. Chronological Order: Arrange documents by date to show a timeline of events.
*. Key Evidence:
- Testimony from the lender acknowledging the invalid foreclosure.
- Accounting records showing the *% interest rate.
- Invoice from your financial advisor.
*. Summary: Write a brief summary of each piece of evidence and its relevance.
*. Copies: Make copies to provide to the police.
Would you like more details on any of these steps?
*. Chronological Order: Arrange documents by date to show a timeline of events.
*. Key Evidence:
- Testimony from the lender acknowledging the invalid foreclosure.
- Accounting records showing the *% interest rate.
- Invoice from your financial advisor.
*. Summary: Write a brief summary of each piece of evidence and its relevance.
*. Copies: Make copies to provide to the police.
Would you like more details on any of these steps?
Ok. does I cite the specific law broken and how my case meets that requirements? does the report need to show case law/
You don't need to cite specific laws or case law when filing a police report. Focus on presenting the facts clearly and providing evidence. Here's a brief guide:
- Describe the Incident: Clearly explain what happened.
- Provide Evidence: Attach supporting documents.
- Detail Impact: Explain how it affected you.
- Mention Applicable Laws: Mention relevant laws briefly, if you know them.
Would you like a template for your police report?
- Describe the Incident: Clearly explain what happened.
- Provide Evidence: Attach supporting documents.
- Detail Impact: Explain how it affected you.
- Mention Applicable Laws: Mention relevant laws briefly, if you know them.
Would you like a template for your police report?
so i tell about the meetings that I had in * with my adviosr , what I believed what I was signing, the emergency that I was in and what instead i signed. years go by without notice . then they send me mailings that they know are using the wrong amount, mail fraud. i send 93a letters and they transfer the property to petwer fallon and file a complaint in housing court using the fabricated deed . what do i say as the reason that the judge denied my counterclaims, just a misappliocation of laws and Im in appeals court citin fraud on the court?
You should mention that the judge denied your counterclaims due to a misapplication of laws. In your appeal, clearly state the grounds of fraud on the court, focusing on the fabricated deed and other fraudulent activities.
Would you like help drafting your appeal statement?
Would you like help drafting your appeal statement?
right now i have two court documents that i must file by january 3rd. the motion for recosnideration in the lower court and a civil docketing statement in appeals court. Is that right. I filed a noticwe of appeal, entry form and indignecy form. Is the civil docketing statement next and then they approve you?
Yes, the civil docketing statement is typically the next step after filing a notice of appeal, entry form, and indigency form. Once it's filed, the appeals court will review your documentation.
Would you like assistance with completing the civil docketing statement or understanding the approval process?
Would you like assistance with completing the civil docketing statement or understanding the approval process?
- November *, *: Judge Michaud allowed Petitioner's Motion to dismiss respondents’ counterclaims, referencing a convoluted history involving foreclosure, bankruptcy, and various courts.- December *, *: Karen Merritt filed a Notice of Appeal from the denial of her motion to vacate the judgment based on fraud on the court.
December *, *:Plaintiff L&S Realty LLC's Motion to strike Defendant Karen Merritt's appeal- December *, *: Judge Michaud affirmed Plaintiff's motion, stating appeals are issues previously litigated.
Sure, we can discuss the motion for reconsideration. Here’s what to consider when preparing your motion:
- New Evidence: Clearly define what new evidence you have that was not previously available.
- Foreclosure Rescue Scam & Mortgage Fraud: Explicitly mention these terms and provide supporting evidence.
- Violation of Usury Laws: Detail the specifics of these violations.
- Dodd-Frank Act: Explain how violations of this act impact your mortgage's validity.
Would you like help drafting specific sections of your motion?
- New Evidence: Clearly define what new evidence you have that was not previously available.
- Foreclosure Rescue Scam & Mortgage Fraud: Explicitly mention these terms and provide supporting evidence.
- Violation of Usury Laws: Detail the specifics of these violations.
- Dodd-Frank Act: Explain how violations of this act impact your mortgage's validity.
Would you like help drafting specific sections of your motion?
can we discuss the motion for reconsideration? Although i cited new evidence and gave the supporting evidence and the tiimeline that clearly establish a fraudlent transfer I dont cite clearly foreclsoure rescue scam, mortgae fruad . Im not sure if this is new evidence. I focussed on violation of usury laws fruad in the exection . I mention Dodd-Frank Act only to say that its been violated and renders the mortgae void. What constitutes as new evince? i told the judge about the deception of my finacial adviosr . he said that you should have reported this. My attorney did no tell him that we did . I sent 93a letters which lead to a lawsuit. Opposing counsel did not tell him this either.
In your motion for reconsideration, new evidence should be any information that wasn't available at the time of the initial hearing and could potentially change the outcome of the case. Here’s how to structure your motion:
- Introduction: Briefly state that you are requesting a reconsideration based on new evidence.
- New Evidence:
- Foreclosure Rescue Scam: Specifically mention evidence that supports this claim.
- Mortgage Fraud: Clearly outline fraudulent activities not previously cited.
- Violation of Usury Laws: Detail how the interest rates violated these laws with supporting documents.
- Dodd-Frank Act: Explain how the violations render your mortgage void.
- Financial Advisor Deception: Mention any evidence or reports of deceptive practices by your financial advisor.
- 93A Letters and Lawsuit: Include details of your 93A letters and their impact, emphasizing any new developments since the initial ruling.
Would you like help drafting any specific sections?
- Introduction: Briefly state that you are requesting a reconsideration based on new evidence.
- New Evidence:
- Foreclosure Rescue Scam: Specifically mention evidence that supports this claim.
- Mortgage Fraud: Clearly outline fraudulent activities not previously cited.
- Violation of Usury Laws: Detail how the interest rates violated these laws with supporting documents.
- Dodd-Frank Act: Explain how the violations render your mortgage void.
- Financial Advisor Deception: Mention any evidence or reports of deceptive practices by your financial advisor.
- 93A Letters and Lawsuit: Include details of your 93A letters and their impact, emphasizing any new developments since the initial ruling.
Would you like help drafting any specific sections?
is the statute of limitations for unsecured debt different than secured debt in ma?
Yes, the statute of limitations for unsecured debt and secured debt in Massachusetts is different:
- Unsecured Debt: Typically 6 years from the date of the last payment or acknowledgment of the debt.
- Secured Debt: Typically 20 years, often related to mortgages and liens.
Would you like more detailed information on how these statutes of limitations apply to your situation?
- Unsecured Debt: Typically 6 years from the date of the last payment or acknowledgment of the debt.
- Secured Debt: Typically 20 years, often related to mortgages and liens.
Would you like more detailed information on how these statutes of limitations apply to your situation?
I was advised by an attorny to file in mass land court for quiet title as the frudsters were passed the staute of limitations G.L.c. * section *-* (a) which passed for the puported notes that I signed on March *, * so the fruadsteres were too late to collect on the note but the judge stated that the mortgae based on the obsolete mortgae staute G.L.c. * section * makes the morgage enforeceable for 35 years becuase there wasent a date on the mortgae. However i know that the supremem court has ruled that as long as there is reference to the note that that constituites as the date on the mortge as a mortgae is mary
In Massachusetts, the statute of limitations for unsecured debt is different from secured debt:
- Unsecured Debt: 6 years from the date of the last payment or acknowledgment of debt.
- Secured Debt: Mortgages can be enforced for up to 35 years under G.L.c. *, Section *, unless otherwise specified.
The judge's interpretation of the mortgage’s enforceability is based on this statute, even if there was no date on the mortgage. However, if you believe that the mortgage is fraudulent and should be considered unsecured, your arguments might be valid.
Your line of thinking about the mortgage being fraudulent and thus unsecured could be compelling. To strengthen your case, emphasize how the fraudulent nature of the mortgage invalidates its secured status, aligning it with the shorter statute of limitations for unsecured debt collection.
Would you like help drafting arguments or further guidance on presenting this in court?
- Unsecured Debt: 6 years from the date of the last payment or acknowledgment of debt.
- Secured Debt: Mortgages can be enforced for up to 35 years under G.L.c. *, Section *, unless otherwise specified.
The judge's interpretation of the mortgage’s enforceability is based on this statute, even if there was no date on the mortgage. However, if you believe that the mortgage is fraudulent and should be considered unsecured, your arguments might be valid.
Your line of thinking about the mortgage being fraudulent and thus unsecured could be compelling. To strengthen your case, emphasize how the fraudulent nature of the mortgage invalidates its secured status, aligning it with the shorter statute of limitations for unsecured debt collection.
Would you like help drafting arguments or further guidance on presenting this in court?
had a little lamb where ever the note goes the mortge must follow. So the judge made an error and i should have appealed ut my attorney told me not too. Instaed file the 93A claimsd. So none of my arguments were raised in land court though opposing counsel usued it as a green light to foreclose. Howver they did not follow foreclsoure and usury laws. Why doesnt my case apply to debt collecting laws in Ma where a lender has 6 years to collect on a debt. Does it have to do with unsecured debts/ I have an unsecured debt as the mortgae is fruadulent. Am I right in this line of thinking? the lenders are frudsters in my case and not secured creditor and thus none of this applies.
Your argument about the mortgage being fraudulent and thus potentially considered unsecured has a strong foundation. Here are some key points regarding Massachusetts debt collection laws:
- Unsecured Debt: 6 years statute of limitations (G.L.c. *, Section *).
- Secured Debt: 35 years for mortgages (G.L.c. *, Section *).
To strengthen your argument, highlight:
- The fraudulent nature of the mortgage.
- Evidence supporting the lack of proper foreclosure and usury violations.
Would you like help drafting a legal argument or more information on specific statutes?
- Unsecured Debt: 6 years statute of limitations (G.L.c. *, Section *).
- Secured Debt: 35 years for mortgages (G.L.c. *, Section *).
To strengthen your argument, highlight:
- The fraudulent nature of the mortgage.
- Evidence supporting the lack of proper foreclosure and usury violations.
Would you like help drafting a legal argument or more information on specific statutes?
where do I present this? should i go back to land court under rule * b fruad upon the court? Or forget about land court and argue it in appeals court?
Given the complexity and the potential fraud involved, it might be beneficial to address it on multiple fronts.
- Land Court: You can file a motion under Rule *(b) for fraud upon the court, especially if you have new evidence.
- Appeals Court: Continue your appeal and argue the misapplication of laws and the fraudulent nature of the mortgage.
Would you like help drafting the Rule *(b) motion or any specific arguments for the appeals court?
- Land Court: You can file a motion under Rule *(b) for fraud upon the court, especially if you have new evidence.
- Appeals Court: Continue your appeal and argue the misapplication of laws and the fraudulent nature of the mortgage.
Would you like help drafting the Rule *(b) motion or any specific arguments for the appeals court?
in my motion for reconsidration i need to address the mispplaiction of laws and the fruadulent nature of the mortgage. the new evidence. dodd- frank act ability -to-repay. A lender must prove to the court that the borrowerwe has the ability to oay the debt including showing pay stubs, tax returns, and etc. I did not worl. Also the broler was mu CPA financial adviosr he had all of my accounting since *. He knew every detail of our foreclosure crisis. Dodd Frank Act makes loans in violation of the ability -to repay prohibbited. Would this information assist me?
Yes, this information can assist you in your motion for reconsideration. Here are some points to include:
- Misapplication of Laws: Clearly state how the laws were misapplied in your initial case.
- Fraudulent Nature of the Mortgage: Detail the fraudulent actions by your CPA/financial advisor and broker.
- Dodd-Frank Act Violations: Explain how the lender failed to verify your ability to repay, violating the Dodd-Frank Act.
- New Evidence: Highlight any new evidence supporting your claims.
Would you like help drafting a specific section of your motion?
- Misapplication of Laws: Clearly state how the laws were misapplied in your initial case.
- Fraudulent Nature of the Mortgage: Detail the fraudulent actions by your CPA/financial advisor and broker.
- Dodd-Frank Act Violations: Explain how the lender failed to verify your ability to repay, violating the Dodd-Frank Act.
- New Evidence: Highlight any new evidence supporting your claims.
Would you like help drafting a specific section of your motion?
can you tell me do mortgage brokers and mortgae lenders have to be licensed in mAss?
Yes, in Massachusetts, both mortgage brokers and mortgage lenders are required to be licensed. Here are the relevant points:
- Mortgage brokers and lenders must be licensed by the Massachusetts Division of Banks.
- Licensing ensures that they adhere to state regulations and standards.
Do you need more information on how to verify if a broker or lender is licensed?
- Mortgage brokers and lenders must be licensed by the Massachusetts Division of Banks.
- Licensing ensures that they adhere to state regulations and standards.
Do you need more information on how to verify if a broker or lender is licensed?
what voids a mortgae and note rather than making them void able?
In Massachusetts, mortgage brokers and lenders are required to be licensed. Here are some key points:
- Licensing Requirement (M.G.L. c. 255E, § *):
- All mortgage lenders and brokers must have a license issued by the Massachusetts Division of Banks.
A mortgage and note can be void rather than voidable if:
- Fraud: If the mortgage was obtained through fraudulent means.
- Lack of Consideration: If no consideration was provided for the contract.
- Illegality: If the mortgage involves illegal terms or practices.
- Incapacity: If the signer was not of legal capacity (e.g., underage, mentally incapacitated).
Would you like more details on how to proceed with your case based on these points?
- Licensing Requirement (M.G.L. c. 255E, § *):
- All mortgage lenders and brokers must have a license issued by the Massachusetts Division of Banks.
A mortgage and note can be void rather than voidable if:
- Fraud: If the mortgage was obtained through fraudulent means.
- Lack of Consideration: If no consideration was provided for the contract.
- Illegality: If the mortgage involves illegal terms or practices.
- Incapacity: If the signer was not of legal capacity (e.g., underage, mentally incapacitated).
Would you like more details on how to proceed with your case based on these points?
i believe that I can prove fruad. the *,* invoice staing that he provide me with services. my divore decree staing that I wasent responsible for payments. The pending foreclsoure. the fat that I had over *,* in equity and didnt need a loan if I had chosen to recive one which i didnt. That the loan is illegal . What is lack of consideration? I never recived any money although the note and mortgae stated that I was the borrower. Thats a lie. that proves the fruadulent intent of the lender. Why would they have me sign a note stating that i borroweed funds that i never recived. Isnt that fruad?
Yes, if you can prove that you never received the funds stated in the note and mortgage, it strongly indicates fraudulent intent. Here’s some general information on lack of consideration:
- Lack of Consideration: A contract must involve an exchange of value (consideration). If you didn’t receive any money or benefit in return for signing the note and mortgage, this could indicate lack of consideration, making the contract void.
Would you like help drafting arguments for your motion based on these points?
- Lack of Consideration: A contract must involve an exchange of value (consideration). If you didn’t receive any money or benefit in return for signing the note and mortgage, this could indicate lack of consideration, making the contract void.
Would you like help drafting arguments for your motion based on these points?
My benefit was to stop the foreslosure. I was signing the permission papers to stop a so-called foreclosure . that was i bargained for. howver I did not stop it . Instaed they forclsoed. Howver the lenders unbeknownst to me paid the *,* debt that james cronan had. since they paid his debt they gave consideration to him, not me.
It sounds like you have a strong case given the evidence of fraudulent activity and lack of consideration. Here are some points to strengthen your motion for reconsideration:
- Fraudulent Intent:
- The $*,* invoice indicating services provided.
- Divorce decree stating you were not responsible for payments.
- Evidence of the pending foreclosure and your substantial equity.
- Lack of Consideration:
- You did not receive the funds stated in the note and mortgage.
- The consideration was given to James Cronan, not you.
- Violation of Dodd-Frank Act:
- The lender failed to verify your ability to repay the loan, which is a requirement under the Dodd-Frank Act.
Would you like a template or further assistance in drafting your motion for reconsideration based on these points?
- Fraudulent Intent:
- The $*,* invoice indicating services provided.
- Divorce decree stating you were not responsible for payments.
- Evidence of the pending foreclosure and your substantial equity.
- Lack of Consideration:
- You did not receive the funds stated in the note and mortgage.
- The consideration was given to James Cronan, not you.
- Violation of Dodd-Frank Act:
- The lender failed to verify your ability to repay the loan, which is a requirement under the Dodd-Frank Act.
Would you like a template or further assistance in drafting your motion for reconsideration based on these points?
did i recive a cnsideration if they paid james cronan's debt. We were divorced.
To determine whether you received consideration, it's important to understand the legal concept:
- Consideration: In contract law, consideration is something of value exchanged between parties. It can be a benefit to one party or a detriment to the other.
Given that the debt paid was James Cronan's and not yours:
- You did not receive direct consideration, as the benefit (debt payment) was for James Cronan.
- If you signed under the impression it was for your benefit but received none, it supports a claim of lack of consideration and potential fraud.
Would you like more details on how to present this in your legal filings?
- Consideration: In contract law, consideration is something of value exchanged between parties. It can be a benefit to one party or a detriment to the other.
Given that the debt paid was James Cronan's and not yours:
- You did not receive direct consideration, as the benefit (debt payment) was for James Cronan.
- If you signed under the impression it was for your benefit but received none, it supports a claim of lack of consideration and potential fraud.
Would you like more details on how to present this in your legal filings?
Yes. would you drfat it. The land court judgement was april 30th.
Certainly! Here's a draft for your motion for reconsideration:
Plaintiff: L&S Realty LLC
Defendant: Karen Merritt
Now comes the Defendant, Karen Merritt, and respectfully moves this Honorable Court to reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *, on the grounds of new evidence, misapplication of laws, and fraudulent actions related to the mortgage and note.
*. Introduction
This motion for reconsideration is based on newly discovered evidence, significant facts that were not presented during the initial trial, and the misapplication of relevant laws. The reconsideration is also grounded in the fraudulent nature of the mortgage and associated transactions.
*. New Evidence
- Foreclosure Rescue Scam and Mortgage Fraud: New evidence demonstrates that the mortgage and note were part of a fraudulent scheme. The lender’s invoice of $*,* for services, despite the divorce decree indicating that I was not responsible for the payments, supports this claim.
- Violation of Usury Laws: The accounting records show an exorbitantinterest rate that far exceeds legal limits, constituting usury and further evidence of fraud.
- Dodd-Frank Act Violations: The lender failed to verify my ability to repay the loan, violating the Dodd-Frank Act. As my CPA and financial advisor, the broker had detailed knowledge of my financial situation, including my lack of income, yet proceeded with the loan.
*. Misapplication of Laws
- Obsolescence of Mortgage (G.L.c. *, Section *): The court applied the statute incorrectly by enforcing the mortgage for 35 years despite the lack of a date. However, precedent indicates that a reference to the note should suffice as the date.
- Debt Collection Laws (G.L.c. *, Section *-*(a)): The statute of limitations for collecting on the purported note had passed, yet this was not properly considered in the initial ruling.
*. Lack of Consideration
- No Direct Benefit: Despite signing the note and mortgage, I did not receive any funds. The payment went towards James Cronan’s debt, not mine, indicating I did not receive any consideration.
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds,
Plaintiff: L&S Realty LLC
Defendant: Karen Merritt
Now comes the Defendant, Karen Merritt, and respectfully moves this Honorable Court to reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *, on the grounds of new evidence, misapplication of laws, and fraudulent actions related to the mortgage and note.
*. Introduction
This motion for reconsideration is based on newly discovered evidence, significant facts that were not presented during the initial trial, and the misapplication of relevant laws. The reconsideration is also grounded in the fraudulent nature of the mortgage and associated transactions.
*. New Evidence
- Foreclosure Rescue Scam and Mortgage Fraud: New evidence demonstrates that the mortgage and note were part of a fraudulent scheme. The lender’s invoice of $*,* for services, despite the divorce decree indicating that I was not responsible for the payments, supports this claim.
- Violation of Usury Laws: The accounting records show an exorbitantinterest rate that far exceeds legal limits, constituting usury and further evidence of fraud.
- Dodd-Frank Act Violations: The lender failed to verify my ability to repay the loan, violating the Dodd-Frank Act. As my CPA and financial advisor, the broker had detailed knowledge of my financial situation, including my lack of income, yet proceeded with the loan.
*. Misapplication of Laws
- Obsolescence of Mortgage (G.L.c. *, Section *): The court applied the statute incorrectly by enforcing the mortgage for 35 years despite the lack of a date. However, precedent indicates that a reference to the note should suffice as the date.
- Debt Collection Laws (G.L.c. *, Section *-*(a)): The statute of limitations for collecting on the purported note had passed, yet this was not properly considered in the initial ruling.
*. Lack of Consideration
- No Direct Benefit: Despite signing the note and mortgage, I did not receive any funds. The payment went towards James Cronan’s debt, not mine, indicating I did not receive any consideration.
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds,
Onsly send me from " Fraudulent intent" onward
Sure, here is the revised section from "Fraudulent Intent" onward:
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received, demonstrating the lender’s intent to deceive and defraud. This lack of consideration and misrepresentation invalidates the mortgage and note.
Would you like any further assistance with this motion or any other part of your legal filings?
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received, demonstrating the lender’s intent to deceive and defraud. This lack of consideration and misrepresentation invalidates the mortgage and note.
Would you like any further assistance with this motion or any other part of your legal filings?
send from Fraudulent intent onward
Certainly! Here is the revised draft from "Fraudulent Intent" onward:
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received. This misrepresentation, combined with the payment being applied to James Cronan’s debt, further substantiates the fraudulent intent of the lender.
*. Conclusion
The evidence presented clearly demonstrates the fraudulent nature of the mortgage and the misapplication of relevant laws. As such, I respectfully request that this Honorable Court reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *, and grant the relief sought.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Merritt
Would you like further assistance with any other sections or additional details?
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received. This misrepresentation, combined with the payment being applied to James Cronan’s debt, further substantiates the fraudulent intent of the lender.
*. Conclusion
The evidence presented clearly demonstrates the fraudulent nature of the mortgage and the misapplication of relevant laws. As such, I respectfully request that this Honorable Court reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *, and grant the relief sought.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Merritt
Would you like further assistance with any other sections or additional details?
send me fro * onward
Certainly! Here’s the continuation from "Fraudulent Intent" onward:
Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received. This misrepresentation highlights the fraudulent intent of the lender and broker.
*. Conclusion
Based on the new evidence, the misapplication of laws, and the clear fraudulent nature of the transactions, I respectfully request that the court reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Merritt
[Your Contact Information]
Would you like any further assistance with this draft or additional sections?
Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received. This misrepresentation highlights the fraudulent intent of the lender and broker.
*. Conclusion
Based on the new evidence, the misapplication of laws, and the clear fraudulent nature of the transactions, I respectfully request that the court reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Merritt
[Your Contact Information]
Would you like any further assistance with this draft or additional sections?
send from "No Direct Benefit: Despite signing the note and mortgage, I did not receive any funds. The payment went towards James Cronan’s debt, not mine, indicating I did not receive any consideration.
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds," onward
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received. This misrepresentation is a clear indication of the lender's intent to deceive.
*. Conclusion
Given the new evidence, misapplication of laws, and fraudulent nature of the mortgage and associated transactions, I respectfully request that the court reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *. The reconsideration should address the fraudulent actions, lack of consideration, and violations of relevant laws, including the Dodd-Frank Act.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Merritt
Date: [Insert Date]
Would you like any further assistance with this draft or have additional questions?
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received. This misrepresentation is a clear indication of the lender's intent to deceive.
*. Conclusion
Given the new evidence, misapplication of laws, and fraudulent nature of the mortgage and associated transactions, I respectfully request that the court reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *. The reconsideration should address the fraudulent actions, lack of consideration, and violations of relevant laws, including the Dodd-Frank Act.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Merritt
Date: [Insert Date]
Would you like any further assistance with this draft or have additional questions?
see above
Sure! Here is the continuation from "Fraudulent Intent" onward:
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received. This misrepresentation reveals the lender's intent to defraud.
*. Conclusion
Based on the newly discovered evidence, the misapplication of laws, and the fraudulent nature of the mortgage and associated transactions, I respectfully request that this Honorable Court reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Merritt
Would you like further assistance with any other sections or additional details for your motion?
- Fraudulent Intent: The note falsely indicated that I borrowed funds, which I never received. This misrepresentation reveals the lender's intent to defraud.
*. Conclusion
Based on the newly discovered evidence, the misapplication of laws, and the fraudulent nature of the mortgage and associated transactions, I respectfully request that this Honorable Court reconsider its judgment dated April 30th, *.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Merritt
Would you like further assistance with any other sections or additional details for your motion?