Quiet Title Defense Guide


In a quiet title and ejectment case, if the plaintiff lacks proof of ownership, the defendant can deny the claim, assert true ownership based on tax assessor records and title, and request dismissal of the complaint. Its important to format the legal response correctly, including all parties involved and case details. For personalized guidance, consider consulting a local attorney familiar with real estate law in Washington.

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So I have to file an answer to a Complaint for quiet title and ejectment. However the plantiff provided no proof of ownership of the property. The defendant actuall is the true owner of the property as found on the tax assesors page and the title. I do not know how to word the answer could you assist
Hi Phil! Here are some general points you can include in your answer to the Complaint:
- Deny the plaintiff's claim of ownership.
- State that the plaintiff has provided no proof of ownership.
- Assert that the defendant is the true owner as evidenced by the tax assessor's records and title.
- Request the court to dismiss the plaintiff’s complaint.
Would you like help connecting with a local lawyer for more detailed assistance?
Could you show me what that should look like on legal paper. The plantiff is Mary Stafford and the defendants are Mike Stafford and his renters Lori Biggs Kodey Howard and all occupants.
Sure, Phil! Here's a sample format for an Answer to a Complaint for Quiet Title and Ejectment:
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address if applicable]
[Name of Court]
[Address of Court]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Re: Case No. [Case Number]
Mary Stafford, Plaintiff
Mike Stafford, Lori Biggs, Kodey Howard, and All Occupants, Defendants
*. Denial of Plaintiff's Claim of Ownership
- The Defendants deny the Plaintiff's claim of ownership of the property in question.
*. Lack of Proof of Ownership
- The Plaintiff has provided no proof of ownership of the property.
*. Assertion of True Ownership
- The Defendants assert that they are the true owners of the property, as evidenced by the tax assessor's records and the title.
*. Request for Dismissal
- The Defendants request that the Court dismiss the Plaintiff’s complaint with prejudice.
Respectfully submitted,
[Your Name]
I hereby certify
That looks great. However could you put that on a legal form. Here is the infor Plaintiff Mary Stafford and her attorney Jakob Mcghie of Althhauser Rayan Abbarbo LLP Case number * * * Defendant is Mike Stafoord his renters Lori Biggs Kodey Howard and all occupants. The address in question is 607A Meir Road, Winlock wa Lewis County washington this is also the address of the defendants.
Case Rating: *
Sure, Phil! Here's the sample format with the specific details included:
Phil [Your Last Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address if applicable]
[Name of Court]
[Address of Court]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Re: Case No. * * *
Mary Stafford, Plaintiff
Mike Stafford, Lori Biggs, Kodey Howard, and All Occupants, Defendants
*. Denial of Plaintiff's Claim of Ownership
- The Defendants deny the Plaintiff's claim of ownership of the property in question.
*. Lack of Proof of Ownership
- The Plaintiff has provided no proof of ownership of the property.
*. Assertion of True Ownership
- The Defendants assert that they are the true owners of the property, as evidenced by the tax assessor's records and the title.
*. Request for Dismissal
- The Defendants request that the Court dismiss the Plaintiff’s complaint with prejudice.
Respectfully submitted,
Phil [Your Last Name]