Selling Liens And Bonds


Selling liens and bonds, including UCC-9 debtors consent agreements and mortgage lender bonds, can be complex under Connecticut law. Liens are not typically tradable on the stock market but may be sold to private buyers. UCC Article 9 allows for the assignment or sale of accounts and payment intangibles. The sale of mortgage bonds depends on the specifics of the bond and default situation. In cases of mortgage fraud and bond claims, consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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i have a lien against a bank, can i sell that lien on the stock market?
Hello Le Levy, selling a lien on the stock market isn't typically done as liens aren't considered tradab**** securities like stocks. However, you could potentially sell your lien to a private buyer. Do check with a local attorney for specific advice based on Connecticut law.
i have a ucc-* debtor's consent agreement, can i sell the mortgage ****nder bond and mortgage servicer bond that was given to me on the servicer's default?
Hello Le Levy, according to Connecticut law:
- UCC Artic**** * does allow for the assignment or sa**** of "accounts" and "payment intangib****s", which may include your debtor's consent agreement.

- The sa**** of mortgage bonds depends on the specifics of the bond and default situation.
Consult with a local attorney for in-depth advice.
well mortgage fraud was committed by the servicer and a bond claim was fi****d with no response from the surety company, can i have my broker sell the bond which is a marketab**** security?
Hello Le Levy, the sa**** of a bond subjected to a claim, especially in a fraud case, can be comp****x. It depends on the specifics of the bond and the status of the claim. P****ase consult with a local attorney for detai****d advice based on Connecticut law.
the claim is the consensual lien and foreclosure notification proposal in which has been accepted based upon the banks failure to object within 20 days
Hello Le Levy, under Connecticut law:
- A consensual lien after the bank's failure to object could be seen as acceptance.
- Selling such a lien, especially related to foreclosure, can be comp****x.
P****ase consult with a local attorney for specific advice.