Tree Cutting Requirements Explained


In Thurston County, Washington, tree cutting for an HOA requires the contractor to be licensed, insured, and bonded. Even non-contractors may need a permit and should have insurance for liability. Always consult local authorities for specific regulations.

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Do i have to be licensed & insured to cut down some trees for an HOA
Hello ****, it's crucial to know your location as the rules about tree cutting can vary. Could you please share where you are based?
Thurston county, washington state
Hello ****, in Thurston County:
- The contractor must be licensed and insured.
- Contractor must also have a bond posted with the Department of Labor and Industries.
- Certain trees might need a permit before they can be cut down.
Always check with your local authorities.
Im not a contractor
Hello ****, even if you're not a contractor, in Washington State:
- You may still need a permit for tree removal.
- You should have appropriate insurance coverage for potential liabilities.
- It's advisable to consult with a professional for safety and compliance.