Speeding Ticket Costs Explained


The user inquired about the cost of a speeding ticket for going 45 in a 35 mph zone in New Jersey and New York. In New Jersey, the fine can range from $85-$140 with 2 points on the license. In New York, the fine ranges from $45-$150 with 3 points on the license and a surcharge of $88-$93. The user also asked about alternatives if unable to pay the fine, and was informed that courts may offer payment plans or community service.

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New Jersey, I was going * in a *
In New Jersey, for exceeding speed limit by * mph, you may face:

- A fine of $*-$*
- * points on your license

Please verify with local authorities.
I actually was in New York
What is the speed limit in the area where you were caught speeding in New York?
* in a * mph zone
In New York, for speeding * to * mph over the limit:

- Fine: $*-$*
- Points: *
- Surcharge: $*-$*

Nearest court: New York City Traffic Court, (*) *-*.
What if I cannot pay the fine
What is your current financial situation? In general, courts may offer payment plans or community service as alternatives for those who can't afford to pay a fine.
I am unemployed.
What is your current source of income, if any?