Job Search Disclosure Consequences


Constructive dismissal in Colorado occurs when an employer makes working conditions intolerable, forcing an employee to quit. The changes must be significant, such as a major pay cut. The employer must have implemented these changes with the intention of making the employee quit. The employee must not have accepted these changes willingly. Consult with an employment law attorney for specific advice tailored to your situation.

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image.png image.png image.png Melissa messaged me asking if I could call. I called, but she added me to a call with Rob instead. Rob asked me how things are going. I gave him a very brief summary of what's been done today. Rob clarified that he meant professionally. I said things were going well, I've got lots of room to excel here and I think I'm doing a great job. Rob then said a third party (someone else within the company) informed him that I was considering looking for work outside of RubinBrown. He asked if I've applied for any jobs. I said yes. I told him I applied for teaching positions yesterday. Rob did not state in either case, but I believe I was the only person to tell Rob that I had active applications out. Rob said that to protect the firm, they cannot have someone in my position looking for another job and said he will be working with HR to create a job posting for my replacement. He clarified I was not being let go, but they will be replacing me when they find a suitable candidate. I then talked with Tiphanie and Courtney at the front desk and let them know the news and Tiphanie told me that she believes she knows who told Rob this (the third party). Tiphanie in her performance review tried to vouch for me by saying I will likely look for work elsewhere if my compensation is not at current market value for what I provide to RubinBrown. Then Tiphanie theorized that her supervisor told Rob this immediately.
Hello ****, it seems you're dealing with a difficult workplace situation. Are you looking for advice regarding potential wrongful termination or constructive dismissal in Colorado?
In Colorado, constructive dismissal occurs when an employer makes working conditions intolerable, forcing an employee to quit. Here are some general rules:
- The changes must be significant, such as a major pay cut.
- The employer must have implemented these changes with the intention of making the employee quit.
- The employee must not have accepted these changes willingly.
It's important to consult with an employment law attorney for specific advice tailored to your situation.