Dog Euthanization Case Iowa


The users dog bit a man on her property in Red Oak, Iowa. The dog is currently in quarantine and has been deemed vicious by the authorities. The user is seeking legal advice to prevent the euthanization of her dog. She has evidence of her dogs gentle behavior with other animals and people, and has witnesses who have interacted positively with her dog. The user is considering appealing the decision but needs to find a lawyer who specializes in animal law.

Full Conversation

They are tryingvto put my dog to skeep when he was only defending his home
What state are you located in, Elysia? Laws regarding dog behavior and potential consequences vary by location.
Red Oak IA
What were the circumstances under which your dog was defending its home?

General Information:
- In Iowa, a dog may not be declared dangerous if it was protecting its property.
- Montgomery County Courthouse, Red Oak, IA: (*) *-*.
Was there an intruder or someone unfamiliar to your dog on your property when this incident occurred?

General Information:
- In Iowa, leash laws are enforced to ensure public safety.
General Information:
- In Iowa, if a dog attacks an intruder on its owner's property, it may not be declared dangerous.
- Red Oak Police Department, IA: (*) *-*.
Did the unfamiliar man provoke or threaten your dog in any way?
he walked up on him
In Iowa, if a dog feels threatened, it may react defensively. Did your dog cause any serious harm to the man?
The mans gand needed stitches
Did the man enter your property without your permission?
General Information:
- In Iowa, trespassing laws protect property owners and their pets.
- Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, Red Oak, IA: (*) *-*.
He was walking and went to approach the dog
In Iowa, trespassers cannot provoke a dog on its owner's property. Did you report this incident to the police?
The man dud and they took my dog
Did you receive any official documentation or notice about your dog being taken?
Not until thevnext day
What does the official documentation state about your dog's situation?
He gascto be quarantined and that ud have to go up infront of city council
What date is your city council hearing scheduled for?
They want him put down they wonr even ket me rehome him
What is the date of your city council hearing?
It was past monday
What was the outcome of the city council hearing?
Hus euthanizeation
What evidence was presented at the city council hearing to justify the decision of euthanization?
The place that is hokding him saud hes vicious
What proof or evidence did they provide to support their claim that your dog is vicious?
He wont let them near him. Nut hes scared
Did you provide any evidence or witnesses to support your claim that your dog was provoked and acting in self-defense?
They dud nor want to hear me.
Did you have a chance to present your case in front of the city council or were you denied the opportunity to speak?
I trued to show them puctures of him wuth other people and animals butvthey didn't wantvto see them
Did you have a legal representative or a lawyer present during the city council hearing?
Do you have any video footage or witnesses that can testify that your dog was provoked?
Not so much provoked but i have sings up
What do the signs you mentioned say?
Beware of dog
Did you inform the council about the "Beware of Dog" sign during the hearing?
No Animal shelter holding him said that it wouldn't be smart to have that sign
Did the animal shelter explain why it wouldn't be smart to have a "Beware of Dog" sign?
It shows I have an aggressive dog
Did the man who approached your dog see or acknowledge the "Beware of Dog" sign?
The man everybody is aware that I have this dog nobody walks by my house they all try to avoid it
Did the man admit to seeing the "Beware of Dog" sign before he approached your dog?
I'm not sure he was ever even asked
Did you have any previous incidents where your dog showed aggressive behavior towards other people?
One time when I was outside in the dark time. I was watering my yard, and another man walked up onto my property. And my dog was not happy about that. He showed aggression by growling and making sure he was seen and making it known. He was not happy with that man's presence, and he did scratch him.
Did you report this previous incident to the authorities or did the man file a complaint against your dog?
The authorities know but the complaint went against my dog
What was the outcome of the previous complaint against your dog?
They told me that my dog was vicious. But I just got a warning that was all my dog. Has never bit anybody or ever attacked any animal or person off my property.
Did you appeal the decision of the city council after the hearing?
I didn't have a hearing the first time
What was the reason given for not having a hearing the first time?
Because the man was not harmed he was just scared
Did you have any legal representation during the city council hearing for the second incident?
No I do not have legal representation in front of the city council, the second incident
Do you plan to appeal the city council's decision? If so, it might be beneficial to seek legal representation. In Iowa, you have the right to appeal decisions made by local authorities.
I want you, but they only give me till Friday. And it's going to be $*. They say plus they won't let me get my dog out. I have to keep him in quarantine until the state makes their decision.
What is the exact reason given by the authorities for keeping your dog in quarantine?
That he is deemed vicious and they don't want him on or inside of red oak
What steps have you taken so far to appeal the decision and do you have any legal representation to assist you with this process?
I do not have any legal representation to assist me. I am trying to get the $* to go pay by Friday afternoon. Or they're gonna use the nice my dog.
What is the $* for? Is it a fine, or for legal representation? In Iowa, legal aid services are available for those who cannot afford representation.
It's the city fine city co op the city council fee
What does the city council fee cover and is it a mandatory payment for the appeal process?
It's mandatory that I pay the five hundred dollars before i'm able to appeal the process
What is the deadline for paying the $* fee to start the appeal process?
Friday by the end of day
What steps have you taken to gather the $* for the appeal process?
I can get the five hundred dollars if I feel or if somebody feels that I would be able to win this case for my dog
What makes you believe that you have a chance to win this case for your dog?
Because my dog is not vicious towards anybody or anything. That is not on my property. Hes good with kids, hes good with other animals. Hes just very protective of his home.
Did you have any witnesses who can testify to your dog's good behavior and non-aggressive nature outside your property?
I have many people who can testify about my dog's good behavior
Did these people witness the incident or have they interacted with your dog in a positive way in the past?
These people have definitely been interacting with my dog in a positive way
My dog has been interactive with these people in a positive way
Did these interactions happen on your property or in public places?
Both in public and on my property
Did any of these interactions involve your dog being approached by unfamiliar people?
Some of them involve my dog approaching other animals and people. While he was off his leash and nothing ever happened.
Did you have any incidents where your dog showed aggression towards other animals or people when off-leash in public places?
No, he really paid them no mind
No, he really didn't pay any attention to other animals. I have pictures and video of him playing with other dogs at the dog park off-leash.
Did you present these pictures and videos as evidence of your dog's non-aggressive behavior during the city council hearing?
The council did not want anything to do with me
The council did not want anything to do with me trying to defend my dog
Did you have a chance to present your evidence, such as pictures and videos, during the city council hearing?
They did not want to see them
They did not want to see the pictures or video.
Did you have any legal representation during the city council hearing?
No I do not
No I did not.
No i did not
Did you consider hiring a lawyer for your case?
I dont
have the funds to hire a lawyer. Is there a reason why you haven't sought legal aid or pro bono services?
I dont have the money
No money
Have you considered reaching out to local animal rights organizations or legal aid societies for assistance? They might be able to provide free or low-cost legal representation.
Is there one that can assist me
Yes, you can reach out to organizations like the Animal Legal Defense Fund or local animal rescue organizations. They might be able to provide assistance or guide you to resources.
Do you have any contact information for them
Sure, here are the contact details:

- Animal Legal Defense Fund: (*) *-*
- Montgomery County Animal Rescue, Red Oak, IA: (*) *-*
Montgomery county animal rescue they aren't trying to help me
I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried reaching out to the Animal Rescue League of Iowa? Their contact number is (*) *-*.
Do you have information to them
Yes, here are the contact details for the Animal Rescue League of Iowa:

- Address: * NE 22nd St, Des Moines, IA *
- Phone: (*) *-*
- Email:
Thank you
You're welcome, Elysia. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
I need help finding a lawyer
What type of lawyer are you looking for? Depending on your legal issue, different types of lawyers may be more suitable.
That I pay on contingency only
What is the nature of your case? Contingency fees are common in personal injury cases, but not all types of cases.
Somebody to defend my dog
What specific legal issue is your dog involved in? This will help me provide you with the most relevant information.
They're trying to uthanize my dog because he bits somebody
What state are you located in? Laws regarding dog bites vary by location.
Red oak iowa
What are the circumstances surrounding the incident? Did your dog bite someone on your property or elsewhere?
It was on my property but his leash went into the sidewalk area
Did the person who got bitten provoke your dog in any way? In Iowa, the dog owner is not liable if the injured person was committing an unlawful act which directly contributed to the injury.
My dog is provoked when anybody walks by my property he's a guard dog
What actions did the person take that led to the dog biting them? In Iowa, if a person provokes a dog, the owner may not be held liable for any injuries.
My dog has been taken and impounded in quarantine for 10 days. And now they want to You've denies him
What actions did the person who got bitten take that might have provoked your dog?

In Iowa, if a person provokes a dog, the owner may not be held liable for any injuries.
Did the person who got bitten take any specific actions that might have provoked your dog? In Iowa, if a person provokes a dog, the owner may not be held liable for any injuries.
Maybe trying to pet my dog he got bit on his hand I have beware of dog signs out everywhere.
Did the person who got bitten ignore the "Beware of Dog" signs and attempt to pet your dog without your permission?
I'm not sure
Did you witness the incident or was there any surveillance footage that could provide more details about the event?
No there was none
Did the person who got bitten require medical attention and did they report the incident to the authorities?
He needed stitches.
Did the person who got bitten report the incident to the police or animal control?
To police and animal care.
Did the person who got bitten have any previous interactions with your dog or was this the first incident?
This was the first time.
What steps have you taken since the incident and what has been the response from the authorities?
Nothing I can do my dog's bed and quarantine. They won't let him come back to me.
What has the court or animal control communicated to you about the next steps or any hearings related to your dog's case?
There are no more hearings related to my dog. They have deemed him vicious and ordered for him to be euthanized.
What steps have you taken to appeal the decision? In Iowa, you may have the right to appeal the decision within a certain timeframe.
I have the money to appeal it. I just need to know that I have a case
What evidence do you have to support your appeal? In Iowa, evidence of provocation or trespassing could potentially help your case.
I have evidence of him being gentle. Mannered with other animals and other people. And I have witnesses who have interacted with my dog on a positive manner.
What is the timeline for appealing the decision in your case? In Iowa, you generally have 30 days to file an appeal after a decision has been made.
They're giving me to a friday end of day
What is the date of the upcoming Friday?
The *
What is the current date today?
Based on your information, you should immediately contact a lawyer who specializes in animal law. In Iowa, you can appeal the decision within 30 days.
Where or who do I contact that specializes in animal law that can help me?
You can contact the Animal Legal Defense Fund. They have a network of attorneys who specialize in animal law. Their contact number is (*) *-*.