Suing Over Verbal Car Sale


The user is considering suing her boyfriends uncle over a car sale. The car broke down a week after purchase and the uncle refuses to provide the title. The sale was verbal with no written agreement, and the sale price was $4000. In Maine, a written agreement is required for the sale of goods over $500. Proving the terms of sale without a written agreement can be difficult.

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my boyfriend got a car off his uncle after a week of driving it, it broke down without any explination and wouldn’t start again, his uncle REFUSES to give the total to us so we can scrap it or sell it I don’t know if I (over *) can sue my boyfriends uncle
Was there a written agreement or contract when your boyfriend received the car from his uncle?
What state are you located in? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding your situation.
Can you clarify if the car was a gift or a sale? In Maine, verbal contracts can be legally binding, but proving their existence and terms can be challenging.
What was the agreed price for the car? In Maine, if the sale of goods exceeds $*, a written agreement is required under the Uniform Commercial Code.
In Maine, for a sale of goods over $*:

- A written agreement is required.
- Without it, proving the terms of sale can be difficult.

For further assistance, contact Maine Judicial Branch: +* *-*-*.