Order Refund Denied Options


If a business in New York fails to deliver goods within 30 days, they must provide a refund under NY General Business Law. You can also dispute the charge with your credit card company. If the business remains uncooperative, file a complaint with the New York State Attorney Generals office. Keep records of all communications and consider consulting a consumer rights attorney if the issue persists.

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I made an order and didn't receive it, im trying to get a refund and their telling me I cant get one.
Hi ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In New York, you may have some consumer protection rights that could help.
*. Under NY General Business Law, businesses must deliver goods within 30 days or provide a refund.
*. You could also dispute the charge with your credit card company if you used one.
Have you communicated with the business in writing about this issue?
Yes ive communicated with the business
That's a good first step, ****. If you still haven't received your refund, you could consider filing a complaint with the New York State Attorney General's office. They can investigate and may be able to assist.
what do i file it for?
You would file a complaint for failure to receive goods that you've paid for. The Attorney General's office investigates violations of consumer protection laws, which include instances where businesses don't deliver goods as promised.
Okay i filed it
That's great, ****. Keep a record of your complaint and any further communication with the company. If you don't receive any resolution, you may consider contacting a consumer rights attorney.
now send me $* baby $romannews
I'm sorry, ****, but as a legal assistance service, we don't have the ability to send money. Our role is to provide general legal advice to help you navigate your situation.
What if i signed a contract for my book and they removed my books off their site and told me it was copyrighted book even though I wrote it all by myself ?
Hi ****, if you have the copyright for your book, you may have legal recourse.
*. Review your contract's dispute resolution process.
*. If the contract doesn't help, consider a copyright infringement claim.
*. Contact a copyright attorney for advice.
Always keep records of your works and contracts.
No, they told me that they removed my books because it was copyrighted work even though I wrote all of that by myself, they just didn't wanna pay me my money
I'm sorry to hear that, ****. If you can prove you're the original author and hold the copyright, you may be able to pursue legal action for breach of contract. Consider consulting with a copyright attorney to explore your options.