Finding Legal Representation Urgently


If you need legal representation in Honolulu, Hawaii, and your attorney is unavailable, you can file a motion to continue or a motion for an extension of time. Contact the Hawaii State Judiciary for procedural guidance. The Hawaii State Bar Association Lawyer Referral & Information Service, Legal Aid Society of Hawaii, and Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii are potential resources, though they may not handle all case types. The final decision on extensions rests with the judge.

Full Conversation

I am in need for legal representation in my case. My attorney passed away and my preliminary hear deposition is on April *,*. And I have no one to legal represent me. I don't know what to do. I asked for 120 day to seek legal council and the expiration is on April *, *. Could you help me please
Hello Arlene. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you please provide your location? This will allow me to give you appropriate information regarding seeking legal representation in your area.
Could please
Hello Arlene. I understand your situation. Can you please tell me where you are located so I can provide you with the most relevant information?
I'm in Honolulu HawIi
Hello Arlene. In Hawaii, you may want to contact the Hawaii State Bar Association Lawyer Referral & Information Service. They could help you find a new attorney in time for your hearing.
I did and the attorney has case there are attending too. Could you help me find one that could legally represent me.
Hello Arlene. You could consider reaching out to the Legal Aid Society of Hawaii or the Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii. They might be able to assist you with your case or refer you to someone who can.
I did that to They don't do criminal or civil cases
Hello Arlene. In that case, you may want to try the Hawaii Law Help website. They provide a list of various legal service providers, including those who handle criminal and civil cases.
Do you happen to have a number or can I fill something on my behalf for an extension
Hello Arlene, in Hawaii, you could file a motion to continue or a motion for an extension of time in court. You could do this yourself, but it's advisable to seek legal advice. Contact Hawaii State Judiciary at (*) *-* for procedural guidance.
Can I do both?
Hello Arlene, in Hawaii, you can file both a motion to continue and a motion for an extension of time. However, the court's permission is required. I recommend contacting the Hawaii State Judiciary for detailed guidance.
What do you mean?
When I mention "court's permission", this means you need the judge's approval to postpone the court date (motion to continue) or extend the deadline (motion for extension of time). Contact Hawaii State Judiciary for more information about this process.
Ok & thank you
You're welcome, Arlene! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your case.
You don't have any number for an attorney for me
I'm sorry for the confusion, Arlene. As a free legal information provider, I don't have the capability to provide specific attorney contact details. I recommend reaching out to Hawaii State Bar Association Lawyer Referral & Information Service again for help.
Thank you again for your help. Mahalo
You're welcome, Arlene! I wish you the best of luck with your case. If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Mahalo!
One more thing I already reguested 120 day to seek for consule. Is the motion to extend effect my regust?
Hello Arlene. Generally, filing a motion to extend should not affect your request for 120 days to seek counsel. However, the final decision always rests with the judge. Please consult with the Hawaii State Judiciary for more specific guidance.
Ok thank you
You're welcome, Arlene! If you have any more questions or require further information, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your case!