Child Abuse Allegations Defense


Allen Michael Farris is facing serious child sexual abuse allegations in Illinois. His defense is based on his alibi and the testimony of family members. The case involves complex issues such as DNA evidence found on the alleged victims underwear, witness testimonies, and potential misconduct by the states attorney. Farris is seeking a strong defense and is considering changing his legal representation. He is also considering requesting a change of venue due to potential bias in Franklin County. The case is further complicated by additional charges being added against Farris and concerns about the well-being of the alleged victim.

Full Conversation

His daughter is accusing him for sex acts
What is the age of the daughter and in which state is this happening?
What evidence does Allen Michael Farris have to support his defense?

In general, child sexual abuse allegations are taken very seriously. The laws vary by state, but typically involve severe penalties.
What evidence does Allen Michael Farris have to support his defense? In Illinois, sexual offenses against minors are taken very seriously and can lead to severe penalties.
He's pleading not guilty he wasn't around her the time she alleged happened he's a good dad
Does Allen Michael Farris have any alibi or proof of his whereabouts during the time of the alleged incident? In Illinois, such evidence can be crucial in his defense.
Yes he does he was with her at his mom's house for * weeks and they're saying that went on for over a year not true
Does Allen Michael Farris have any witnesses or surveillance footage that can corroborate his alibi? In Illinois, this could significantly strengthen his defense.
Just his family that wasn't called on the witness stand and the state's attorney took his daughter in a room by herself with her aunt Abigail sitting out there and she wasn't being asked to go in with her that's been taken care of her since it's alleged thing
Did Allen Michael Farris's attorney object to the state's attorney's actions? In Illinois, attorneys can object to improper questioning or handling of witnesses.
Not that I'm aware of no I can't remember I'm * on his grandmother I
Does Allen Michael Farris have legal representation? It's important to have a lawyer who can object to any improper handling of the case.
I told my daughter not to get a lawyer where we're from Franklin county Illinois that's the problem right there they're trying to railroad him he's been in jail for almost 3 years his life's been threatened in there I've had * visits from I have to drive from Zeigler to Benton * visits I couldn't see him because they were punishing him but they also punished me and the rest of the family on visitations
What is the current status of Allen Michael Farris's case? Is it still in trial or has a verdict been reached?
He's facing 310 years
What are the specific charges against Allen Michael Farris?
There was DNA on her underwear in the laundry basket that's the only place they said was on her underwear my daughter's clothes are in the basket my grandson's clothes were in the basket some of mine were that Amy was watching for me my daughter Alan's mother were in the basketball so but it was just on her underwear and it took them over 2 years to find it
What is the source of the DNA and has it been confirmed to match Allen Michael Farris's DNA?
That's what they said
What steps has Allen Michael Farris's legal representation taken to challenge the DNA evidence?
It's in Franklin county Illinois he don't have a chance my daughter hired a lawyer he got fired then he got a lawyer appointed and that's the one siding with Franklin county Illinois they just want a railroad him
Has Allen Michael Farris considered seeking a different lawyer or requesting a change of venue due to potential bias in Franklin County?

In Illinois, defendants have the right to a fair trial and competent legal representation.
The day before his trial is when the state's attorney took my great-granddaughter in the room by herself two times my youngest daughter couldn't go in there the one that was taken care of my great-granddaughter and she got out and was on the witness stand and they were asking her questions I wasn't present but my daughter was she said no my grandfather didn't yes he did know my grandfather didn't touch me that's my husband that died April the 15th which he was already deceased when they were having trial I thought that was horrible I didn't have one notified about it or nothing no one was in there to help me on my grandson's side
Did Allen Michael Farris's attorney file a motion to suppress the testimony of the child due to the improper questioning by the state's attorney?
I'm not sure I'll have to ask my daughter but this is a racing and I'll forget what to say I wasn't in there cuz I don't know I really don't know since he's been in the jail he's been in there almost 3 years and they keep adding charges against him he had one now he's got several
What are the additional charges that have been added against Allen Michael Farris?
All sexual charges my great-granddaughter wants to be with her mother her mother never has cared for her she wanted us to come and get her when May May was like a little over 2 years old and we had to take her to therapy psychiatrists cuz she was masturbating she said there was a guy a boyfriend of her mother started putting a needle in her private and it's it's it's crazy it's really crazy and I hate to talk on texting sorry
What steps have been taken to ensure the safety and well-being of your great-granddaughter?
My youngest daughter has her but she I'd say this but she can't be trusted around Mal's and at the end when my husband and I got her on and off the bus for about 7 years or so on my oldest daughter work for et Simon's on the interstate people didn't want to be around her they were scared of her cuz the things that came out of her mouth it was something of a 30 year old it was it was it just forwarded me and my husband my husband died at * and I'm * almost but we couldn't believe the crap that came out of her mouth
What steps are being taken to provide psychological support to your great-granddaughter?
DCFS came into the picture but they never once did anything no therapy no nothing nothing like that we couldn't understand that we were trying to take the best steps we could to help her because of the situation she came out of with her mother DCF has been doing nothing with her in fact just the other day they let her see her mother I thought she wants her mom but she really doesn't know we haven't told her her mother doesn't really want her
Have you considered reaching out to a child advocacy group or a mental health professional for your great-granddaughter's psychological support?
Child advocate was in the courtroom and all she could do was laugh you think she'd be more concerned but no and she's had * cases since she's worked for them in 6 years and I didn't think the statistics were very well on that one
What actions have been taken against the child advocate for her unprofessional behavior in the courtroom?
This is why we need someone from away from Franklin county Illinois our hands are tied we can't do nothing they've tied every the state's attorney as tied everything up everything we don't know what to do we're beside ourselves we're lost we need help I mean seriously a very good lawyer
Have you considered reaching out to legal aid services or pro bono lawyers outside of Franklin County, Illinois? They might be able to provide the legal assistance you need.
We've been trying to find somebody we really have and I haven't been successful at all
Have you tried reaching out to the Illinois State Bar Association? They may be able to provide a referral to a lawyer who specializes in such cases.
Yes and I'm in the situation I didn't want to be in with them is doing this typing stuff I'm talking it don't have any teeth but my heart's about to pound on my chest cuz I can't do stuff like this yes I did but no I didn't go through the steps like I am with you sorry I apologize
I understand this is a difficult situation. Have you considered reaching out to organizations that specialize in child abuse cases for legal advice and support?
They won't let us end it anything like that DCFS and child advocate if I can't even talk to my great-granddaughter about nothing I'm going to ask her why she's doing this but I can't do it I was told not to she won't even talk to me and we were so close *% close she loved her dad at that time she her mom came up here and she said that about the needle in her vagina her mom that's one s*** hit the fan sorry for my language I'm sorry
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you considered seeking a court order for visitation rights to communicate with your great-granddaughter?
I don't have the money my husband just passed away in April and it would be she wouldn't do it she knows she's guilty for lying because she knows I know her and I know he would never do nothing like that he loved older women he loved his daughter very much and still does this day he prays for her everyday he's put it in God's hands but the jailhouse is treating him like crap he kicked the door they took all his clothes all of his pictures all of his food all of its mail I don't even know if I can get a visit with him anymore my daughter had a hard time getting her visit yesterday so it's Franklin county Illinois it's a click
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you considered reaching out to non-profit organizations that might be able to provide legal assistance for free or at a reduced cost?
It's just me in the house my daughter was up north my other daughter was out of town I have a granddaughter in Paducah so I'm here by myself and I'm not good by myself my husband is the next plumber ex cop EX-bar Keith he worked for Ziegler Illinois for 68 years went to school with the judge was a cop with a judge tell me one thing can he have five different judges on the same case
Can you please clarify if the case has been heard by five different judges or if there are five judges assigned to the case currently?
Sorry x fire chief
Can you please clarify what you mean by "Sorry x fire chief"?
Just one judge but yeah
What is the name of the judge presiding over Allen Michael Farris's case?
My husband where it was up there it said ex-bar Keith it didn't mean to I meant what I said at the end fire chief my grandson has girlfriends around his age or older that has kids that will testify I can bring I mean I can get people to test by what kind of man he is
What is the name of the judge presiding over Allen Michael Farris's case?
Tedeschi I believe that's how it's spelled
What actions has Allen Michael Farris's current lawyer taken to defend him in court?

In Illinois, it's crucial to have a strong defense strategy, including presenting alibi evidence, challenging the prosecution's evidence, and ensuring the defendant's rights are protected.
Allen Michael Farris sorry I lost you I hit the wrong button
No problem, Allen. Can you please tell me what specific legal information or assistance you need at this moment?
Yes does he have a leg to stand on can't she have a when they check to see if she's lying can there be more than one judge is it possible to get him a real good lawyer pro bono
What is your current location? This will help me provide more accurate information regarding pro bono lawyers and court procedures in your area.
* North main Zeigler Illinois * my name is Jeannie partee I'm his grandmother
What is the current status of the case? Is it still in the investigation phase or has it moved to court?
And we're supposed to be getting stuff together and I can't think of what it's called they're giving us 30 days I believe my daughter said she got an extension which I don't trust Franklin county Illinois courthouse they've lied to many times changing the dates and stuff that's why no one can be in the courtroom because they kept changing appeal he needs an appeal sorry
What is the specific legal issue for which you are seeking an appeal?
He's not guilty we want him home we want someone to represent him and find facts and evidence and all that and go against what they said and what they said
What charges has he been convicted of? This will help me provide more accurate information about the appeal process and potential pro bono representation.
Five sexual touching and mouth on her private there's no way I'm sorry but I can't help them I'm about to have a heart attack here sorry
What evidence was presented during the trial that led to his conviction?
That's on paper that said she said and then they have a video The advocate the child advocate which she had repeat everything that was said cuz you couldn't understand my great-granddaughter but when she repeated it you couldn't understand her everything was muffled couldn't understand nothing and he cried to listen to her daughter I mean his daughter talk about him like that and she was fidgety and the they told my great-granddaughter that there was a cop outside the room it's a very small room and soon as she left after questioning my great-granddaughter she got in the floor and just started throwing a ball up here and dancing and singing it's the most peculiar thing I've ever seen my life
What is the name of the court where the trial was held? This will help me provide you with the contact details and specific rules of that court.
Franklin county courthouse in Illinois
What is the name of the lawyer who represented him in the trial?

Franklin County Courthouse, Illinois contact details:
Address: * Public Square, Benton, IL *
Phone: (*) *-*
Yes. p o p p i t
What is the full name of the lawyer "p o p p i t"?
It could be popit
Can you please confirm if "popit" is the correct spelling of the lawyer's name or if there might be a different spelling?
I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any lawyer by the name "Popit". Could you please provide the correct spelling or full name of the lawyer?
I don't have any paperwork in front of me I'm scared I'm going to lose you if I try to do anything to my phone to I don't knowhis first name not at this time right now I have no paperwork in front of me and I can't talk to my daughter I'm on the phone can I get back to you please
That's perfectly fine. Please take your time and get back to us when you're ready. We're here to help.
Thank you
You're welcome! Please don't hesitate to reach out when you're ready. We're here to assist you.
Kevin Popit
Thank you for providing the name. Is Kevin Popit the attorney you're seeking to replace with a pro bono lawyer?
Right now?
Yes, are you looking to replace Kevin Popit with a pro bono lawyer for the appeal process?
Oh I'm sorry I read it wrong yes please yes thank you
What type of evidence do you believe could help in the appeal process?

For pro bono legal services, you can contact Land of Lincoln Legal Aid (*-*-*) in Illinois.
I'll be right back again my daughter has all the papers sorry
No problem, take your time. We'll be here when you're ready to continue.
Okay Doria has accused guys of molesting her * guys the same reasons that my daughter has custody of her because of the needle thing with her mother she won't let that drop now she doesn't say it though
What evidence do you have to support these new accusations made by Doria?
What specific incidents or evidence do you have that could support these new accusations made by Dolliya?
People centerstone the psychiatrist family and friends documents
What kind of documents do you have from the psychiatrist, family, and friends that could support these new accusations made by Dolliya?
Her going to the psychiatrist be right back sorry
What specific information or evidence does the psychiatrist provide that could support these new accusations made by Dolliya?
The counselor Aaron Hopkins at the time when my daughter hired him the first lawyer well she also touched my great-granddaughter Keisha's voyles child and the cops were called * or * and then the mother Keisha is one caught my great-granddaughter and then told my daughter to come and get her
What specific evidence or documentation do you have regarding the incident involving Aaron Hopkins, Keisha, and your great-granddaughter?
Sorry my great-granddaughter touched Keisha child sorry
What evidence do you have to support the claim that your great-granddaughter touched Keisha's child?
A police report
What is the content of the police report?
Plus the mother Keisha the one that called my daughter and said that she saw my great daughter great granddaughter touching my child come and get her
Do you have a copy of the police report that documents this incident? This could be crucial evidence in your case.
We can't get a police report we have to have a real good lawyer that we get that we can't do it it happened in duquoin Illinois
What is the reason you are unable to obtain the police report? In general, police reports are public records and can be requested by involved parties or their legal representatives.
Oh really well we'll get one because we didn't know we could do that we thought we had someone had to be a cop lawyer judge or you know we're just regular people we did not know that
What is the name of the police department in Duquoin, Illinois where the report was filed?

For general information, anyone can request a police report as it's a public record. You may need to pay a small fee.
Just one second thank you for telling me that cuz we didn't know this
What is the specific incident that was reported to the Duquoin, Illinois police department?
The last thing you asked me was there a police report in duquoin Illinois there wasn't but the one the mother that called my daughter Amy she's a witness cuz she saw my great-granddaughter messing with her child
What is the nature of the incident involving your great-granddaughter and the other child?
My great-granddaughter was touching the a child's private that's what she told my daughter
What is the age of your great-granddaughter and the other child involved in this incident?
She's * she was born in * so around 2 years old that's right when we got her from her mother
What actions have been taken since this incident was discovered?
What is your name
I'm an AI developed by OpenAI and I'm here to provide general legal information. How can I assist you further with your legal issue?
I know where I lost you is where we were finishing up remember
What specific legal information or assistance are you seeking at this point?
Just going by what you told me to do so you have my address and do you have a phone number or I don't know if I could get back on here and get you again I'm sorry I'm just don't really know how they even really answer her phone I'm sorry
What is the current status of the case? Are there any legal proceedings ongoing?
Have you forgot everything I said we've already went over that sir
I apologize if I caused any confusion. Could you please clarify the current status of your case?
I've already gave you all that I got a hold of my daughter that's how I come I lost you
What is the current status of the legal proceedings involving your daughter and great-granddaughter?
My great-granddaughter wants to be with her mother as we practically try to straighten her back up what she's done to her and we're scared for her to I don't know I'm just confused I thought you knew all
What steps have you taken to ensure your great-granddaughter's safety and well-being?
DCFS if that helps LOL
What specific actions has the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) taken in this case?
What was the response of DCFS when you reported the incident?
What is my address
I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have access to personal data about individuals unless it has been shared with me in the course of our conversation. I'm designed to respect user privacy and confidentiality.
When will I get a letter or something from you from the office like the end of this week or
As an AI, I don't send physical mail or letters. All our interactions will be through this platform. Is there any other legal information you need?
What can you tell me on your computer please
What specific information are you looking for? Please note that as an AI, I don't have access to personal data unless shared during our conversation.
We're looking for a real good pro bono lawyer that's not from around us thank you
What is your location? This will help me provide information on pro bono legal services available in your area.
Franklin county Illinois
What type of legal assistance do you need? Family law, criminal defense, etc.?

For pro bono legal services in Franklin County, Illinois, you can contact Land of Lincoln Legal Aid at (*) *-*.
What specific criminal charges are you seeking assistance with?