Vehicular Manslaughter Legal Guidance


Vehicular manslaughter involves the unlawful killing of a person without malice, often due to reckless driving or gross negligence. In California, it can be classified as voluntary, involuntary, or vehicular, depending on the circumstances. Penalties can be severe, including imprisonment. If facing such charges, its crucial to consult a criminal defense attorney to understand your rights and potential defenses.

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DATE OF INCIDENT TIME */*/* * NCIC NUMBER * OFFICER ID Page 1536E * * NUMBER F18-*-* * STATEMENTS: (CONTINUED) * center line and was able to avoid the crash. He stopped his vehicle, called *, observed several * other vehicles stopping to help and continued on. He stated the white SUV hadn't done anything * unusual while he was following behind it. The white SUV had maintained a steady speed and had * no problem maintaining its' position in the lane prior to the crash. * * Logan Murray * He was driving the silver Dodge pickup eastbound on SR-* which the truck and trailer was * attempting to pass when the crash occurred. He had seen the driver of the truck and trailer at * tractor supply in Rancho Murieta. There were three vehicles behind his vehicle before the truck * and trailer. The truck and trailer had passed two vehicles at some point and he observed the truck * and trailer attempting to pass the Chevy Tahoe which was directly behind him. The truck and * trailer stayed in the westbound lane after passing the Chevy Tahoe and was attempting to pass * his * vehicle as well. He was traveling at approximately * MPH as the truck and trailer was attempting * to pass him. He saw the white SUV traveling westbound in the westbound lane. The truck and * trailer drove onto the shoulder to attempt to avoid the white SUV. The white SUV also went to the * shoulder to avoid the truck and trailer. * * Alyssa Murray * She was in the passenger seat of the silver Dodge pickup. She saw the truck and trailer pass * approximately three vehicles which were behind their vehicle. As the truck and trailer attempted * to pass them, they slowed from their speed which was approximately * MPH. * * Marissa Nielsen * She was driving the Chevy Tahoe directly behind the silver Dodge pickup. The truck and trailer * were tailgating her vehicle, so she began to move to the shoulder and slow from her speed of * * MPH. The truck and trailer moved into the westbound lane as it passed her vehicle. The
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.
STATEMENTS: (CONTINUED) * and trailer stayed ni the westbound lane after ti passed her vehicle and attempted to pass the * silver Dodge pickup. She stated there was enough room for the truck and trailer to re-enter the * eastbound lane after it passed her vehicle. * * James Minoli * He was driving the Honda Civic which was traveling behind the Chevy Tahoe. He was passed by * the truck and trailer while stil ni Sacramento County ni the * MPH area. He was traveling behind * the truck and trailer when he observed it attempting to pass the Chevy Tahoe. He watched as the * Chevy Tahoe slowed and moved to the shoulder. The truck and trailer stayed in the westbound * lane and attempted to pass the silver Dodge pickup at a speed he estimated at approximately * * MPH. He saw the white SUV approaching westbound and watched as the truck and trailer drove * onto the shoulder at the same time the white SUV drove onto the shoulder as well. * * NARRATIVE * * P-* (Keaton) was driving the vehicle combination V-1AB (V-1A (Ram) and V-1B (PJ)) eastbound * on SR-* west of Long Gate Road at approximately * miles per hour. P-* (Longley) was driving * V-* (Toyota) westbound on SR-* west of Long Gate Road at an unknown speed. V-1AB * encountered slower traffic traveling eastbound within the lane and moved across the broken * painted yelow line into the westbound lane attempting to pass the slower traffic. V-1AB * successfully passed one of the two vehicles which he had encountered. P-* remained ni the * westbound lane and attempted to pass the second vehicle he had encountered. As V-1AB * continued eastbound and became parallel ot the last vehicle ni the pass attempt, P-* suddenly * observed V-* approaching westbound. P-* turned V-* to the left onto the north shoulder and * braked V-* ni an attempt to avoid a crash. P-* suddenly observed V-* directly ni the lane ni front PREPARED BY I.D. NUMBER DATE REVIEWER'S NAME DATE T. Platz / OFFICER * */*/* * STATE OF CALIFORNIA NARRATIVE/SUPPLEMENTAL Page |S5 OF S7 DATE OF INCIDENT TIME NIC NUMBER OFFICER I.D. NUMBER */*/* * * * F18-*-* * NARRATIVE (CONTINUED) * of V-* and turned V-* to the right ni an attempt to avoid the crash as wel. The front of V-* * impacted the left front of V-*. The impact caused V-* and V-* to become entangled * and dragged V-* backwards, up an embankment. The entanglement caused V-* to overturn onto * its passenger side and rotate ni a counterclockwise direction. V-* came ot rest on its' wheels, up * the embankment on the north shoulder of SR-*. V-1A came ot rest on its' passenger side on the * north shoulder of SR-*. V-1B remained attached to V-1A and came to rest on its' wheels on the * north shoulder of SR-*. * * The cause of the crash was established utilizing physical evidence on scene, vehicle points of * rest, data from V-A's event data recorder, witness statements and P-I's statement. * * P-* caused this crash by driving ni violation of California Vehicle Code section * which states * ni part- On a two-lane highway, no vehicle shall be driven to the left side of the center of the * roadway ni overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding ni the same direction unless the * left side is clearly visible and free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such * overtaking and passing to be completely made without interfering with the safe operation of any * vehicle approaching from the opposite direction. * * * * * * * * * * Several associated factors contributed to this crash amounting to reckless driving and gross negligence on the part of P-*. • P-* was ni violation of California Vehicle Code *(A) which states ni part- No person may drive any of the folowing vehicles on a highway at a speed ni excess of * miles per hour: (a) Amotortruck or truck tractor having three or more axles or any motortruck or truck tractor drawing any other vehicle. PREPARED BY TD. NUMBER DATE T. Platz / OFFICER * */*/* REVIEWERS' NAME DATE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P-* was driving V-1AB at a speed of * MPH seconds before the crash occurred, * MPH over the speed limit for specified combinations of vehicles. V-* was configured as and met the California Vehicle Code definition of a truck tractor and was drawing a trailer coupled by a 5th wheel connection. STATE OF CALIFORNIA NARRATIVE/SUPPLEMENTAL DATE OF INCIDENT TIME */*/* * * NARRATIVE (CONTINUED) * NCIC NUMBER * Page IS6 OFS7 OFFICER I.D. NUMBER * F183-*-* • P-* was ni violation of California Vehicle Code * which states ni part- Upon al highways, a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows: (a) When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing that movement. P-* violated the rules governing the overtaking and passing of another vehicle in violation of * (the cause of the crash) and ni doing so violated the provisions of * by driving of the roadway onto the shoulder. • P-* was in violation of California Vehicle Code *(a) which states in part- Aperson who drives a vehicle upon a highway in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. P-* drove his vehicle ni a manner which was reckless, based upon multiple vehicle code violations, witness statements and eventually causing a crash causing the death of P-*. • P-* was ni violation of the restrictions of his driver license by the coupling of V-1B ot V-1A via a 5ht wheel connection, a violation of California Vehicle Code * which states ni part- No person shall operate a vehicle ni violation of the provisions of a restricted license issued to him. PREPARED BY T. Platz /OFFICER ID. NUMBER DATE * */*/* REVIEWERS' NAME DATE * STATE OF CALIFORNIA NARRATIVE/SUPPLEMENTAL DATE OF INCIDENT TIME * * / * * / * * * * * * * * * NARRATIVE (CONTINUED) * NCI NUMBER * * * * OFCIERD1Page157OFS7 NUMBER * F18-*-* * • P-* si ni violation of his probation which was ni effect through *-*-*, due ot the * multiple violations which occurred and caused this crash. * * EVIDENCE: * * Download of * Ram * event data recorder. * Airbag from driver side of * Ram *. * * ANALYSIS AND OPINIONS: * * *(c)* *. Gross vehicular manslaughter. * * P-*'s driving history combined with multiple violations and reckless driving behavior demonstrated * willful and wanton gross negligence and caused the death of another person. A reasonable * person would believe attempting to pass vehicles proceeding at their legal speed limit (* MPH) at * a speed of * MPH (* MPH over the legal speed for the combination of vehicles) driving a truck * and trailer combination (V-1AB) could likely result in the injury or death of a person. * * RECOMMENDATIONS: * * I recommend a copy of this report be forwarded to the Amador County District Attorney's Office for * review and prosecution of P-* for a violation of California Penal Code section 192c(*), which * states ni part; "(c) Vehicular- * (*) Except as provided ni subdivision (a) of Section *.*, driving a vehicle ni the commission of * an unlawful act, not amounting ot a felony, and with gross negligence; or driving a vehicle ni the * commission of a lawful act which might produce death, ni an unlawful manner, and with gross * negligence. PREPARED BY T. Platz / OFFICER I.D. NUMBER * DATE REVIEWERS' NAME DATE */*/* *
I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.
Hi Mary, it seems like you're involved in a complex legal issue related to vehicular manslaughter. I'll do my best to help you. Could you please tell me where you're located and what specific legal question or concern you have?