False Abuse Allegation Defense


False abuse allegations can have serious consequences, including job loss and legal trouble. In Oklahoma, its crucial to hire a defense attorney and gather evidence to prove your innocence. Contact the Oklahoma Bar Association for a referral.

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The mother of my children set me up to go to jail said I abused her she called * then some how got blood on her face and told me your going down and your going to jail then I lost my job
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. To provide you with relevant information, could you please tell me in which state this incident happened?
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. You should consider:
- Hiring a defense attorney
- Gathering any evidence that might prove your innocence
- Requesting a protective order, if necessary
Please contact the Oklahoma Bar Association for a referral. Their number is (*) *-*.
She but my hand and would not let go so I picked her up and put her on the bed I was afraid she was going to take a chunk out
Hello ****, your situation seems complex. It's important to gather any evidence of your injuries. This could be helpful in your defense. Remember, each case is unique and consulting with a defense attorney is highly recommended.