Public Intoxication Defense Tips


If youre facing public intoxication and marijuana possession charges in Iowa, you have the right to request body-cam footage and change your public defender if unsatisfied. Body-cam footage can be crucial evidence, especially if it shows inconsistencies in the police report. Always consult a lawyer before signing any documents or making decisions.

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Law Expert avatar Ely, JD Lawyer, Expert in family, criminal, consumer protection, and business law Available *,* Satisfied customers Chat with a Lawyer for personalized help DUI/DWI, divorce, real estate, child custody, substance testing Protect your family and your rights with expert legal help Pearl Wilson Pearl Wilson, Lawyer's Assistant Welcome! How can I help with your legal question? You I have a public defender that isn't doing it any kind of help on my behalf for a public intox and possession small amount of marijuana and my smoking tool. I was fleeing my abusive boyfriend who pushed me on the cement hit me stole my keys and I left the scene because he would have beat me worse I got charged with public and tax and the cop didn't even do a breathalyzer he arrested me but first frisking me two cops frisk me they didn't find anything they took me to jail before they brought me in they took me out of the car frisked me again didn't find anything and then I said to them you guys didn't seem to find anything but I do have something on me he asked what and I told them and I told them it was in my underwear they said thank you for telling us for doing so you're probably not going to get in trouble but just wait until we get inside and when we got inside they frisked me again and they claimed that they found it on the documents they printed they said they they found marijuana on me. I want my attorney to mention that and request the cop cam footage to show that they frisk me multiple times and did not find anything and that I freely told them about it after their failure and means that they told me no just to keep it in my underwear until we got inside the police station it just seems like they're twisting things to make it look like they found it during a frisk and that I lied about it when indeed they failed to find it frisk one and frisk to then I told them about it then they brought me inside and so inside the police station they have video of what looks like them finding it on me. I have been told that if I request the cop cam footage to show that two times they first me and didn't find anything and that I told them about it that this could possibly get the case dismissed also means I was fleeing a domestic abusive situation that could also get it dismissed I had no choice but to leave the scene of my boyfriend who was being abusive. two days later he beat me down while I was driving put me in a headlock swerving all over the road my car is broken and the door don't open from the inside I ended up on the curb somebody saw and called the cops the cops actually rescued me they took photos he tried to even remove my eyes out of my socket I was bruised black and blue cuts all over my that was actually a multiple time thing that he's done and he should have been charged hardcore for that at least domestic with intent to harm but he was let off with a simple assault. this is the kind of abuse that I was trying to avoid when I got public intox, Pearl Wilson Pearl Wilson, Lawyer's Assistant JustAnswer Internal Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip' You Law Ely, JD Available *,* Satisfied customers Chat with a Lawyer for personalized help DUI/DWI, divorce, real estate, child custody, substance testing Protect your family and your rights with expert legal help Pearl Wilson, Lawyer's Assistant Welcome! How can I help with your legal question? You I have a public defender that isn't doing it any kind of help on my behalf for a public intox and possession small amount of marijuana and my smoking tool. I was fleeing my abusive boyfriend who pushed me on the cement hit me stole my keys and I left the scene because he would have beat me worse I got charged with public and tax and the cop didn't even do a breathalyzer he arrested me but first frisking me two cops frisk me they didn't find anything they took me to jail before they brought me in they took me out of the car frisked me again didn't find anything and then I said to them you guys didn't seem to find anything but I do have something on me he asked what and I told them and I told them it was in my underwear they said thank you for telling us for doing so you're probably not going to get in trouble but just wait until we get inside and when we got inside they frisked me again and they claimed that they found it on the documents they printed they said they they found marijuana on me. I want my attorney to mention that and request the cop cam footage to show that they frisk me multiple times and did not find anything and that I freely told them about it after their failure and means that they told me no just to keep it in my underwear until we got inside the police station it just seems like they're twisting things to make it look like they found it during a frisk and that I lied about it when indeed they failed to find it frisk one and frisk to then I told them about it then they brought me inside and so inside the police station they have video of what looks like them finding it on me. I have been told that if I request the cop cam footage to show that two times they first me and didn't find anything and that I told them about it that this could possibly get the case dismissed also means I was fleeing a domestic abusive situation that could also get it dismissed I had no choice but to leave the scene of my boyfriend who was being abusive. two days later he beat me down while I was driving put me in a headlock swerving all over the road my car is broken and the door don't open from the inside I ended up on the curb somebody saw and called the cops the cops actually rescued me they took photos he tried to even remove my eyes out of my socket I was bruised black and blue cuts all over my that was actually a multiple time thing that he's done and he should have been charged hardcore for that at least domestic with intent to harm but he was let off with a simple assault. this is the kind of abuse that I was trying to avoid when I got public intox,
fleeing a domestic abuse situation and was charged with public intox, cops frisked me didnt find anything arrested me without a breathalyzer, took me to the police station, outside they frisked me again and didn't find anything...
and so I let them know they first me twice didn't find anything but I do have a little bit of marijuana on me they told me just to wait until we get inside when we got inside the first me again and acted like they found it when indeed I opened up my underwear and gave it to them they told me outside means that I told them about it I wouldn't get in trouble
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's important to remember that body-cam footage can be requested as part of your defense. Also, if you're not satisfied with your public defender, you have the right to request a different one. Could you please tell me your location so I can provide more specific information?
waterloo iowa
I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal. In Iowa, you can:
- Request a different public defender if you're unsatisfied with the current one.
- Demand body-cam footage as part of your defense.
- Report domestic abuse to local authorities.
Is there anything else you'd like to know?
my public defender is trying to make me sign a paper stating that I'm guilty and she refuses to even mention the cop cam footage or even mention that I was fleeing a domestic abusive situation
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Iowa, you have the right to:
- Refuse to sign any document until you understand it fully.
- Request another public defender if unsatisfied with your current one.
- Ask your lawyer to demand the police body-cam footage.
Please consult with a lawyer before making any decisions.
the police arrested me before even breathalyzing me they didn't breathalyze me until we got to the police station also they frisked me before they arrested me and they frisked me when they took me out of the car at the police station and they didn't find the marijuana that I had in my underwear so I freely told them about it they said that I wouldn't get in trouble means I told them about it but they also said just wait until we get inside the police station inside of the police station they asked me where it is and I pulled it out of my underwear now on the report they said that they first me and found it no they didn't they first me twice didn't find anything they made me keep it in my underwear until I got inside of the police station
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Iowa:
- You have the right to refuse signing any document until you fully understand it.
- You can request a different public defender if unsatisfied.
- Bodycam footage can be crucial evidence. Your lawyer should request it if it can support your case.
Please consult a lawyer for advice.