False Assault Charge Defense


Facing a false 4th-degree assault charge in Vernon County, Missouri, can be daunting. You have been to court multiple times and feel mistreated by law enforcement and the judicial system. You have a history of obtaining protection orders against your abusive spouse and his sister, and you believe the current charge is a form of retaliation. You are concerned about the impact on your career and financial stability. Contacting the Missouri State Bar Association for a pro bono lawyer is recommended.

Full Conversation

Loretta Murray
Hello Loretta Murray, how can I assist you with your legal issue today?
I have a pending case comingup on Wednesday for a 4th degree assualt, class C misdemeanor, that i have been trying toget resolved & dismissed,due to false charges in the vernon county courts in nevada mo since oct.*.... i have been to court 2xs for this & the Prosecuting Attorney will not dismiss the charge, when this supposably assualt had taken place, i had a full order of protection on the woman & i clled the violation of the order in & was treated really badly by the sheriffs deputies that came to the call, was handcuffed & taken in on a 24hr hold, never being told Why, i was handcuffed & incarcerated for nor did the officers give ay info or reason for it... i have not pled guilty, whatsoever to this allegation & when i appeared in courtagain over this charge, i went in front of judge, he asked my name, i gave my name, he said, court date was oct * @ 9am & $* fine!! I asked him what fine was for & i wanted a public defender, judge said, court date was oct.* &$* fine & i was not eligible for a public defender! I aske two more times Why i had a fine & Why, wasn't eligible for a public defender, i even turned & asked the prosecutor & was totally ignored, judge told me again of court date & said i needed my own lawyer...
Do you have any evidence or witnesses that can support your claim of false charges?
In Missouri, a Class C misdemeanor can result in up to 15 days in jail and a fine up to $*.
I have been in front of this court about *-7xs in this past year, due to removing my abusive spouse & his sister & having order of protections put against them, was granted both & just have been , as i say, " battered" once again by the justice system, for this allegation was a fevenge tactic of my spouse & his sister & the law officers , prosecuting attorney & even judge has not done a thing as far as holding up the law & the constant harassment that has taken place over the last year.
What steps have you taken to document the harassment and violations of the protection order?
In Missouri, violation of a protection order can result in criminal charges and penalties.
Now im being charged for a crime i did not commit & could ruin my 40yrs of being a caregiver for the elderly & disabled, not to mention ever gaining employent again to work & support myself financially for im unable towork now, i have no financial means whatsoever dye tomy spouse leaving & taking all means of support.
Have you considered filing a complaint against the officers who treated you badly? In Missouri, you can file a complaint with the police department's internal affairs division.
Please, can you help me? Please
Sure, Loretta. Have you tried reaching out to any local legal aid organizations for assistance with your case?
I have, and was advised by some people in the community that it would only ake atters worse on me in the county i live, and i have told & made complaints & still its overlooked for some reason, the officers arent very friendly alot of times... i need help withthis assualt charge coming up Wednesday, i have been trying for a month to find a pro bono lawyer who can please help me .
Have you contacted the Missouri State Bar Association for a referral to a pro bono lawyer? They might be able to assist you.
- Missouri State Bar Association: (*) *-*
- Website: www.mobar.org
I recommend reaching out to the Missouri State Bar Association. They can provide a referral to a pro bono lawyer who may be able to assist you with your case.

Missouri State Bar Association

Phone:(*) *-*
Website: www.mobar.org

Is there anything else I can help with?
Would that be my best chance of recieving Help
Yes, reaching out to the Missouri State Bar Association can help you find a pro bono lawyer who can assist you with your case.
You're welcome, Loretta. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions. Good luck with your case.
Again Thankyou
You're welcome, Loretta. If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Good luck with your case.