Stolen Gift Card Consequences


Using a stolen gift card in Illinois can lead to serious charges, including identity theft. If the value is under $300, it’s a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail, a fine up to $2,500, and probation for up to two years. If the value is $300 or more, it’s a Class 3 felony. Report the incident to the police, gather evidence, and hire a defense attorney.

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Hello ****, it's good to know that you're from Illinois. But could you please specify the legal issue you need assistance with?
I used a stolen account with a preloaded gift card to buy food. I did not know it was stolen until I was told by the store manager. Multiple owners from the accounts have contacted the store saying an order was placed that they did not place.
The situation you're in is serious. In Illinois:
- The offense could be considered as identity theft.
- If the value of the property obtained was less than $*, it's a Class A misdemeanor.
- If the value was $* or more, it's a Class * felony.
Please contact a local attorney for assistance.
What can I do?
You can:
- Report the incident to the police immediately.
- Gather any evidence showing you didn't know the card was stolen.
- Hire a defense attorney to represent you.
- Do not make any statements without your attorney present.
What kind of trouble can I get into for a Class A misdemeanor?
In Illinois, a Class A misdemeanor can result in:
- Up to one year in jail.
- Fine up to $*,*.
- Probation for up to two years.
Remember, this is general information and actual penalties may vary based on the specifics of the case.