Court Case Expectations Guide


The outcome of a court case involving child endangerment and probation violation in California can vary. Factors include the severity of charges, prior convictions, and specific circumstances. Potential consequences may involve probation revocation, imprisonment, stricter probation terms, or mandatory drug treatment. If you believe the hotel acted negligently by not informing you about your sons safety, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit under Californias negligence laws. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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I just wanted to know what to expect for my fiancé's court.The isn't Jill for some child abuse chargers and he.Violated his probation
Hello ****, the outcome of your fiancé's court case can vary depending on several factors.
- Severity of the child abuse charges
- Prior convictions
- Circumstances of the probation violation
Can you provide me with more details or the state this is occurring in? This will help me provide more accurate information.
Well my son was left in the hotel room * minutes Well, my husband went downstairs to meet Uber Eats driver as my son didn't want to gonna go. So he loves him but took longer than expected downstairs and My son came out of the hotel young dad.The hotel management went to the room and they foundrugs and parare familiar in the room and he was on probation
I understand your concern, ****. To provide more accurate information, could you please tell me in which state this incident occurred?
In California:
- Leaving a child unattended can be considered child endangerment.
- Possession of drugs and paraphernalia can lead to additional charges.
- Violating probation can result in jail time or stricter probation terms.
Please consult a lawyer for specific advice.
I know he got charged with child abut it was his first time violating probation
In California, the judge will consider his first probation violation and the circumstances of his child endangerment and drug charges. However, he could face:
- Probation revocation and imprisonment
- Stricter probation terms
- Mandatory drug treatment
It's vital to consult with a defense attorney.
OK1 more question w
Sure, ****. Feel free to ask your question. I'm here to help.
When I got the call that my son was missing because my fiancé called me. Where he doesn't didn't know where he was at. The hotel had my Sunday whole time. I didn't know where he was. They were saying that it was nowhere to be found. And how do we stress and wear it? And it put my mother-in-law in the hospital of worrying about my son, getting taken or something. The office didn't inform me that he was safe, but they had to handle it like the cops had to verify it like just filled me in and read. Sure me that my son was okay. They had swear lead and was avoiding my calls knowing that they have my son the whole time. I understand that they had to call the cops. But how would I go about the case? Because I feel like they should have told me. That they have my son and he's safe.Not lie that made it seem like he's missing or have gotten abducted
I'm sorry to hear about your distressing situation, ****. If you believe the hotel acted negligently by not informing you about your son's safety, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit. This largely depends on California's negligence laws. A local attorney could provide more accurate advice based on your specific circumstances.
Thank u so much god bless!
You're welcome, ****! I'm glad I could provide some assistance. If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. God bless you too! Stay safe.