Marrying Co Defendant Before Trial


In California, you can marry your co-defendant before trial, but waiving time may affect your right to a speedy trial. Check your bail conditions for any restrictions and consult your attorney for the best course of action.

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In California, there's no law preventing you from marrying your co-defendant before trial. However, waiving time may have implications for your case. Would you like more information on this?
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Certainly, here are some points to consider:
- Waiving time might prolong your trial period.
- It may affect your right to a speedy trial.
- Court permission may be required to marry in custody.
Please consult with your attorney for the best advice.
We are both out on bail
That's helpful to know. As you're both on bail, you can get married unless your bail conditions prohibit it. However, waiving time could still affect your trial timeline. Review your bail conditions or consult your attorney for the best course of action.
Why would my attorney be pushing me to sign
Your attorney might be asking you to sign for various reasons. It could be to waive your right to a speedy trial, allowing more time for preparation. However, it's crucial you understand everything before signing. Always ask your attorney to clarify if you're unsure.
Can I wave time if me and my codefendent are out on bail but near trial but want to marry before we proceed
In California, you can generally waive time, but it might affect your right to a speedy trial. If you and your co-defendant want to marry before trial, you should:
- Check your bail conditions for any restrictions.
- Consult your attorney about the potential impacts on your case.
Please note this is general advice and consult your attorney for specifics.