Misdemeanor Larceny Defense Tips


If facing misdemeanor larceny charges, having a witness can support your innocence. Inform your lawyer about any witnesses. Legal representation is crucial for navigating the legal system and defending your case.

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I was charged with misdemeanor larceny but I didn't take the stuff I was accused of taking.
Do you have any evidence or witnesses that can support your claim of innocence?
Do you have a lawyer representing you in this case? In general, it's crucial to have legal representation when facing criminal charges.
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Would you like assistance in finding a lawyer? In general, having a lawyer can greatly help in navigating the legal system and defending your case.
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Understood, Heather. If you change your mind or have any other legal questions in the future, feel free to reach out. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
What could be done if I had a witness that could support my claim of innocence?
If you have a witness, they can provide a testimony in court to support your claim of innocence. It's important to inform your lawyer about this witness.