Protecting Son In Tdc


If your son is being harassed in TDC, you can take several steps to protect him. First, consider seeking legal representation to advocate for his safety. You can also file a formal complaint with the prison administration and request a transfer to a safer unit. Document all incidents of harassment and communicate with the warden and UCC officials to emphasize the severity of the situation. If necessary, escalate the issue to higher authorities or seek intervention from external organizations that monitor prison conditions.

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I have a son who is in TDC and that is being harassed by affiliated members for dealing $*,* worth of drugs. As they say they pop the lock on his cell and ran in on him while he was in G4 would she still is ng4 the warden and another lady from UCC want to put my son back out in population my son said he does not want to go back out in population. The Warren and the other lady from UCC do not believe my son my son told them do I have to be beaten up or almost dead for you to believe me. What can I do to help my son? And he was granted parole which is not up until November of this year
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your son's situation. To give you accurate guidance, I need to know your location. Also, have you tried seeking legal representation for your son's case?