Challenging Coerced Plea Deal


If you believe you were coerced into signing a plea deal, you can file a Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea within 30 days in Texas. Claims of coercion should be supported by evidence. Consult another attorney to review your case and provide further guidance. Contact your local Texas court for more information.

Full Conversation

I signed a plea deal for misdemeanor probation that the courts had no evidence for
Hello ****, I understand your concern. Could you please share your location to provide more accurate information? Also, did you have legal representation when you signed the plea deal?
I did not commit the crime
Hello ****. It's important to challenge a plea deal with the help of legal counsel. Could you please share if you had any legal representation when you signed the deal? Also, could you specify your current location for more specific advice?
Yes and my lawyer cohersed me into signing
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To challenge a plea deal, you may:
*. Consult another lawyer to review your case.
*. File a motion to withdraw the plea, if you can prove coercion.
Please note, laws may vary based on location. Could I know where you're located?
Brownwood texas
In Texas:
*. You may file a "Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea" within 30 days.
*. Claims of coercion should be supported by evidence.
*. You should consult another attorney for review.
For further guidance, contact your local Texas court.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your case.