Shoplifting Incident At Walmart


Shoplifting at Walmart can lead to charges of Petty Theft or Grand Theft in Florida, depending on the value of the items. Fleeing the scene can further complicate the case. Consult a local attorney for specific legal advice.

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i was puller aside by the theft prevention team at a local walmart. they found items in my cart that had been buried and not rung in properly. i got nervous - panicked and ran when an opportunity presented itself
Hello Tim, it seems like you were involved in a potentially complex situation. In Florida:
- If the value of the merchandise is less than $*, it's considered Petty Theft, a misdemeanor.
- If it's more than $*, it's Grand Theft, a felony.
- Fleeing can complicate matters.

Please consult a local attorney for advice specific to your situation.
Hello Tim, thank you for correcting your statement. I understand you were pulled aside. As mentioned, your situation could potentially involve Petty Theft or Grand Theft, depending on the value of the items. Fleeing could complicate your case. Please consult a local attorney.