Minor Rights During Questioning


In Hawaii, minors have the right to remain silent and request a lawyer during police questioning. This is protected under the Fifth Amendment. Regardless of guilt or innocence, its advisable to have a lawyer present when speaking to law enforcement to ensure your rights are protected.

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Can a minor refuse to answer police without a lawyer
In many jurisdictions, minors also have the right to remain silent. However, the specifics can vary based on location. May I know which city or state you are inquiring about?
In Hawaii, a minor can refuse to answer police questions. Two important points:
- Minors have the right to remain silent as per the Fifth Amendment.
- They can request a lawyer present during questioning.
That's correct, ****. Always remember, it's important to know your rights. If you have any more questions about legal matters, feel free to ask.
Is it ok to demand a lawyer even if innocent
Absolutely, it's okay to request a lawyer regardless of guilt or innocence. It's your legal right in the U.S to have legal representation when dealing with law enforcement. This ensures your rights are protected during questioning.
Should i speak to the police when under investigation
Yes, you can speak to the police when under investigation, but it's generally advised to have a lawyer present during any conversations. This helps to ensure your rights are protected. Remember, you have the right to remain silent in the U.S, even if you're innocent.