Plea Agreement Legal Concerns


If a plea agreement was signed under duress or without full understanding, it may be possible to withdraw it. Seek immediate legal advice and consider contacting local legal aid societies for assistance. Mental health issues can also impact the validity of a plea.

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I'm sitting in a court room rt now with my * yr old son. It's final pretrial for domestic strangulation charge.The public defender has wrongfully persuaded my serverly depressed intoxicated son to sign i
Hello Janelle. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. You may want to discuss this with a different lawyer or legal aid society immediately. Your son's state of mind could be a factor in the validity of any agreements he signs. May I know your location?
Sign a plea agreement
Hello Janelle. I understand your concern. To help your son, you might want to consider the following:
- Seek a second opinion from another attorney immediately.
- Explore the possibility of retracting the plea, but this can vary based on your location.
- Mental health could potentially affect the plea's validity.
Could you please specify your location so I can provide more specific advice?
St John's Cty FL
Thank you for the information, Janelle. In Florida:
- The plea may be withdrawn if it can be proven that it was not 'knowingly and voluntarily' made.
- Legal aid societies like Jacksonville Area Legal Aid (*) *-*, might be able to help.
- Contact your local bar association for attorney referrals.
I'm so sick to my stomach over this.
I understand how tough this is for you, Janelle. It's crucial to act quickly. Have you already tried to contact Jacksonville Area Legal Aid or an attorney for a second opinion?
Thank you so much
I'm really sorry that you're feeling this way, Janelle. It's really important to talk things over with someone who can help, though, such as a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life.
I absolutely will
That's great to hear, Janelle. Please remember, you're not alone in this. Seek out support from professionals and hold onto hope. Always consult with trusted legal professionals for your son's case.
As I sit here in court with with tear streaming down my face I Greatly appreciate your heartfelt help
I'm really sorry that you're going through this, Janelle. Remember, it's important to stay strong for your son. Legal issues can be quite complex, but with the right help, things can get better. Don't hesitate to reach out again if you need more advice.