Romeo And Juliet Law


Missouris Romeo and Juliet law provides a defense for consensual sexual activities between minors close in age. The age of consent is 17, and if one party is under 17 but within four years of age difference, it can be a defense. Statutes of limitations for sexual offenses can extend up to 30 years. For free legal aid, contact Legal Aid of Western Missouri at (816) 474-6750 or other local services like Mid-Missouri Legal Services and Legal Services of Eastern Missouri.

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Documentation for remeo and juliet law and stautes of limitations.
Hello! To provide you with the most relevant information, could you please tell me in which jurisdiction you are located? The laws and statutes of limitations can vary by location.
Independence Missouri
In Missouri, the Romeo and Juliet law is not officially termed as such but is incorporated in statutory rape laws. Here are some key points:
- Age of consent is *.
- If one person is under *, and the other is within 4 years of age, it's a defense.
- Statutes of limitations for sexual offenses can be up to 30 years.
Please consult a local attorney for advice.
My name is Britany Mills
Hello Britany Mills, nice to meet you! It seems there was a mix-up with the order of questions and answers. What specific legal information are you currently seeking?
This happened on * we was four years apart.
Hello Britany, based on the information you provided, here's what I understand:
- The incident occurred in *.
- The age difference was four years.
Missouri's Romeo & Juliet law may apply in your case. However, for a more accurate answer, I recommend consulting a local attorney. Please note, this guidance is general and not legal advice.
Ok is there legal aid i can talk to for free.
Hello Britany, Legal Aid of Western Missouri provides free civil legal assistance to people who need it most and can afford it least. You can reach them at (*) *-*. For more information, you can visit their website. Please note that eligibility for their services may vary.
Hello Britany, You can visit Legal Aid of Western Missouri's website at They offer a variety of resources that can help you with your situation. Also, remember to call them at (*) *-* for a more personal consultation.
Is there another i can use?
Yes, Britany, you could also reach out to the Missouri Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service at (*) *-*. They can help connect you with a lawyer suitable for your needs.
Another number
Yes, Britany. You can also contact Mid-Missouri Legal Services at (*) *-*. They offer free legal aid to low-income individuals. Please note eligibility may vary.
Other number
Sure, Britany. Another option is Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. Their contact number is (*) *-*. They also provide free legal assistance to eligible individuals.
Other number
Of course, Britany. You can also try reaching out to Legal Aid of Southern Missouri at (*) *-*. They provide free legal advice and representation to eligible individuals.
Other number
Britany, you can also contact Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association's Legal Connection Hotline at (*) *-*. They provide referrals to lawyers who can assist with your situation.
Other number
Certainly, Britany. Another resource is the Missouri Legal Services Interactive at (*) *-*. They can provide information about your legal rights and offer referrals.
Other number
Absolutely, Britany. You may also consider reaching out to the Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis at (*) *-*. They provide free legal services to those who qualify.
Independence Missouri
Hello Britany, you've mentioned Independence, Missouri again. Are you looking for a legal aid provider specifically in this location?
Yes only in Independence Missouri
In Independence, Missouri, you can contact Legal Aid of Western Missouri at (*) *-*. They provide free legal assistance to those who qualify.
No more i give up.
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way, Britany. Please remember that it's okay to ask for help, and there are people who really want to support you. You're not alone. Let's try to get you the help you need.
Ok other number please
Sure, Britany. You can also contact the Eastern Jackson County Bar Association at (*) *-*. They are based in Independence, Missouri and can provide referrals to lawyers who might be able to assist you.
That number is not in service anymore. Other number
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Britany. You can try reaching out to the Missouri Lawyer Referral Service at (*) *-*. They can help connect you with a lawyer in your area.
That one online only
I see, Britany. If you're looking for online-only resources, you might try the Missouri Free Legal Answers service. It's a virtual legal advice clinic where you can ask a lawyer your questions. Their website is Would that be helpful?
Other number
Apologies for the confusion, Britany. You can also contact the Legal Services of Eastern Missouri at (*) *-*. They offer online and telephonic consultation too.