Resolve Felony Detainer Hold


To resolve a felony detainer hold in Tennessee, the indictment must be served. Your sons attorney should contact the court in Hickman County to request service of the indictment and an arraignment date. If he doesnt have an attorney, he can request a public defender by contacting the Public Defender’s Office in Hickman County or filing a request at his next court appearance.

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Kingston springs tn
Hello ****, it's great to meet you. Could you please elaborate on the specific legal issue you're facing in Kingston Springs, TN?
My son is in prison serving a 12 year sentence. Hickman county has a felony detainer hold on him. Indictment has not be served. How does he get a court date to resolve this.
Hello ****,
In Tennessee, a detainer is often lifted once the indictment has been served. Your son's attorney should contact the court in Hickman County and request:
- Service of the indictment
- A date for arraignment
Remember, an attorney can make these requests on your son's behalf.
Don't have a attorney
Hello ****,
If your son doesn't have an attorney, he can request a public defender if he cannot afford one. This can be done by:
- Contacting the Public Defender’s Office in Hickman County.
- Filing a request at his next court appearance.
This will help him get the legal representation he needs.