Identity Theft Defense Tips


Verbal agreements in Indiana can be legally binding. To defend against identity theft accusations, gather evidence like payment records, communications, and witness testimonies. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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I’m being accused of identity theft, I always have taken care of my brother in laws finances and everything! His recent girlfriend checked his credit report and is blaming me for credit cards that were open during a verbal agreement when I asked him to borrow money and he didn’t have it so I told him about care credit and he agreed we would open it and I would make payments.
Hello ****, I understand your concern. Could you please let me know where you're located, as the laws regarding identity theft and verbal agreements can vary greatly from one jurisdiction to another.
Hello ****, in Indiana, verbal agreements can be legally binding. However, to prove your innocence, you might need evidence of the agreement. Here are some points:
- Record of payments you've made
- Any communication regarding the agreement
- Witnesses, if any
Consider consulting with a local attorney.
My husband was there
Hello ****, having your husband as a witness can be helpful. If he was present during your verbal agreement and can corroborate your story, it could potentially strengthen your defense. Please consult with a local attorney for detailed advice.
Thank you!
You're welcome, ****! If you need further assistance or have any more questions, feel free to ask. Good luck with your situation!