Illegal Vehicle Search Consequences

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My boss's car was impounded when I was arrested as a result of an illegal search of the vehicle and I can't afford $* to get it out
Hello **** ****, sorry to hear about your situation. To better assist you, could you please tell me which state or country this happened in?
Hello **** ****, in Missouri:
- A vehicle can be impounded after arrest and costs to retrieve it can vary.
- You may challenge the legality of the search and the subsequent arrest in court.
- It could be beneficial to consult with a criminal defense attorney in your area.
Do you want referral to legal services?
How can I get the vehicle out without paying over $*?
In Missouri, you might:
- Negotiate with the impound lot for a payment plan or reduced fee.
- If the car isn't yours, the owner can try retrieving it.
- Consult a lawyer for possible legal recourse like challenging the impoundment.
Remember, this is general advice.